What Trump needs to ask all Americans Thursday night.

Are you better off now than in 2020. Most Americans aren't.
Biden will have his rehearsed sound bytes designed to antagonize Trump. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be backing Biden up and cutting him off and "fact checking" him. He needs to focus on the wrecked economy and the wrecked border and the eminent danger the country is in now due to the MILLIONS of unknown illegals now inside our country.
Why did Cuomo put COVID patients in nursing homes?
IDK, I haven't talked with him in years.
Was Cuomo intentionally trying to kill old people?
I don't think so.

This teabaggers was...............

Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to ...​

Vanity Fair
https://www.vanityfair.com › News › coronavirus

Mar 24, 2020 — According to Dan Patrick “lots of grandparents” are willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause.
Biden CARES about people…
He has always made sure that we have access to Toilet Paper

Trump has someone who wipes his ass for him, he didn’t care if we had Toilet Paper or not
You need a WAKE UP CALL! Biden does not give a shit about you. He only cares about the illegals and how much free stuff he can give all of them and views them as future votes.
What Trump needs to do if he wants to win the election is to shut the fuck up and let Biden bury himself.
By all measures.................YES.

I wasn't in one of these.....................

Bodies of 750 Covid-19 victims in New York City remain in ...

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NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › news › us-news › bodies-7...

View attachment 966357
May 8, 2021 — The city's medical examiner's office said Friday that 750 bodies are being kept in long-term storage in refrigerated trailers at a Brooklyn pier ...
Yeah your comparing death to people barely being able to afford the basics? I'm talking about inflation, and by that everyone is paying a lot more to live.
Yeah your comparing death to people barely being able to afford the basics? I'm talking about inflation, and by that everyone is paying a lot more to live.
View attachment 966394
Where is Toilet Paper on that list?

In my whole life, I never had to wonder where my next roll of Toilet Paper was coming from

Under Trump, people had to go door to door begging for Toilet Paper or buy it on the Black Market
most americans are objectively better off than they were in 2020 when mr "the buck stops someplace else" was busy fumbling the pandemic, the economy, and the war.

seriously. this is the best ya got?
Yeah more died of covid under Biden, the economy was recovering, inflation and energy was low. Trump had Afghanistan under control, no deaths of our great soldiers for 18 months. Then Biden comes along and totally screws it up. China has mineral right there now. Which is worth trillions of dollars and the Taliban is one of the best equipped military in the world. Thanks to Biden. So you really want to go there?
Where is Toilet Paper on that list?

In my whole life, I never had to wonder where my next roll of Toilet Paper was coming from

Under Trump, people had to go door to door begging for Toilet Paper or buy it on the Black Market
Lol, dumbasses like yourself ran to the store and bought up all the toilet paper. For a virus, that wasn't Trump's fault. But for some reason we almost ran out of baby formula under Biden.
Yeah, I miss standing in line for toilet paper like I had to in 2020: even during “hero” hours for medical personnel
The same heros that got fired from their job with Biden's vax mandates? Those heros you shit on? I never ran out of Toilet Paper, but mothers ran out of baby formula under Biden. While the illegals got plenty of formula at the border.
If you aren't better off then you were 4 years ago at the end of the pandemic then you should probably pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get to work.

Stop blaming other people.

Change jobs. Get a degree. Learn a trade.

Do something to improve your situation.
I'm talking about inflation and energy prices. No one is better off. Even if you're filthy rich, I bet they don't like spending 30% more to live under Biden.
While knowing better.

That's not actively putting people in danger like putting sick people in nursing homes.

When he put travel restrictions in place and Pelosi told people to take public transportation to Chinatown, did she know better? When Dems said COVID wasn't a danger, did they know better?

Are you wearing a mask? Hiding at home? Why not?

Did COVID go away?
The same heros that got fired from their job with Biden's vax mandates? Those heros you shit on? I never ran out of Toilet Paper, but mothers ran out of baby formula under Biden. While the illegals got plenty of formula at the border.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that was true?

PS: you mis-spelled “heroes” dumbfuck.

'This is deadly stuff': Tapes show Trump acknowledging ...

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https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/09/09 › trump...
Sep 9, 2020 — In a series of on-the-record interviews with Bob Woodward, the president struck a very different tone about the disease.

Cuomo put hundreds of covid positive people into a nursing home killing thousands. While Trump had a navy medical ship in New York’s harbor that he never used. So that's not Trump's fault.

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