What type of ‘white’ is still voting Democrat?

Before Biden the US was more "color-blind" than racist.
Now the US is full blown racist due to Biden and the MSM playing the race card all day every day.
The "1619 Project", and CRT are fake history, yet the Department of Education doesn't stop them from being taught.
How are The 1619 Project and "CRT" (which isn't even really a thing) "fake history?"
Specific examples please.
Before Biden the US was more "color-blind" than racist.
Now the US is full blown racist due to Biden and the MSM playing the race card all day every day.
The "1619 Project", and CRT are fake history, yet the Department of Education doesn't stop them from being taught.

Give considerable credit to Barack Hussein please.
How are The 1619 Project and "CRT" (which isn't even really a thing) "fake history?"
Specific examples please.
1. The 1619 Project, aka "fake history":
The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.
Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims, aka "fake history" include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies. Read real history written by real historians.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology.
Their bogus history was refuted in "the President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.
A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

2. Critical Race Theory - aka "Total Bullshit"

Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It - Geller Report News

How To Disrupt Critical Race Theory Training | The American Conservative

Critical Race Theory in Education: How to Fight It | National Review
1. The 1619 Project, aka "fake history":
The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.
Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims, aka "fake history" include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies. Read real history written by real historians.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology.
Their bogus history was refuted in "the President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.
A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

2. Critical Race Theory - aka "Total Bullshit"

Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It - Geller Report News

How To Disrupt Critical Race Theory Training | The American Conservative

Critical Race Theory in Education: How to Fight It | National Review
Your criticism of The 1619 Project here is a bit misleading because it only presents one (biased) side(opinion) of the issue.
In truth The 1619 Project has numerous other reviews and opinions written on it than you present here.

"Seldom these days does a paper edition have such blockbuster draw. New Yorkers not in the habit of seeking out their Sunday Times ventured to bodegas to nab a hard copy. (Today you can find a copy on eBay for around a hundred dollars.) Commentators, such as the Vox correspondent Jamil Smith, lauded the Project—which consisted of eleven essays, nine poems, eight works of short fiction, and dozens of photographs, all documenting the long-fingered reach of American slavery—as an unprecedented journalistic feat. Impassioned critics emerged at both ends of the political spectrum. On the right, a boorish resistance developed that would eventually include everything from the Trump Administration’s error-riddled 1776 Commission report to states’ panicked attempts to purge their school curricula of so-called critical race theory. On the other side, unsentimental leftists, such as the political scientist Adolph Reed, Jr., accused the series of disregarding the struggles of a multiracial working class. But accompanying the salient historical questions was an underlying problem of genre. Journalism is, by its nature, a provisional and fragmentary undertaking—a “first draft of history,” as the saying goes—proceeding in installments that journalists often describe humbly as “pieces.” What are the difficulties that greet a journalistic endeavor when it aspires to function as a more concerted kind of history, and not just any history but a remodelling of our fundamental national narrative?"

And it is pretty much the same with your conservative opinion pieces you present here on this thing you call CRT.
All they really tell us is what we already know....that conservatives are opposed to their kids learning actual, historically accurate information in school.

I asked you to present some examples of actual, historically innacurate subject matter being taught under this umbrella of "CRT" as you call it.
You haven't done that.
HS and college teachers have been teaching an equivalent of a balanced "1619" and accurate history for three decades. Nothing the cons do can stop that.
Have they ever been to ANY predominantly dark community, city, state or nation?
Are those educated, intelligent, white people you speak of the ones who have voted their children into shitty public schools, voted for fewer college and job opportunities for their own children, voted for shittier healthcare, shittier public services, voted for a more dangerous society, a dirtier society as they beg Mexico’s people to invade and destroy?
Fuck…is that the shit that educated, intelligent people do? Are you sure Humberto?
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You have a dangerous mentality. The mentality of a white supremacist. The mentality of a white supremacist who killed 8 people in a Texas mall this weekend.
It is time to take actions against people who preach hate based on race, religion etc. The talk becomes actions. The actions end up in death of innocent people.
Something has to be done.
People of other races are not the problem. People like you are the problem.
Your criticism of The 1619 Project here is a bit misleading because it only presents one (biased) side(opinion) of the issue.
In truth The 1619 Project has numerous other reviews and opinions written on it than you present here.

"Seldom these days does a paper edition have such blockbuster draw. New Yorkers not in the habit of seeking out their Sunday Times ventured to bodegas to nab a hard copy. (Today you can find a copy on eBay for around a hundred dollars.) Commentators, such as the Vox correspondent Jamil Smith, lauded the Project—which consisted of eleven essays, nine poems, eight works of short fiction, and dozens of photographs, all documenting the long-fingered reach of American slavery—as an unprecedented journalistic feat. Impassioned critics emerged at both ends of the political spectrum. On the right, a boorish resistance developed that would eventually include everything from the Trump Administration’s error-riddled 1776 Commission report to states’ panicked attempts to purge their school curricula of so-called critical race theory. On the other side, unsentimental leftists, such as the political scientist Adolph Reed, Jr., accused the series of disregarding the struggles of a multiracial working class. But accompanying the salient historical questions was an underlying problem of genre. Journalism is, by its nature, a provisional and fragmentary undertaking—a “first draft of history,” as the saying goes—proceeding in installments that journalists often describe humbly as “pieces.” What are the difficulties that greet a journalistic endeavor when it aspires to function as a more concerted kind of history, and not just any history but a remodelling of our fundamental national narrative?"

And it is pretty much the same with your conservative opinion pieces you present here on this thing you call CRT.
All they really tell us is what we already know....that conservatives are opposed to their kids learning actual, historically accurate information in school.
I asked you to present some examples of actual, historically inaccurate subject matter being taught under this umbrella of "CRT" as you call it.
You haven't done that.
1. List the "errors" of the "1776 Commission"

2. In your post #21 you asked me for "specific examples" of "fake history" published in the "1619 project". I gave you these:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

3. CRT is NOT about fake history, it is about institutionalizing racism.
"...critical race theory training sessions in public agencies have pushed a deeply ideological agenda that includes reducing people to a racial essence, segregating them, and judging them by their group identity rather than individual character, behavior and merit."
People of other races are not the problem. People like you are the problem.
Hmmm…are you sure you’ve done some due-dilligence…OR are you speaking from your foolish FEELZ?


All these stats prove is the same thing Critical Race Theory says.
Systemic racism in American institutions IS really a thing.
Hmmm….so whitey made them do it?
That’s a cool, feel-good personal theory but then how do you explain the uncivilized, barbaric behavior found in ALL dark nations not named the United States and how do the Barack Obama’s and Ben Carson’s break the cycle?
Hmmm….so whitey made them do it?
That’s a cool, feel-good personal theory but then how do you explain the uncivilized, barbaric behavior found in ALL dark nations not named the United States and how do the Barack Obama’s and Ben Carson’s break the cycle?
How does a loser like you survive? Someone as deficient in brain power, like you, would not survive in the USA unless you were white.
At least you admit you are a loser.
Dem white voters are younger, better educated, are more likely to be traditional or liturgical Christians, earn more money, pay more taxes and higher tithes, and engage in far less criminal activity than other American white.
The problem there is that black and Hispanics have far higher rates of criminality and far lower incomes.

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