What US Troops On The Border Really Need To Know


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This website has an article by a 30 year Marine colonel who says we have no business sending troops to the border. I commented that it was so much bovine excrement.

Now comes this article from the same site. It, at least, makes some sense and here’s his info:

Maj. Walter Haynes is a student at the German Bundeswehr General Staff Academy. He most recently served as the Civil Affairs Officer for 2/75 Infantry (Ranger). The views expressed here are the author’s and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or any of its components, or the U.S. government.

Hope to heck he doesn’t get dinged for it.

Here’s what he has to say that makes one hell of a lot of sense:

A frequent characteristic of soldiering is getting sent on missions whose purpose you don’t understand or whose utility you question — I’m reminded in particular of being a young infantry platoon leader chasing cigarette smugglers on the Iraqi-Syrian border. But, the men and women I’ve served with understood this fact. Despite grumbling about how the higher-ups ‘just don’t get it,’ I could always rely on them to execute their mission professionally.

Oh boy is that ever right on target!

He then says that leaders deployed to the border need to consider the following:

1. You are not on your own.

2. Don’t just know the law, make sure your troops do [too]

3. Instill responsible use of social media in your formation

4. Don’t be afraid to answer your troops’ questions about the mission

5. Encourage your men and women to vote [altho how are they going to do that if they’re away from home on Nov 6?]

Until our nation’s politics take a less vitriolic turn, the men and women in the Armed Forces will continue to be sent on contentious assignments, under high visibility, in difficult situations. There is no surer way for the military to squander the nation’s trust than to apply anything less than the highest professional and ethical standards to these efforts.

Details of each and more
@ What US Troops On The Border Really Need To Know: A Response To Paul Yingling
Kind of a stupid statement.

Thought the National Guard was here to protect America from invaders??

Over 7,000 invaders are headed our way right now.

Guess he'd prefer the National Guard didn't bother.

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