What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?

According to Beck, the purpose of the project is "to bring us all back to the place we were on September 12, 2001 ... we were not obsessed with red states, blue states or political parties. We were united as Americans, standing together to protect the values and principles of the greatest nation ever created."[3] 9-12 represents the date following the September 11 attacks in 2001, and "9 Principles" and "12 Values" that Beck believes represent the principles and values shared by the Founding Fathers of the United States.[4]

9-12 Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obviously he doesn't practice what he preaches.
Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

Actually, he sticks to them very easily. And he is not difficult to understand, nor has he been very innaccurate.

Last one they complained about what him predicting the riots in Tunisia and Egypt would start cascading chaos through the middle east. Where are we today? Chaos in the middle east.

It's not even like that was a really unlikely prediction either, and they still called him crazy.

Or how about the inflated food prices? Inflation is having a serious effect on food as we speak.

Or maybe that our debt is going to cause some serious long term financial problems. people are still starting to wake up to that.

For someone who is not accurate, he sure as heck gets alot of things dead on.
Yanno, I asked the same thing and never could get an answer from repubs. I think they don't even know what values he represents because when I asked I was told to watch the entire rally to find out. The funny thing about it is they responded over and over to insult people who asked while claiming they didn't have the time to tell anyone what values or what they mean by "taking their country back" or what they were taking it back from
The Teabaggers DO have a tendency to fuck-up, when they come to the end o' their script/talking-points.....

.....but, if it's a LAUGH, you need, they don't COME anymore-qualified than The 'BAGGERS!!

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Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

Glenn Beck is a paid entertainer. So, 1) who gives a shit what he wants, and 2) why is this in the politics section?
Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.

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He wants us to return to the days of the robber barons were working people were nothing more than a commodity with little to no rights to be used up and spit out.
.....ALL-they-way.......up TO:

Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

Actually, he sticks to them very easily. And he is not difficult to understand, nor has he been very innaccurate.

Last one they complained about what him predicting the riots in Tunisia and Egypt would start cascading chaos through the middle east. Where are we today? Chaos in the middle east.

It's not even like that was a really unlikely prediction either, and they still called him crazy.

Or how about the inflated food prices? Inflation is having a serious effect on food as we speak.

Or maybe that our debt is going to cause some serious long term financial problems. people are still starting to wake up to that.

For someone who is not accurate, he sure as heck gets alot of things dead on.

So you actually think BECK is the one who first predicted protesting across the Mideast? Oh right, sure. But that really isn't his problem. It's the fact that he is under the complete dilusion that Islamofacists will team up with Communists to establish a Caliphate in this country. Seriously? First off, their principles are not the same, and second, by stating such a ridiculous theory, he is basically saying that Americans are downright stupid that, even if true, we couldn't see it coming. So he's calling you stupid.

Second, he tries to hoodwink his adoring audience into believing he has "Christian" moral values, when the man will quickly start in with ad hominem attacks against anyone who DARES to criticize him.

As for his discussions about inflation and the economy, so? Is he the only public voice on those matters and everyone else must have been completely in the dark before His Majesty told them to beware?
I can't resist posting Vanity Fair's opinion of Glenn Beck. It's too classic. This is the nicer part.

Like radio god Rush Limbaugh, Beck combines the roles of pedagogue and demagogue into a single luncheon meat, slathered in blather. But where Limbaugh stays on track in the radio studio, taking a single theme and pounding it flat, Beck is a grab-bag collage artist of half-baked ideas and lore, grafting bits of history and chunks of speculation into a clanking Frankenstein monster with Barack Obama’s face sewn onto Karl Marx’s head and one arm raised in permanent Nazi salute—“liberal Fascism” as an evil action figure.

Read More That's Political Entertainment! | Politics | Vanity Fair
Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

Actually, he sticks to them very easily. And he is not difficult to understand, nor has he been very innaccurate.

Last one they complained about what him predicting the riots in Tunisia and Egypt would start cascading chaos through the middle east. Where are we today? Chaos in the middle east.

It's not even like that was a really unlikely prediction either, and they still called him crazy.

Or how about the inflated food prices? Inflation is having a serious effect on food as we speak.

Or maybe that our debt is going to cause some serious long term financial problems. people are still starting to wake up to that.

For someone who is not accurate, he sure as heck gets alot of things dead on.

:lol: Avatar, I have respect for you as a poster here but I cant let you say someone hasnt been "very inaccurate". What is that? There is either accurate or inaccurate and you put that qualifier there "very" to make it seem like Beck is a straight-ish shooter.

No one called Beck crazy about the riots, they call him crazy because he's mentally off his rocker

And whoever said Beck wants to return America back to "honor and integrity and smiles and candy" sounds like a kid. You cannot be that guillible, Beck makes money from this, you think he wants partisanship to go away. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

First of all, Beck is not a Christian so why would he want all "white" Christians? He's a Mormon, and there's a BIG difference! Yes, he believes in the same God we Christians do, but other than that...his beliefs are alot different.

This rant you've gone on is riduculous..if you really watched and listened to all what Beck talks about you would know he's only trying to warn us that we better wake up...FAST...to what this govt is doing. I'd like to hear from people that actually do watch him, not just take someone else's word, and PROVE that Glenn is WRONG. He asks people to prove him wrong...and it hasn't happened.

We are silly to argue about it... your both correct.

Its all about honor.
So you actually think BECK is the one who first predicted protesting across the Mideast? Oh right, sure. But that really isn't his problem. It's the fact that he is under the complete dilusion that Islamofacists will team up with Communists to establish a Caliphate in this country. Seriously? First off, their principles are not the same, and second, by stating such a ridiculous theory, he is basically saying that Americans are downright stupid that, even if true, we couldn't see it coming. So he's calling you stupid.

Second, he tries to hoodwink his adoring audience into believing he has "Christian" moral values, when the man will quickly start in with ad hominem attacks against anyone who DARES to criticize him.

As for his discussions about inflation and the economy, so? Is he the only public voice on those matters and everyone else must have been completely in the dark before His Majesty told them to beware?

He was correct, and they ARE working together.
I'd supply ya with proof, but you'd just dispute that too. :eusa_whistle:
Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.

Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

Could you please link where you are getting your "FACTS" as to exactly what he has been completely inaccurate about or where he has gone off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can understand?? Otherwise You are giving me your Completely Useless Opinion. I don't have the time or need for Your Opinion.
So when you bring some facts to discuss we can maybe have a conversation.
Until then You Lose Sucker ~
You have to watch this in full screen
then tell me .... Is this what you are striving for?
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Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.

Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

Actually you are just to feeble minded to follow along and connect the dots.
Thats Ok .


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Over five hours of television programming and fifteen hours of radio programming plus numerous guest appearances here and there and prolific writings, Beck uses numerous illustrations to make his point and explain his point of view.

But his message is consistent and can be boiled down to the bare essentials as. . . .

The United States of America was founded by mostly men of faith who believed in basic natural unalienable rights as God given. These were described in the Declaration of Independence as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Founders envisioned a new nation built upon the principle of unalienable rights and in which the people would not be subject to a dictator, king, monarch, feudal lord, or authoritarian government that would choose what rights the people would or would not have. The people would be declared to already have those rights and would be the first people on Earth who would have their unalienable rights secured and then be free to govern themselves in any way they saw fit.

The U.S. Constitution was written and ordered and approved to create and protect just such a people/nation.

In time the people would come to see that the Constitution did not extend equal protection to all, and they amended the original Constitution to extend unalienable rights to former slaves, women, and all others, but the original core basic principle was not changed.

The principle produced the greatest, most free, most benevolent, most productive nation the world has ever known.

Beck now focuses on those who would change that original core principle and replace it with a government that emulated the old style dictator, monarch, feudal lord, authoritarian structure that would assign what rights the people would or would not be allowed to have and that would extend to all that the people are and all that they own and the people would no longer be allowed to govern themselves as they saw fit.

Beck sees that we are in danger of losing the greatest nation the world has ever know and returning to a world in which unalienable rights do not exist.

All that he speaks, teaches, or promotes points to that principle.
Over five hours of television programming and fifteen hours of radio programming plus numerous guest appearances here and there and prolific writings, Beck uses numerous illustrations to make his point and explain his point of view.

But his message is consistent and can be boiled down to the bare essentials as. . . .

The United States of America was founded by mostly men of faith who believed in basic natural unalienable rights as God given. These were described in the Declaration of Independence as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Founders envisioned a new nation built upon the principle of unalienable rights and in which the people would not be subject to a dictator, king, monarch, feudal lord, or authoritarian government that would choose what rights the people would or would not have. The people would be declared to already have those rights and would be the first people on Earth who would have their unalienable rights secured and then be free to govern themselves in any way they saw fit.

The U.S. Constitution was written and ordered and approved to create and protect just such a people/nation.

In time the people would come to see that the Constitution did not extend equal protection to all, and they amended the original Constitution to extend unalienable rights to former slaves, women, and all others, but the original core basic principle was not changed.

The principle produced the greatest, most free, most benevolent, most productive nation the world has ever known.

Beck now focuses on those who would change that original core principle and replace it with a government that emulated the old style dictator, monarch, feudal lord, authoritarian structure that would assign what rights the people would or would not be allowed to have and that would extend to all that the people are and all that they own and the people would no longer be allowed to govern themselves as they saw fit.

Beck sees that we are in danger of losing the greatest nation the world has ever know and returning to a world in which unalienable rights do not exist.

All that he speaks, teaches, or promotes points to that principle.

Excellent synopsis of Beck ~ Thank You
Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.

Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

I think you purposely try to block out what he is saying.... otherwise you are a complete and utter fool.

Come on Maggie... pay attention, he is telling the truth, and if you can prove him wrong... plaese PM me the info. I would love to see it. (Im being sincere too)
So you actually think BECK is the one who first predicted protesting across the Mideast? Oh right, sure. But that really isn't his problem. It's the fact that he is under the complete dilusion that Islamofacists will team up with Communists to establish a Caliphate in this country. Seriously? First off, their principles are not the same, and second, by stating such a ridiculous theory, he is basically saying that Americans are downright stupid that, even if true, we couldn't see it coming. So he's calling you stupid.

Second, he tries to hoodwink his adoring audience into believing he has "Christian" moral values, when the man will quickly start in with ad hominem attacks against anyone who DARES to criticize him.

As for his discussions about inflation and the economy, so? Is he the only public voice on those matters and everyone else must have been completely in the dark before His Majesty told them to beware?

He was correct, and they ARE working together.
I'd supply ya with proof, but you'd just dispute that too. :eusa_whistle:

Please do provide me with proof that shows a consistent trend. And not someone's opinion or some *article* with a lot of vague assumptions based on slim facts.
Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

Something wrong with a white Christian society?

If there is, then there has to be something wrong with a white Jewish society.
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Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

Something wrong with people wanting to watch Glenn Beck? Why aren't they wanting to watch Joy Behar and the other leftists on the MSM as much? Does it bother you that much?
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