What Was And What Will Be

Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
You may know what she means, I only know what she said. So far as I recall PoliticalChic has never said that ANY abortion was justified. Let's see if she weighs in or hides out.

Her focus in her post was on late-term abortions. She indicated that they are included in the "for the sake of convenience, sport and profit" category and I think that is a distortion of the facts. Something routinely done by her. It is hard to imagine a pregnant women carrying a baby for 9 months only to decide she's changed her mind. It's also hard to imagine any doctor agreeing to it. I'd wager that in the vast majority of cases there are severe medical problems that jeopardize either the mother the baby or both.
When does a human life begin?
Biologically, legally, or culturally?

But that question is another example of you being unable or unwilling to answer a direct question, namely are there ANY circumstances where an abortion is justified? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.

When does a human life begin?

There's only one answer, and you dodging it clearly means you know the answer, and it puts your blood lust and acceptance of murder in the correct light.
Abortion will go away when wise people take precautions to not conceive. This nation needs alot more contraception so that the practice is stopped. A large dip in conceptions is a win win for the country. It's cheap and affordable. No excuses for unwanted. It's ok not to have kids we all support that courageous decision
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

1. There were 81 million people who voted for Biden. The reasons were varied however Trump's feeble response to the coronavirus was the deciding factor. Unfortunately the coronavirus is out of control thanks to Trump.

2. Biden appears to be adopting the same policy as Obzama. Obama refused to allow drilling on public land. Oil production surged under Obama despite that. Most of the jobs connected to Keystone werew temporary jobs. Canadian oil is hardly energy independence.

You clearly do not understand sup[ply and demand as it relates to oil. If more drilling were to result in more oil, prices would be driven down to the point where oil companies would not drill. In the 80's, oil companies made money through selling large volumes of petroleum to motorists. Today they look atb the price of a barrel of oil. Also fracking would become far less profitable. We have already seen that with the drop in oil prices.

3. Obama was trying to make peace with the Russians. Putin took him to the cleaners. Obama ended up imposing sanctions on Putin. I do not see Democrats being soft on Russia after Russians worked against them in 2016 and 2020, They are not going to start a war but they will be less sympathetic than Trump was.
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.

He is already continuing O's wars. We're heading back into syria. Neocons are on the march once again.

To prevent the spread of Iranian and Russian influence in the region.
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.

He is already continuing O's wars. We're heading back into syria. Neocons are on the march once again.

To prevent the spread of Iranian and Russian influence in the region.

They'll fail just like all of the other undeclared worthless wars that our tyrannical govt engages in.
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
You may know what she means, I only know what she said. So far as I recall PoliticalChic has never said that ANY abortion was justified. Let's see if she weighs in or hides out.

Her focus in her post was on late-term abortions. She indicated that they are included in the "for the sake of convenience, sport and profit" category and I think that is a distortion of the facts. Something routinely done by her. It is hard to imagine a pregnant women carrying a baby for 9 months only to decide she's changed her mind. It's also hard to imagine any doctor agreeing to it. I'd wager that in the vast majority of cases there are severe medical problems that jeopardize either the mother the baby or both.
When does a human life begin?
Biologically, legally, or culturally?

But that question is another example of you being unable or unwilling to answer a direct question, namely are there ANY circumstances where an abortion is justified? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.

When does a human life begin?

There's only one answer, and you dodging it clearly means you know the answer, and it puts your blood lust and acceptance of murder in the correct light.
I'll mark that answer as a 'No'. Apparently Ringtone doesn't know you very well.

Sorry but there are at least 3 answers (4 if you consider the old joke, "when the kids go to college"). I'd wager that there is a wide variety of cultural answers, even here in the US most of us don't consider a fertilized egg to be a 'human life' with greater rights than the mother.

I seem to recall you once said there is no Radical Right. Apparently it you can't see it because you're firmy within it. The old can't see the forest for the trees thing.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

1. There were 81 million people who voted for Biden. The reasons were varied however Trump's feeble response to the coronavirus was the deciding factor. Unfortunately the coronavirus is out of control thanks to Trump.

2. Biden appears to be adopting the same policy as Obzama. Obama refused to allow drilling on public land. Oil production surged under Obama despite that. Most of the jobs connected to Keystone werew temporary jobs. Canadian oil is hardly energy independence.

You clearly do not understand sup[ply and demand as it relates to oil. If more drilling were to result in more oil, prices would be driven down to the point where oil companies would not drill. In the 80's, oil companies made money through selling large volumes of petroleum to motorists. Today they look atb the price of a barrel of oil. Also fracking would become far less profitable. We have already seen that with the drop in oil prices.

3. Obama was trying to make peace with the Russians. Putin took him to the cleaners. Obama ended up imposing sanctions on Putin. I do not see Democrats being soft on Russia after Russians worked against them in 2016 and 2020, They are not going to start a war but they will be less sympathetic than Trump was.

"1. There were 81 million people who voted for Biden."

Let's check.

If you believe that, you should be able to provide the polices that said voters endorsed.

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that there were no 80 million.

It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.
6. Democrats have a particular propensity to view themselves as monarchs rather than the more American concept of what a President is.

Rather than the messy legislative system in which elected officials write laws, we have this view:

“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said…

It echoes what Roosevelt, the socialist godfather of the Democrats said earlier about no need to heed the Constitution:

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."

So, how do Democrats govern without the rest of the mechanisms of government????

“President Executive Order: Biden Has Signed A Record 33 In One Week

Biden has signed more than three times as many orders as the previous four Presidents COMBINED.” President Executive Order: Biden Has Signed A Record 33 In One Week

6. Trump was not shy about issuing executive orders. He issued 220 EOs alone. Several of them overturned other EOs. Out of the 33 listed, 26 of them either were COVID related or reversing previous Trump actions and EOs.
8. One aspect of the new administration that we don’t have to guess about is the propensity, the need, the desire….the obligation, it seems, to lie about Trump.

Never pointing out that Trump made the vaccine appear in record time, faster than anyone thought possible….Operation Warpspeed…..the White House briefing lied about Trump leaving a distribution plan.

“We’re eyes wide open, all of us, including the President, with the knowledge that we were not walking into a circumstance where there was going to be a concrete assessment or plan presented to us when we walked in, and there wasn’t. That’s why he put forward his 200-page vaccine distribution plan last week, and that’s why he hired an experienced and talented team to get to the bottom of exactly what we’re looking at so that we can have that assessment moving forward.

So the confusion around this issue — which we acknowledge there is some confusion — is — speaks to a larger problem, which is what we’re inheriting from the prior administration, which is much worse than we could have imagined.” Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, January 25, 2021 | The White House

It's the same lie the media has been pushing:

“During the Day of Unity and Truth, CNN Resorts to Lies Claiming Trump Left No Vaccine Plan for Biden …
the press exposed themselves as the truth-averse outlets we have known them to be. CNN delivered a caustic complaint that poor President Biden is left with no means at all to deal with the distribution of the recently released Covid-19 vaccines. This claim is as shallow of a support narrative for Biden as it is laughable in its brazen prevarication.

Lies, falsehoods, gaslighting – these have been the types of constant complaints from the press during the Trump era.…CNN is laying groundwork here. This is seed-planting in order to grant Biden the leeway to both appear as if he is accomplishing things and to have an out, should things go sideways.” During the Day of Unity and Truth, CNN Resorts to Lies Claiming Trump Left No Vaccine Plan for Biden

Again you are arguing semantics. Clearly the plan in place was not effective. Also Trump lied about there being reserve supplies of vaccine available.
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.

He is already continuing O's wars. We're heading back into syria. Neocons are on the march once again.

To prevent the spread of Iranian and Russian influence in the region.


He has done the very wishes of the Russians and Iranians, you dunce.

Who do you suppose benefit most with the shutting of the Keystone Pipeline, but oil producers like Russia and Iran?????

For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

7. What sort of officials, President, produces executive order with no consideration of what it will produce into the future of the nation?

Biden’s sort.

Does Biden understand the function of the armed forces?????

The latest Biden decree. Lifetime medical benefits for unbalanced individuals.

“The Department will immediately take appropriate policy action to ensure individuals who identify as transgender are eligible to enter and serve in their self-identified gender. These changes will ensure no one will be separated or discharged, or denied reenlistment, solely on the basis of gender identity. Prospective recruits may serve in their self-identified gender when they have met the appropriate standards for accession into the military services. This revised policy will also ensure all medically-necessary transition related care authorized by law is available to all Service members and will re-examine all cases of transgender Service members that may be in some form of adverse administrative proceedings. Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Transgender Service in the Milita

"steps shall include establishing a process by which transgender service members may transition gender while serving, ..."
Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Transgender Service in the Milita

This makes America responsible for life-long treatment of these individuals….and all they have to do is sign up for the armed forces.

Do you know you don’t have to be an American citizen to sign up?

7. Again this is subjective. You are spewing your political biases and treating them as fact.
Last edited:
6. Democrats have a particular propensity to view themselves as monarchs rather than the more American concept of what a President is.

Rather than the messy legislative system in which elected officials write laws, we have this view:

“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said…

It echoes what Roosevelt, the socialist godfather of the Democrats said earlier about no need to heed the Constitution:

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."

So, how do Democrats govern without the rest of the mechanisms of government????

“President Executive Order: Biden Has Signed A Record 33 In One Week

Biden has signed more than three times as many orders as the previous four Presidents COMBINED.” President Executive Order: Biden Has Signed A Record 33 In One Week

6. Trump was not shy about issuing executive orders. He issued 220 EOs alone. Several of them overturned other EOs. Out of the 33 listed, 26 of them either were COVID related or reversing previous Trump actions and EOs.

"In the clip, posted on YouTube, the 46th President of the United States can be heard saying "I don't know what I'm signing" on camera. Vice President Kamala Harris then appears to urge Biden to sign the unknown executive order anyway before he proceeds to put pen to paper. Watch the video below:

8. One aspect of the new administration that we don’t have to guess about is the propensity, the need, the desire….the obligation, it seems, to lie about Trump.

Never pointing out that Trump made the vaccine appear in record time, faster than anyone thought possible….Operation Warpspeed…..the White House briefing lied about Trump leaving a distribution plan.

“We’re eyes wide open, all of us, including the President, with the knowledge that we were not walking into a circumstance where there was going to be a concrete assessment or plan presented to us when we walked in, and there wasn’t. That’s why he put forward his 200-page vaccine distribution plan last week, and that’s why he hired an experienced and talented team to get to the bottom of exactly what we’re looking at so that we can have that assessment moving forward.

So the confusion around this issue — which we acknowledge there is some confusion — is — speaks to a larger problem, which is what we’re inheriting from the prior administration, which is much worse than we could have imagined.” Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, January 25, 2021 | The White House

It's the same lie the media has been pushing:

“During the Day of Unity and Truth, CNN Resorts to Lies Claiming Trump Left No Vaccine Plan for Biden …
the press exposed themselves as the truth-averse outlets we have known them to be. CNN delivered a caustic complaint that poor President Biden is left with no means at all to deal with the distribution of the recently released Covid-19 vaccines. This claim is as shallow of a support narrative for Biden as it is laughable in its brazen prevarication.

Lies, falsehoods, gaslighting – these have been the types of constant complaints from the press during the Trump era.…CNN is laying groundwork here. This is seed-planting in order to grant Biden the leeway to both appear as if he is accomplishing things and to have an out, should things go sideways.” During the Day of Unity and Truth, CNN Resorts to Lies Claiming Trump Left No Vaccine Plan for Biden

Again you are arguing semantics. Clearly the plan in place was not effective. Also Trump lied about there being reserve supplies of vaccine available.

Whose vaccine????


COVID vaccine arrived this week, and we should credit ...
President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed
Meanwhile, most of the other companies with vaccines in phase 3 trials were developed under Trump's Warp Speed program, including the Moderna vaccine that is expected to get FDA approval shortly. President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed

“FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

The Financial Times says President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed is responsible for the coronavirus vaccines becoming available so soon.

In an article posted Thursday, the Times noted the "vaccine push is now hailed as the bright spot in the Trump administration's COVID-19 response, as products from Pfizer and BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca and Oxford University move closer to approval."

The key achievement of Operation Warp Speed had been speeding up investment in manufacturing, Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Columbia University School of Public Health, told the Times.” FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

“…the vaccine.

“For example, COVID. Everybody wants to say that the COVID crisis is getting worse, and the numbers certainly suggest that. But we have a vaccine. And we believe and have every reason to believe it works. There’s some serious distribution issues that I suspect will be fairly quickly resolved,” Hume continued.

“And that is what we’ve hoped for from the beginning, that there would be a vaccine. We never thought we’d have one as soon as now. We thought it’d be way into next year, maybe beyond before we got one. So that’s one big problem that’s well on the way to a solution that he faces. And look around the world …” Mic glitch appears to catch Chris Wallace rebuking Brit Hume’s optimistic covid commentary: ‘Really?’
7. What sort of officials, President, produces executive order with no consideration of what it will produce into the future of the nation?

Biden’s sort.

Does Biden understand the function of the armed forces?????

The latest Biden decree. Lifetime medical benefits for unbalanced individuals.

“The Department will immediately take appropriate policy action to ensure individuals who identify as transgender are eligible to enter and serve in their self-identified gender. These changes will ensure no one will be separated or discharged, or denied reenlistment, solely on the basis of gender identity. Prospective recruits may serve in their self-identified gender when they have met the appropriate standards for accession into the military services. This revised policy will also ensure all medically-necessary transition related care authorized by law is available to all Service members and will re-examine all cases of transgender Service members that may be in some form of adverse administrative proceedings. Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Transgender Service in the Milita

"steps shall include establishing a process by which transgender service members may transition gender while serving, ..."
Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Transgender Service in the Milita

This makes America responsible for life-long treatment of these individuals….and all they have to do is sign up for the armed forces.

Do you know you don’t have to be an American citizen to sign up?

7. Again this is subjective. You are spewing your political biases and treating them as fact.

So you can't name any Biden policies you voted for, or Trump policies you voted against.

How about these?

Various text message conversations shared to Twitter reveal that Americans who voted for newly inaugurated President Joe Biden are already starting to regret what they’ve done.

Reality can be pretty harsh when it sets in, can’t it?
Yup—they’re just starting to figure out what us Trump voters were going on about this whole time, aren’t they?


had no idea what voting for Biden would produce and that she’d merely hated Trump."
Here We Go: Text Messages Reveal Biden Voters Already Regret What They’ve Done | Tea Party

2. ".... YOU voted for this. I didn’t and neither did Jeremy, but we will be suffering,” Kristin bluntly replied.

“I’m so sick of the ‘Trump is mean’ bs, the man built a great economy but your hurt feelings got in the way of you researching the truth. You let Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper lie to you every damn night into some unicorn utopia of complete GARBAGE,” she continued.

“I always knew that people would regret voting for Biden, I didn’t think it’d be Day 1. Biden probably won’t hurt your feelings as much as Trump but he will take your husband’s job. Think on this,” she continued.

Charlie Kirk

In less than 72 hours, Joe Biden: —Killed 70,000+ jobs —Eliminated women's sports —Invaded Syria —Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage —Admitted he doesn't have a plan to fight COVID —Broke his own mask mandate EO —Ended US energy independence Do you miss Trump yet?"
Here We Go: Text Messages Reveal Biden Voters Already Regret What They’ve Done | Tea Party



Charlie Kirk


Joe Biden promised to govern as a moderate. On day one he signed EO's: —Letting biological men take over women's sports & locker rooms —Calling for amnesty for millions of illegals —Ending deportations —Killing thousands of good paying jobs Is anyone surprised?

12:07 AM · Jan 22, 2021·Twitter Web App


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