What Was And What Will Be

Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

I simply asked you, now that the election has been stolen, are you thrilled with these result.

Why the hesitation in your answering????

Joe Biden promised to govern as a moderate. On day one he signed EO's: —Letting biological men take over women's sports & locker rooms —Calling for amnesty for millions of illegals —Ending deportations —Killing thousands of good paying jobs Is anyone surprised?

In less than 72 hours, Joe Biden: —Killed 70,000+ jobs —Eliminated women's sports —Invaded Syria —Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage —Admitted he doesn't have a plan to fight COVID —Broke his own mask mandate EO —Ended US energy independence Do you miss Trump yet?"
Here We Go: Text Messages Reveal Biden Voters Already Regret What They’ve Done | Tea Party


Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

Wait, wait....So you believe that EO's are laws the same as if Congress went through proper proceedures to change these things?

No, Zippy.
Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

Wait, wait....So you believe that EO's are laws the same as if Congress went through proper proceedures to change these things?

No, Zippy.

Well, the problem is "Zippy" that Biden has gone on a tear with his pen, so I am wondering with control of both houses of Congress why he thinks he needs to do that?
Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

I simply asked you, now that the election has been stolen, are you thrilled with these result.

You failed to respond to the fact that what you posted was a lie. Furthermore it was easy to prove the second lie what you posted. Which you ignore as well.

" You will have to search far and wide for news media quoting Joe Biden about the use of executive orders "

But that's just what you do.
Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

Wait, wait....So you believe that EO's are laws the same as if Congress went through proper proceedures to change these things?

No, Zippy.

Well, the problem is "Zippy" that Biden has gone on a tear with his pen, so I am wondering with control of both houses of Congress why he thinks he needs to do that?

These are changes he has the authority to make with EO's. I can't wait to see what happens when he start appointing all his new Czars too. The Fauxrage will be spectacular I'm sure!
Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

I simply asked you, now that the election has been stolen, are you thrilled with these result.

You failed to respond to the fact that what you posted was a lie. Furthermore it was easy to prove the second lie what you posted. Which you ignore as well.

" You will have to search far and wide for news media quoting Joe Biden about the use of executive orders "

But that's just what you do.

Afraid to answer????

Seems you are deeply ashamed of what you did to America by imposing this deeply un-American candidate on the nation.

And,.....you should be.

Now that the election has been stolen, how pleased are you with the result:

Of course you mean the election is over and Good Ole Joe is POTUS.

The lie you are perpetuating now is that the President didn't specify that it is legislation that cannot be done with EO's.

In fact if he does, Congress has specific steps it can take, and has taken in the past to reign in presidents when they do.

Wait, wait....So you believe that EO's are laws the same as if Congress went through proper proceedures to change these things?

No, Zippy.

Well, the problem is "Zippy" that Biden has gone on a tear with his pen, so I am wondering with control of both houses of Congress why he thinks he needs to do that?

These are changes he has the authority to make with EO's. I can't wait to see what happens when he start appointing all his new Czars too. The Fauxrage will be spectacular I'm sure!

:icon_rolleyes: So, what you're saying is that your point here is designed to enrage, just like you want this administration to do on a daily basis...Seems pretty petty....

Ya know, there was always a question in ethical circles that goes something like...'I may have the power to do something, but should I?" So, if the next Republican comes in and starts off with let's say 100 EO's in his first two weeks, you'll be ok with that? No ofcourse not....We don't elect kings there boo.....
So, what you're saying is that your point here is designed to enrage

No I just expect the same phony outrage and the same type of misleading lies.

So, if the next Republican comes in and starts off with let's say 100 EO's in his first two weeks, you'll be ok with that?

Pretty much expect it, especially the same type of rhetoric from the opposition press too.
So, what you're saying is that your point here is designed to enrage

No I just expect the same phony outrage and the same type of misleading lies.

So, if the next Republican comes in and starts off with let's say 100 EO's in his first two weeks, you'll be ok with that?

Pretty much expect it, especially the same type of rhetoric from the opposition press too.

Ya know, when you start thinking that only you have the truth, what you really have is a problem...
So, what you're saying is that your point here is designed to enrage

No I just expect the same phony outrage and the same type of misleading lies.

So, if the next Republican comes in and starts off with let's say 100 EO's in his first two weeks, you'll be ok with that?

Pretty much expect it, especially the same type of rhetoric from the opposition press too.

Ya know, when you start thinking that only you have the truth, what you really have is a problem...

What truth? What Joe said about what can or cannot be done with EO's is on record. Not much grey area unless you misquote it. Aka, lie about it
So, what you're saying is that your point here is designed to enrage

No I just expect the same phony outrage and the same type of misleading lies.

So, if the next Republican comes in and starts off with let's say 100 EO's in his first two weeks, you'll be ok with that?

Pretty much expect it, especially the same type of rhetoric from the opposition press too.

Ya know, when you start thinking that only you have the truth, what you really have is a problem...

What truth? What Joe said about what can or cannot be done with EO's is on record. Not much grey area unless you misquote it. Aka, lie about it

You do it right here again boo...Agree with you or it's a lie...Not so...There are two sides to an argument...

The question I have is with President Biden having both houses, why does he think he needs to hammer so many EO's? All of these things should be up to a vote in the legislative arena...That's how our government is supposed to work. And, things like the Paris accords, need to be ratified to be binding...
You do it right here again boo...Agree with you or it's a lie...Not so...There are two sides to an argument...

I'm not arguing fundamental facts, like what he said, since they are recorded.

The question I have is with President Biden having both houses, why does he think he needs to hammer so many EO's? All of these things should be up to a vote in the legislative arena..

It's the same reason the previous president didn't effect broader changes through the legislature.
You do it right here again boo...Agree with you or it's a lie...Not so...There are two sides to an argument...

I'm not arguing fundamental facts, like what he said, since they are recorded.

The question I have is with President Biden having both houses, why does he think he needs to hammer so many EO's? All of these things should be up to a vote in the legislative arena..

It's the same reason the previous president didn't effect broader changes through the legislature.

Not to this extent they didn't....
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
You may know what she means, I only know what she said. So far as I recall PoliticalChic has never said that ANY abortion was justified. Let's see if she weighs in or hides out.

Her focus in her post was on late-term abortions. She indicated that they are included in the "for the sake of convenience, sport and profit" category and I think that is a distortion of the facts. Something routinely done by her. It is hard to imagine a pregnant women carrying a baby for 9 months only to decide she's changed her mind. It's also hard to imagine any doctor agreeing to it. I'd wager that in the vast majority of cases there are severe medical problems that jeopardize either the mother the baby or both.
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
You may know what she means, I only know what she said. So far as I recall PoliticalChic has never said that ANY abortion was justified. Let's see if she weighs in or hides out.

Her focus in her post was on late-term abortions. She indicated that they are included in the "for the sake of convenience, sport and profit" category and I think that is a distortion of the facts. Something routinely done by her. It is hard to imagine a pregnant women carrying a baby for 9 months only to decide she's changed her mind. It's also hard to imagine any doctor agreeing to it. I'd wager that in the vast majority of cases there are severe medical problems that jeopardize either the mother the baby or both.

When does a human life begin?
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.

the etymology....

fetus (n.)
late 14c., "the young while in the womb or egg" (tending to mean vaguely the embryo in the later stage of development), from Latin fetus (often, incorrectly, foetus) "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"
fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
You may know what she means, I only know what she said. So far as I recall PoliticalChic has never said that ANY abortion was justified. Let's see if she weighs in or hides out.

Her focus in her post was on late-term abortions. She indicated that they are included in the "for the sake of convenience, sport and profit" category and I think that is a distortion of the facts. Something routinely done by her. It is hard to imagine a pregnant women carrying a baby for 9 months only to decide she's changed her mind. It's also hard to imagine any doctor agreeing to it. I'd wager that in the vast majority of cases there are severe medical problems that jeopardize either the mother the baby or both.
When does a human life begin?
Biologically, legally, or culturally?

But that question is another example of you being unable or unwilling to answer a direct question, namely are there ANY circumstances where an abortion is justified? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice.
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Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.

That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
the etymology....

fetus (n.)
late 14c., "the young while in the womb or egg" (tending to mean vaguely the embryo in the later stage of development), from Latin fetus (often, incorrectly, foetus) "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"
fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary
I note your definition is different from that of Ringtone's. I wonder how many other definitions there are?

the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.

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