What Was Learned From the Democrat Debate


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I think I understand the Dem platform based on the debate. And let's be real...what a freaking snooze-fest. They are all basically the same person except Hillary has a vagina and she's more of a compulsive liar. Otherwise.....meh.

What we learned. :)

1. Successful people are bad. Fuck 'em and take all of their money. :D

2. Promise a lot of free shit (18 trillion dollars in Sanders' case) with zero specifics on how to pay for any of it.

3. Being a woman makes you "an outsider." :lol:

4. No lives matter. None.....unless you're pandering for votes.

5. Global Warming is the worst...most terrible....scariest thing....like EVER!!!!!

5. The Democrat Party based on their nominees is old, white, and very out of touch.

6. Anderson Cooper is still really gay.
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Hey...at least Lincoln Chaffee looked like he smoked a big, fat blunt before the debate. :D

Policies aside, I think Sanders stood out last night personality wise. Everyone else seemed too robotic and scripted. Webb wasn't too bad in that department, but him and Chafee got kinda fucked as far as speaking time went.
Policies aside, I think Sanders stood out last night personality wise. Everyone else seemed too robotic and scripted. Webb wasn't too bad in that department, but him and Chafee got kinda fucked as far as speaking time went.

Many of the news sites are calling Sanders the victor

Policies aside, I think Sanders stood out last night personality wise. Everyone else seemed too robotic and scripted. Webb wasn't too bad in that department, but him and Chafee got kinda fucked as far as speaking time went.

Sanders is sincere in his beliefs. He is a genuine guy. His policies do not work.....but promising 18 trillion in freebies may work with the electorate....who knows? :)
What Was Learned From the Democrat Debate
I learned A LOT from the debate, for example I learned that if the Democrats replaced all 5 of their candidates for the nomination with Chia Pets nobody would notice the difference......
We learned that people who demonized the Republicans as consisting of old white people can cheer a candidate slate of old white people without irony.
Webb was the only Democrat onstage last night who I would even remotely - in a pinch - consider for the White House.

The rest were like watching The Beverly Hillbillies.
A few things learned. What news outlets laughingly call a debate isn't really, and rules for the joint press conference may as well not even have been given since they don't cut off people's mics when they run out of time.
Republicans can't learn. That's why they think they were a success in the Middle East. They don't even know their policies ruined the economy. And every job that leaves here and goes to China, they applaud their bosses because they believe it proves tax cuts for billionaires created jobs.
Republicans can't learn. That's why they think they were a success in the Middle East. They don't even know their policies ruined the economy. And every job that leaves here and goes to China, they applaud their bosses because they believe it proves tax cuts for billionaires created jobs.

So Obama is successful in the Middle East? :lol: And Bill Clinton getting rid of Glass-Steagall was a primary cause of the 2007 meltdown. Didn't you watch the debate last night?
Republicans can't learn. That's why they think they were a success in the Middle East. They don't even know their policies ruined the economy. And every job that leaves here and goes to China, they applaud their bosses because they believe it proves tax cuts for billionaires created jobs.

you are so pathetic on so many levels it's hard to know where to begin rebutting your idiotic posts.
is what we have now in the Middle East the Left's idea of success?

OH WAIT!1 it's still bush's fault right?? still too early to have obama/dems be responsible for anything??

just how long is YOUR learning curve leftard???

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