What Was McCain's Best Speech as Senator or Presidential Candidate?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Certainly he must have been an excellent public speaker to achieve zombie status as he has. I checked a few and McCain seemed retarded, misinformed, and or really stupid and often a liar. What is especially weird (and telling) is his giggling. For example at the Martin Luther King anniversary in front of an African American crowd where he said made a mistake by voting against a MLK holiday, and he fucking giggles. You will see that in the old debates after he attempts to discuss his neocon policy of "Rollback the Rogue States." He is fucking giggling after that. Many more instances of that strange behavior. My fellow Americans, McCain was giggling at Americans and his TDS zombie is still giggling at the insanity that the Deep State and fake news are presenting at the moment.

Why this was moved to Badlands is odd, IMO, and inconsistent policy when it is a legit politic discussion topic.
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I never bought the "Maverick John McCain" bullshit. That was invented to cover for his bizarre inconsistency and odd behavior. He is the classic example of why we need term limits in Congress. He was my Senator in Az for over 30 years and I don't remember much of anything he accomplished other than fighting to save the A-10 program and even on that he didn't lead. He waited around to see if others supported the program and then he chimed in.
Snouter, during McCain's presidential campaign, he was not silent, when his opponent was personally attacked. He chose decency rather than political prudence. Refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjenjANqAk .

I particularly recall that when Eisenhower campaign tour went through Wisconsin, he permitted Senator McCarthy to share his speaking platform. President Eisenhower was a good man and a good president.
When Eisenhower permitted Senator Joseph McCarthy, who publicly questioned ex-general George Marshall's patriotism, to go unanswered, Eisenhower betrayed his college and his own convictions. In doing so, (in my opinion) reduced his own stature.
He did n not speak-up and lost the opportunity to perform an additional service to his nation. The best of men don't always behave as best they can.

I'm a populist, and I particularly admire President Harry Truman. I also admire Senator McCain for many of the attributes he and President Truman shared; they were men that demonstrated great integrity and courage in their public life. If Truman could have known McCain, he would not have compared his own very honorable military combat service to McCain's extraordinary sacrifices and courage.

Your post at best reveals your ignorance of the man you wish to insult; if your post's not due to your ignorance, then it's an act of purposeful evil intent.

Your post at best reveals your ignorance of the man you wish to insult; if your post's not due to your ignorance, then it's an act of purposeful evil intent.


Thanks for posting McCain's best speech which consists of idiotic babble and incomplete thoughts protecting Brock Hussaine Obama. :p

Here is something funny, I actually annoyed Kay Summersby at a pool in Westport as a youngster by unintentionally splashing her. :21: Ike was a douche.
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McCain was a sick, retarded, warmongering, neocon maniac who probably cost American taxpayers over a trillion of dollars.
Certainly he must have been an excellent public speaker to achieve zombie status as he has. I checked a few and McCain seemed retarded, misinformed, and or really stupid and often a liar. What is especially weird (and telling) is his giggling. For example at the Martin Luther King anniversary in front of an African American crowd where he said made a mistake by voting against a MLK holiday, and he fucking giggles. You will see that in the old debates after he attempts to discuss his neocon policy of "Rollback the Rogue States." He is fucking giggling after that. Many more instances of that strange behavior. My fellow Americans, McCain was giggling at Americans and his TDS zombie is still giggling at the insanity that the Deep State and fake news are presenting at the moment.

Why this was moved to Badlands is odd, IMO, and inconsistent policy when it is a legit politic discussion topic.

The topic was moved before you EDITED your OP Snouter.

Your original OP was this:

  • Certainly he must be an excellent public speaker to achieve zombie status as he has. I checked a few and he seemed retarded, misinformed, and or really stupid.
Very little topic or discussion there. Your edit made a much better OP so I am moving it back to Politics. In the meantime if you have a problem with moderation - pm us. I would have explained the move had you done so.

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