What was that you were saying about MSNBC ratings?

Do you watch The Rachel Maddow Show?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I would rather swim naked in a pool of double-edged razor blades

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
I don't know how people can watch these types of shows with any regularity. Don't people wonder what information is being ignored, avoided, distorted? People can't actually think they're getting the whole story - do they?
Partisans do not care about the " whole " story and prefer political spin that fit their version of reality...
I guess that's a good point.

They're not looking for the whole story in the first place.

I don't get it.

I actually do...

In today socoety most humans want to listen to those that they agree with and ignore those that they disagree with.

Most people can not be bother to hear the opposition opinion and believe that if you do not agree with them 110% then they will mock and ignore you.

I prefer reading the opposition opinion because at times the opposition has a point and at least I know what they are thinking but I truly hate political spin doctors that earn their money as shock jock commentators...

Oh, I usually read Al-Jazeera even if they are anti-Israel and I am Pro...

My actual literal problem is that I can't find a moderate conservative. Seriously, look around this board. Look at FOX. Tell me who you think should represent the other tribe, because I am at a complete loss.
I don't watch it. I live overseas and don't get MSNBC. But I wouldn't watch it anyway. I don't like being told what to think. When I lived in the States, I never watched the shows like that or even news segments where pundits told you how to see things. I didn't watch the summations after the president's speechs or other such events. I dislike being told what to think. Now, I get CNN international sometimes, but those programs are on at night when I'm sleeping. In order to watch the debates and election, I had to get up at 4 in the morning. Normally, I would never do that.
I don't know how people can watch these types of shows with any regularity. Don't people wonder what information is being ignored, avoided, distorted? People can't actually think they're getting the whole story - do they?
Partisans do not care about the " whole " story and prefer political spin that fit their version of reality...
I guess that's a good point.

They're not looking for the whole story in the first place.

I don't get it.

I actually do...

In today socoety most humans want to listen to those that they agree with and ignore those that they disagree with.

Most people can not be bother to hear the opposition opinion and believe that if you do not agree with them 110% then they will mock and ignore you.

I prefer reading the opposition opinion because at times the opposition has a point and at least I know what they are thinking but I truly hate political spin doctors that earn their money as shock jock commentators...

Oh, I usually read Al-Jazeera even if they are anti-Israel and I am Pro...

My actual literal problem is that I can't find a moderate conservative. Seriously, look around this board. Look at FOX. Tell me who you think should represent the other tribe, because I am at a complete loss.
Moderate conservatives exist, but not on Fox and not on these political discussion boards. They are becoming less and less in evidence as time goes on. Sadly for the US.
I don't know how people can watch these types of shows with any regularity. Don't people wonder what information is being ignored, avoided, distorted? People can't actually think they're getting the whole story - do they?
Partisans do not care about the " whole " story and prefer political spin that fit their version of reality...
I guess that's a good point.

They're not looking for the whole story in the first place.

I don't get it.

I actually do...

In today socoety most humans want to listen to those that they agree with and ignore those that they disagree with.

Most people can not be bother to hear the opposition opinion and believe that if you do not agree with them 110% then they will mock and ignore you.

I prefer reading the opposition opinion because at times the opposition has a point and at least I know what they are thinking but I truly hate political spin doctors that earn their money as shock jock commentators...

Oh, I usually read Al-Jazeera even if they are anti-Israel and I am Pro...
In all seriousness, I think there really are a lot of people who consider these shows "news" or "news magazines". I think they're so lost in their ideology, and so attracted to the material, that they don't see the blatant bias. Ideology is a very powerful thing.
Congratulations to Ms. Maddow on her great ratings.

I never watch MSNBC or CNN, lest I be exposed to their irrational contempt for President Trump.

But I realize that commentators such as Ms. Maddow offer comfort and hope to progressives.

I am forced to watch only FOX NEWS, which I would leave in a New York minute if there were a viable alternative.
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That whole being told what to think bit doesn't make any sense to me. I would think the point of critical thinking is to listen and hear, and then reach a conclusion based on ALL the information one takes in.

It also seems to me a fair number of people are saying what these shows allegedly do, without ever having watched them.
Congratulations to Ms. Maddow on her great ratings.

I never watch MSNBC or CNN, lest I be exposed to their irrational contempt for President Trump.

But I realize that commentators such as Ms. Maddow offer comfort and hope to progressives.

I am forced to watch only FOX NEWS, which I would leave it in a New York minute if there were a viable alternative.

Why are you forced, or are you perhaps joking. I mean, there is an awful lot of streaming available all over the internet. I know there was one lady I found, but could never remember where she aired. She has gray hair and a very no-nonsense approach.

See, I'm old enough to have taken media class and to know that news is not to be editorialized. Present the facts. That's it. So if Rachel is stating that Paul Manafort just got hit with another sixteen (or however many) charges the other day - how is that "telling me what to think?"

Sorry, Parser. That last paragraph was left over from my last post and I'm too tired to edit.
Moderate conservatives exist, but not on Fox and not on these political discussion boards. They are becoming less and less in evidence as time goes on. Sadly for the US.
That's happening on both ends of the spectrum, and neither end sees/admits it.

I disagree. A lot of the people I look up to on Twitter (this is when I meant for you to laugh, because Laurence Tribe is on Twitter) are Republicans. Like Ana Navarro. But the right has pulled so far right, that conservatives are considered liberals by virtue of still being somewhere in the middle.

I can come up with more names if needed. She's just the first one that popped into my mind.

And then of course if you haven't seen this yet, you simply must.

Moderate conservatives exist, but not on Fox and not on these political discussion boards. They are becoming less and less in evidence as time goes on. Sadly for the US.
That's happening on both ends of the spectrum, and neither end sees/admits it.
I'm not any different than I have ever been. I am not even particularly political. But I am a liberal at heart, in a literal way not a political way, and always have been. Conservatives always hated people like me. I'm used to that. I accept that some people are religious, and don't mind if they are not hypocritical about it. And keep it to themselves, not forcing it on others.

As I haved lived overseas in various countries and traveled extensively, I have seen that the accceptance, for example, of alternative lifestyle isn't something that the American 'left' or any left in general is forcing on America: it is a world wide experience and is not a sign of progressives or liberal controling things but of normally changing times; nothing ever stays the same--if they did, American Christians would still be hanging witches and burning crosses in the yards of black Americans.

I never got my ideas through politics but through extensive reading and travel. The point is that a conservative of today would say I'm extreme and that I wouldn't have been 40 years ago, but that isn't true: I am the same in my opinions as I have always been.
I don't know how people can watch these types of shows with any regularity. Don't people wonder what information is being ignored, avoided, distorted? People can't actually think they're getting the whole story - do they?
Partisans do not care about the " whole " story and prefer political spin that fit their version of reality...
I guess that's a good point.

They're not looking for the whole story in the first place.

I don't get it.

I actually do...

In today socoety most humans want to listen to those that they agree with and ignore those that they disagree with.

Most people can not be bother to hear the opposition opinion and believe that if you do not agree with them 110% then they will mock and ignore you.

I prefer reading the opposition opinion because at times the opposition has a point and at least I know what they are thinking but I truly hate political spin doctors that earn their money as shock jock commentators...

Oh, I usually read Al-Jazeera even if they are anti-Israel and I am Pro...

My actual literal problem is that I can't find a moderate conservative. Seriously, look around this board. Look at FOX. Tell me who you think should represent the other tribe, because I am at a complete loss.

The problem is you are looking at Fox News for something that never existed on their Station.

Also moderate Conservatives and Blue Dog Democrats are a dying breed and what is left is the fringes refusing to listen to either side.

I am a social liberal\fiscal conservative...

What does that mean?

Do whatever you want but not on my dime and there are exceptions like you can not abuse children or animals.

So imagine how hard it is for me to watch Fox, CNN or MSNBC or listen to talk radio!?!

I want news and not someone opinion on the matter when I am reading the news.

Now if I want someone opinion then I head to the BBC or Al-Jazeera and read their spin and then weigh it against the spin here in the states.

Oh, how I wish there were more moderates in life...

( done with my rant )
Moderate conservatives exist, but not on Fox and not on these political discussion boards. They are becoming less and less in evidence as time goes on. Sadly for the US.
That's happening on both ends of the spectrum, and neither end sees/admits it.

I disagree. A lot of the people I look up to on Twitter (this is when I meant for you to laugh, because Laurence Tribe is on Twitter) are Republicans. Like Ana Navarro. But the right has pulled so far right, that conservatives are considered liberals by virtue of still being somewhere in the middle.

I can come up with more names if needed. She's just the first one that popped into my mind.

And then of course if you haven't seen this yet, you simply must.

I like the video. And I see the two ends (as I point out in the first line of my sig) pulling their own direction, getting deeper and deeper into their little ideological bubble, every single day. If these pundit shows are considered "news" by any means, that's part of the problem.
I don't know how people can watch these types of shows with any regularity. Don't people wonder what information is being ignored, avoided, distorted? People can't actually think they're getting the whole story - do they?
Partisans do not care about the " whole " story and prefer political spin that fit their version of reality...
I guess that's a good point.

They're not looking for the whole story in the first place.

I don't get it.

I actually do...

In today socoety most humans want to listen to those that they agree with and ignore those that they disagree with.

Most people can not be bother to hear the opposition opinion and believe that if you do not agree with them 110% then they will mock and ignore you.

I prefer reading the opposition opinion because at times the opposition has a point and at least I know what they are thinking but I truly hate political spin doctors that earn their money as shock jock commentators...

Oh, I usually read Al-Jazeera even if they are anti-Israel and I am Pro...

My actual literal problem is that I can't find a moderate conservative. Seriously, look around this board. Look at FOX. Tell me who you think should represent the other tribe, because I am at a complete loss.

The problem is you are looking at Fox News for something that never existed on their Station.

Also moderate Conservatives and Blue Dog Democrats are a dying breed and what is left is the fringes refusing to listen to either side.

I am a social liberal\fiscal conservative...

What does that mean?

Do whatever you want but not on my dime and there are exceptions like you can not abuse children or animals.

So imagine how hard it is for me to watch Fox, CNN or MSNBC or listen to talk radio!?!

I want news and not someone opinion on the matter when I am reading the news.

Now if I want someone opinion then I head to the BBC or Al-Jazeera and read their spin and then weigh it against the spin here in the states.

Oh, how I wish there were more moderates in life...

( done with my rant )
"Everything in moderation", they say. And they're right. Except in politics, I guess.

What the two ends have lost sight of is that collaboration, curiosity and an open mind lead to CREATIVITY, new ideas, real progress. Now that it's "us vs. them", we've lost that edge. This is a self-inflicted wound.
Moderate conservatives exist, but not on Fox and not on these political discussion boards. They are becoming less and less in evidence as time goes on. Sadly for the US.
That's happening on both ends of the spectrum, and neither end sees/admits it.

I disagree. A lot of the people I look up to on Twitter (this is when I meant for you to laugh, because Laurence Tribe is on Twitter) are Republicans. Like Ana Navarro. But the right has pulled so far right, that conservatives are considered liberals by virtue of still being somewhere in the middle.

I can come up with more names if needed. She's just the first one that popped into my mind.

And then of course if you haven't seen this yet, you simply must.

I like the video. And I see the two ends (as I point out in the first line of my sig) pulling their own direction, getting deeper and deeper into their little ideological bubble, every single day. If these pundit shows are considered "news" by any means, that's part of the problem.

That's a bittersweet video for me, as Richard Jeni committed suicide in March, 2007. He was one of the best.
Is his TV Show only on Thursdays?

I wouldn't know, I have never seen a single solitary second.

Has he ever been in the top twenty of all TV shows on a given night? Doubtful. I'll wait patiently for you to prove me wrong, though.
i tried watching her once ....she was just to annoying for me....hannity is the same old shit,O'Riley lectured, o'donnel is a jerk....if it wasnt for greg gutfelds show on sat i would not watch any kind of political show at all....

She's my favorite, followed immediately by Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell. Sorry she's not your cup of tea, she certainly works hard to not only get all the information, but make it easy for the average watcher to understand.
Maddow is well researched for every show. She explains complex issues in understandable ways

She does get a bit long winded .......get to the point Rachael
She also has a tendency for goofy looking facial expressions
Is his TV Show only on Thursdays?

I wouldn't know, I have never seen a single solitary second.

Has he ever been in the top twenty of all TV shows on a given night? Doubtful. I'll wait patiently for you to prove me wrong, though.
i tried watching her once ....she was just to annoying for me....hannity is the same old shit,O'Riley lectured, o'donnel is a jerk....if it wasnt for greg gutfelds show on sat i would not watch any kind of political show at all....

She's my favorite, followed immediately by Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell. Sorry she's not your cup of tea, she certainly works hard to not only get all the information, but make it easy for the average watcher to understand.
Maddow is well researched for every show. She explains complex issues in understandable ways

She does get a bit long winded .......get to the point Rachael
She also has a tendency for goofy looking facial expressions

But she also has one of those smiles where you pretty much have no choice but to smile back.

I think a big part of why she is so popular is because she does make things easy to understand. She would have made a great professor - I'm glad we got her, though.
Is his TV Show only on Thursdays?

I wouldn't know, I have never seen a single solitary second.

Has he ever been in the top twenty of all TV shows on a given night? Doubtful. I'll wait patiently for you to prove me wrong, though.
i tried watching her once ....she was just to annoying for me....hannity is the same old shit,O'Riley lectured, o'donnel is a jerk....if it wasnt for greg gutfelds show on sat i would not watch any kind of political show at all....

She's my favorite, followed immediately by Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell. Sorry she's not your cup of tea, she certainly works hard to not only get all the information, but make it easy for the average watcher to understand.
Maddow is well researched for every show. She explains complex issues in understandable ways

She does get a bit long winded .......get to the point Rachael
She also has a tendency for goofy looking facial expressions

But she also has one of those smiles where you pretty much have no choice but to smile back.

I think a big part of why she is so popular is because she does make things easy to understand. She would have made a great professor - I'm glad we got her, though.
Maddow is wicked smart

But she doesn’t flaunt it and come off as condescending. At the opening of her show she takes a series of seemingly unrelated facts and weaves them into an understandable conclusion
Is his TV Show only on Thursdays?

I wouldn't know, I have never seen a single solitary second.

Has he ever been in the top twenty of all TV shows on a given night? Doubtful. I'll wait patiently for you to prove me wrong, though.
i tried watching her once ....she was just to annoying for me....hannity is the same old shit,O'Riley lectured, o'donnel is a jerk....if it wasnt for greg gutfelds show on sat i would not watch any kind of political show at all....

She's my favorite, followed immediately by Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell. Sorry she's not your cup of tea, she certainly works hard to not only get all the information, but make it easy for the average watcher to understand.
Maddow is well researched for every show. She explains complex issues in understandable ways

She does get a bit long winded .......get to the point Rachael
She also has a tendency for goofy looking facial expressions

But she also has one of those smiles where you pretty much have no choice but to smile back.

I think a big part of why she is so popular is because she does make things easy to understand. She would have made a great professor - I'm glad we got her, though.

Much of the reason you like her and like her smile is that you like what she is saying. For those who don’t like what she is saying, the response is just the opposite. That is the problem with these pundits. It's opinion, too much opinion. Not just bare facts. I think Americans have lost the ability to differentiate between bare facts and a biased perspective.
What about festering ass carbuncles, though?


I watched Maddow the night she opened up Trump's tax papers. That was pretty funny!

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