What was the greatest invention of all time?

The zipper?




_________ you tell me
Fire, then domestication of animals, then agriculture, then maybe the wheel. The wheel was only good once animals were domesticated and the new world didn't have any candidates.

Man didn't "invent" fire...it's something that occurs in nature as are animals and agriculture. I would go with "wheel" because it isn't something found in nature and had to be created.


What was the greatest invention of all time? ...

The invention with the greatest effects on all mankind - positive as well as negative effects - was "money". I call money: "The illusion on which you can die, if you don't have it".

Nach Golde drängt,
Am Golde hängt
Doch alles. Ach wir Armen!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust I, (Margarete)
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