What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vScDAp33tUc&feature=related]Palestine under occupation - YouTube[/ame]
Bill Gates...
Israel is by many measures the country, relative to its population, that's done the most to contribute to the technology revolution

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHStBGk_D8Y]Israel Innovation - YouTube[/ame]
What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

Stoner, are you trying to say that Bill Gates is a zionist? Warren Buffet too? Or that they'll go anywhere to make a buck? Or that they have no morals?
Warren Buffett...:clap2:
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't even stop at Israel. But, if you go looking for brains, for energy and for integrity, Israel is the only stop you make.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHStBGk_D8Y]Israel Innovation - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toxHmsWO4to&feature=related]Israeli soldiers greeting Palestinian women - YouTube[/ame]
When you look at the NASDAQ, companies are listed from around the world. There's one country, though, that truly stands out and that is Israel
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHStBGk_D8Y]Israel Innovation - YouTube[/ame]
Investor's Business Daily: How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In The Dark:clap2:
Israel, a New Jersey-sized nation of 7.5 million people (1.7 million of whom are Arab) filed 7,082 international patents in the five years ending in 2007. By contrast, 28 majority-Muslim nations with almost 1.2 billion people — 155 times the population of Israel — were granted 2,071 patents in the same period. Narrowing the comparison to the 17 Muslim nations of the Middle East from Morocco to Iran and down the Arabian Peninsula, the 409 million people in that region generated 680 patents in five years.
This means that the Arab and Iranian world produced about one patent per year for every 3 million people, compared with Israel's output of one annual patent for every 5,295 people, an Israeli rate some 568 times that of Israel's neighbors and sometime enemies.

The awarding of Nobel Prizes in the quantitative areas of chemistry, economics and physics shows a similar disparity, with five Israeli winners compared with one French Algerian (a Jew who earned the prize for work done in France) and an Egyptian-American (for work done at Caltech in California).

The telltale signs of Israel's economic rise can be seen in the Tel Aviv skyline and the new office complexes around Jerusalem. International giant Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. was founded in 1901 by three pharmacists in Jerusalem. Today it employs 40,000 around the world.

Teva has a market cap of $44.2 billion — the most highly valued company based in Israel and the ninth-largest firm traded on the Nasdaq

Less than 300 miles separate the purposeful creative buzz in the JVP Media Quarter from the restive streets of Cairo, where the Muslim Brotherhood tells Egypt's unemployed that their plight is the fault of corrupt capitalists and Jews. It doesn't take a Nobel Prize-winning economist to figure out where these two economies are going.

How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In Dark - Investors.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5UKLRRM2iE]This is what the Palestinian economy looks like - YouTube[/ame]
SAP AG, World's Largest Enterprise Software Company :clap2:
Across the canvas of today's business world, SAP's brush continues to paint bold strokes of technological innovations. A significant number of these innovations have originated with SAP Labs Israel, a vital part of SAP's global development network. An R&D lab with two locations in Ra'anana and Karmiel, SAP Labs Israel is the company's fourth largest development center worldwide, employing more than 700 employees.

SAP Labs Israel is engaged in a continuous process of growth and development, one which nurtures its human resources. It encourages innovation, initiative, and excellence among its staff, while placing an emphasis on personal and professional development. The fact that the Israeli R&D center is heading the development of some of SAP's most cutting-edge products is a reflection of the creativity, diversity, and commitment characterizing our prevailing work ethic.

SAP Global - SAP Labs Israel: Taking Advantage of New Technologies
Safra Catz, President, Oracle [3rd largest software company in the world] :clap2:
Israel is an incredible source of entrepreneurship and brilliant ideas Many of the companies that grow in Israel become global players and if we can start with them early, as they grow globally they can become some of the most powerful companies in the world
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5pJELgG9yk]INVEST In Israel - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BXRKqSSKWo]Israeli Army Raid and Loot Hebron Orphanage home to 110 girl - YouTube[/ame]
Richard Lampman, Senior Vice President of Research and Director of HP Labs:clap2:
What we have here in Israel are really masters of image science and informatoin theory, the whole concept of how we manipulate information for greater efficiency This is a cutting-edge community. If you look around the world, many countries that you visit you feel like they're a few steps behind the cutting-edge---When you come to Israel, you feel like youre right there

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5pJELgG9yk]INVEST In Israel - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjLGeZ2q6Ac&feature=related]Ni'lin invaded and olive trees uprooted by the Israeli Army - YouTube[/ame]
Stephen Bolze, President & CEO, GE Healthcare Technologies Worldwide [$14 billion]:clap2:
GE is committed to technology innovation around the world and one of the high tech centers of the world we see is in Israel

What sets it apart is the spirit of the people and the commitment to inovation. We're going to continue to invest there because the opportunities that we see will help us grow our business around the world

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5pJELgG9yk]INVEST In Israel - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSECq3kxT4I&feature=related]Israeli Military Shoot Gaza Farmer - YouTube[/ame]
Bill Gates: Israel Represents The Leading Edge Of Innovation :clap2:
We are investing and continue to invest in our research and development in Israel. Our team in Israel has recently been handed with some challenging and ambitious tasks. They are working with new developments, particularly in the field of digital security. In this area Israel has an impressive record of accomplishment,
interstitials | Business solutions from AllBusiness.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLZgNy46aTQ&feature=related]Gaza's War Crimes - Israel/Palestine - YouTube[/ame]

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