What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

Israel being a religous state, barely has my support but the Jews have failed to threaten to push Iran into the Indian Ocean so they sound like more reasonable neighbors.
Except Israel is Not a "Religious State", it's a secular democracy.

It is the "Jewish State" in character and majority, but not a "religious state" nor even close to a Theocracy like Saudi Arabia or Iran.

Jews are a People/nation as well as a religion.
And he moved all the people out and moved his own people in?

I dunno man. What happened back in the day if a muslim general took over your land by the sword? Did you become his subject or die? Were the Jews there first?

And yes, I am sure during Roman times a non jewish non muslim inn keeper had land rights in what is now Israel and has lost them. Sounds like the being given Jordan instead of Israel is a winning deal though. More land. Just can't win everything.

Oh, and PT, to be candid, I admit the land has a contorted past. What you say is not lost on me. I only moderately support the pro Israel side of the debate if it is taken alone.

Point is I have picked which side I support based on which side helps along my economic and political beliefs. Poor Muslim nations have made jerks of themselves and lost my support.

Israel being a religous state, barely has my support but the Jews have failed to threaten to push Iran into the Indian Ocean so they sound like more reasonable neighbors.

Oh, and PT, to be candid, I admit the land has a contorted past.

That is basically my point. The rulers of Palestine have changed many times. There have been many different flags over city hall. People have come and gone over the centuries.

There are, however, a group of people who stayed on and put down roots. They built their country. They built the cities, the villages, the farms, the factories, and everything else.

I believe that these people have exclusive rights to their country.

The people who believe that foreigners have the right to come in and take that all away hate me for my beliefs.

Jews brought successful industrialization to the land.
Oh, and PS: Most of my family (3 out of 4 branches) has been here since the Civil War. And you? Can we deport you?
I dunno man. What happened back in the day if a muslim general took over your land by the sword? Did you become his subject or die? Were the Jews there first?

And yes, I am sure during Roman times a non jewish non muslim inn keeper had land rights in what is now Israel and has lost them. Sounds like the being given Jordan instead of Israel is a winning deal though. More land. Just can't win everything.

Oh, and PT, to be candid, I admit the land has a contorted past. What you say is not lost on me. I only moderately support the pro Israel side of the debate if it is taken alone.

Point is I have picked which side I support based on which side helps along my economic and political beliefs. Poor Muslim nations have made jerks of themselves and lost my support.

Israel being a religous state, barely has my support but the Jews have failed to threaten to push Iran into the Indian Ocean so they sound like more reasonable neighbors.

Oh, and PT, to be candid, I admit the land has a contorted past.

That is basically my point. The rulers of Palestine have changed many times. There have been many different flags over city hall. People have come and gone over the centuries.

There are, however, a group of people who stayed on and put down roots. They built their country. They built the cities, the villages, the farms, the factories, and everything else.

I believe that these people have exclusive rights to their country.

The people who believe that foreigners have the right to come in and take that all away hate me for my beliefs.

Jews brought successful industrialization to the land.

Palestine was a peaceful and self sufficient country before Israel.

Now we have two countries on welfare and decades of death and destruction.

Good plan!
That is basically my point. The rulers of Palestine have changed many times. There have been many different flags over city hall. People have come and gone over the centuries.

There are, however, a group of people who stayed on and put down roots. They built their country. They built the cities, the villages, the farms, the factories, and everything else.

I believe that these people have exclusive rights to their country.

The people who believe that foreigners have the right to come in and take that all away hate me for my beliefs.

Jews brought successful industrialization to the land.

Palestine was a peaceful and self sufficient country before Israel.

Now we have two countries on welfare and decades of death and destruction.

Good plan!

Only in your warped little brain has there ever been a country called "Palestine":eusa_whistle:
Only in your warped little brain has there ever been a country called "Palestine":eusa_whistle:

Israeli propaganda bullshit.

Look it up and get back too me:eusa_whistle:

Tell me how this is not their country.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjEBQ_bE7uA]‪Palestine Pre-1947‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGBoGKPZlQE&feature=related]‪Palestine before 1948‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
There was no country called "Palestine" ever in history, any of those people there were just subjects of whomever ruled the area at the time, plus anything you showed there before the late 1800s is after the Jews started returning and providing jobs.
There was no country called "Palestine" ever in history, any of those people there were just subjects of whomever ruled the area at the time, plus anything you showed there before the late 1800s is after the Jews started returning and providing jobs.

There was no country called "Palestine" ever in history,

So? Israel's name game.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijgoOdyAImo]‪Kenny (from Kenny vs. Spenny)'s mom is in early Zionist propoganda‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Ah, to work and build the land.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Palestine-1800-1882-Historical-Society-Studies/dp/0861932099]Amazon.com: The Jews in Palestine, 1800-1882 (Royal Historical Society Studies in History) (9780861932092): Tudor Parfitt: Books[/ame]

In 1823, half of Jerusalem was made of Jews. The housing in the Jewish Quarter (next to the Armenian Quarter and by the Old City) was so crowded that Jews moved outward because the Turks wouldn't let them obtain housing or build.

The hope never dies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zA7ihcXGzQ]‪Children in the Hebrew Gymnasium Singing Hatikvah in Munkács‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syUSmEbGLs4&feature=fvwrel]‪Hatikva at Bergen-Belsen‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

This one, Avodah, is not available online anywhere I can see. Unfortunately.

Palestine, 1935, 50 min, b&w
Music Only with English subtitles
Director: Helmar Lerski

Palestine, 1888.

How awful the place sounds! So much desert and emptiness outside the city. :lol:

What was that you said? Jews lived there? And supported immigrants? GTFO!

Mr H. Guedalia has favored us(?), writes the Jewish World(?) with the perusal of some private letters giving particulars of the visit of Sir Moses Montefiore to Jerusalem. On the Wednesday following his arrival in Jerusalem the venerable baronet visited the large synagogue in the Holy City belonging to the Ashkenasm congregation. This handsome house of worship was splendidly illuminated, and all the decorations, floral and otherwise, usually exhibited on the festivals, adorned the synagogue on this occasion. The synagogue presented a very gorgeous spectacle, the enthusiasm of the vast congregation considerably enhancing the beauty of the scene.

Sir Moses Montefiore was received at the doors of the synagogue with every demonstration of honor by the Rev Hakam Bashi, at whose house he was entertained immediately after the service was concluded. Sir Moses expressed himself highly delighted with the reception which had been given him. The aged philanthropist was so much fatigued from the visit that he was compelled to keep his bed the whole of the following day.

On making his exit from the synagogue it was with great difficulty that Sir Moses Montefiore was able to make his progress through the streets upwards of 20,000 people, it is said, being assembled, anxious to obtain a sight of the venerable baronet. Jews, Christians and Mohammaedans rushed backwards and forwards in seeming frenzy, just for the purpose of feasting their eyes on the countenance of the white-headed champion of Judaism, who, in his ninety-first year, left home and comfort to succor the distressed.

In fact, so great was the excitement and so numerous the difficulties which impeded the progress of Sir Moses through the streets, that the authorites were compelled to order out the military to disperse the enthusiastic crowds which besieged the aged hero.

After much trouble Sir Moses was permitted to pursue his way. In a letter from Sir Moses Montefiore to Mr H Guedalia, dated Jerusalem, July 29, Sir Moses stated that the number of buildings (dwelling houses, we believe) has greatly increased, and, seeing how densely crowded is the Holy City at the present moment, Sir Moses thinks that it would be very desirable to erect suitable dwellings outside the city. He states, moreover, that all he has seen in Jerusalem since his arrival confirms his opinions of the merits of the Jewish inhabitants, and all that has come under his view strengthens him in his belief that the Halestinian (Palestinian) Israelites are eager and anxious to give their attention to any kind of remunerative employment.

Nice word choice. ;)

btw, the First Zionist Congress was in 1897 --- after these articles were published.
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24 JULY 1896

"The present condition of the various Jewish colonies established in the holy land through the benevolence of societies and private individuals belonging to the Jewish faith in Europe is described in the last report of the British consul at Jerusalem, says the London Times. It appears that, although not all-together self supporting, they are increasing in size, are ably managed and give occupation to numerous Jewish immigrant families who would otherwise be destitute."

..."The work is carried out in these colonies in accordance with the latest improvements adopted in Europe, so that they have become model farms to the surrounding peasantry, and will no doubt in course of years produce a beneficial effect on the rural population of Palestine."


20 AUGUST 1896

"A lady who has lived in Jerusalem for the past 40 years and who has only recently returned to England gives the following curious information concerning the increase of the Jewish population of the Holy City:
'Twenty-two tears ago there were only between 15,000 and 20,000 Jews in Jerusalem. In those days no houses were to be found outside the magnificant walls, the gates of which were closed at night. Since then many changes have taken place, and the Hebrew population - mainly on account of the increase of the Jewish immigration from Russia - now stands at between 60,000 and 70,000. Whole streets of houses have been built outside the walls on the site of the ancient suburban districts, which for hundreds of years have remained deserted. It is not, however, only in Jerusalem itself that the Jews abound, but throughout Palestine they are buying farms and establishing themselves in a surprisingly rapid manner. In Jerusalem they form at present a larger community than either Christian or the Mohammedan.'"


"Palestine is full of robbers. The Beduoin, or wandering Arabs, are professionals."


עַם יִשְרָאֵל חַי
1822, description of the forced Jewish ghetto in Jerusalem:

On the day of my arrival I saw the whole of the Hebrew population of Jerusalem, collected in the valley of Jehosaphat, where the Montsallam had sold the Jews permission to celebrate the festival of the tombs. On seeing captives seated in silence on the tombs of their ancestors, one might have said that the clamor of the last trumpet was heard, that generations were crowding to the Cedron, and that the words of joy and of tribulation had already burst from the cloud.

"The quarter of the Jews was what attracted my early attention. Eight or nine thousand of the children of the masters of Jerusalem still inhabit this capital of the past. A narrow craggy space covered with filth, which can scarcely be called a street, divides the houses of this quarter, which are falling in ruins. Pale and sickly beings with a strongly marked physiognomy, there engage in warm disputes about a few medins.

Having descended a flight of broken steps, into cellars, the falling roofs of which were propped by pillars once sculptured and gilt, I learned with surprise that this was the great synagogue: children in tatters there learned from an old blind man the history of this city where their ancestors adored the God of Israel and of Judah, beneath the marble porticos, and roofs supported by cedars of Lebanon- they counted over again the miracles of him whom they also expected, of him who had guided the footsteps of their ancestors in the desert of Midian, and who so often brought them back triumphantly into this land of Canaan, where were to flow mountains of milk and honey.

7 APRIL 1824

The number of houses at present in Jerusalem is between 3 and 4,000; its inhabitants are estimated as follows:-Turks 10,000; Greeks 1,000; Franks 1,000; Armenians 1,000; Jews 3,500

The reason why the Arab population was so much greater than the Jewish one by 1948 was because the Turks and later, the British, restricted Jewish immigration. Thousands came in without papers (many from Iraq and general Arabia) and weren't 'counted'.

Jews also helped bring the first railroad to Palestine.

Zionists built Palestine. By 1948, the yishuv communities were very successful. The Jews did it with hard work, diplomacy, sweat, determination, and faith. That is, if nothing else, the 'American dream', recognized. And you're telling me they have no right to that land? That people who had nothing to do with its prosperity "rightfully" own it?

No. Give the Arabs their own state. Let them have what they refuse to develop. And then shut the gates.
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Monnagonna Sig said:
I just hope that jews and muslims fight it out to the last man, woman and child. This makes me very happy.
Best reality tv going.
-Donald Trump-
This quote, and even it's first sentence is a 100% Fraud.

It appears NOWHERE on the internet but Monngonna's Sig.
Not "Donald Trump" not NO one.
It's a Fabrication, and a Stupid one.
Trump would never say that about Jews.
Only a Moronic and Dishonest Bigot would try and attribute it to him.

Israel is a fraud, so we'd be even, even if it wasn't true. Now go fuck a bagel through a hole in a sheet, that's what the whole is for, no? And I bet the bagel feels better too.
What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

The arabs were put into concentration camps, the jews learned that one from Hitler.

Ey there big boy.

Is Israel killing Palestinians? And I dont mean police officers shooting boys with bombs strapped to themselves, but execution style in a camp.

If Gaza isn't a concentration camp, what is it? A beachside resort?

A nice new shopping mall opened today in Gaza:


Mideast Dispatch Archive: A nice new shopping mall opened today in Gaza: Will the media report on it?
24 JULY 1896

"The present condition of the various Jewish colonies established in the holy land through the benevolence of societies and private individuals belonging to the Jewish faith in Europe is described in the last report of the British consul at Jerusalem, says the London Times. It appears that, although not all-together self supporting, they are increasing in size, are ably managed and give occupation to numerous Jewish immigrant families who would otherwise be destitute."

..."The work is carried out in these colonies in accordance with the latest improvements adopted in Europe, so that they have become model farms to the surrounding peasantry, and will no doubt in course of years produce a beneficial effect on the rural population of Palestine."


20 AUGUST 1896

"A lady who has lived in Jerusalem for the past 40 years and who has only recently returned to England gives the following curious information concerning the increase of the Jewish population of the Holy City:
'Twenty-two tears ago there were only between 15,000 and 20,000 Jews in Jerusalem. In those days no houses were to be found outside the magnificant walls, the gates of which were closed at night. Since then many changes have taken place, and the Hebrew population - mainly on account of the increase of the Jewish immigration from Russia - now stands at between 60,000 and 70,000. Whole streets of houses have been built outside the walls on the site of the ancient suburban districts, which for hundreds of years have remained deserted. It is not, however, only in Jerusalem itself that the Jews abound, but throughout Palestine they are buying farms and establishing themselves in a surprisingly rapid manner. In Jerusalem they form at present a larger community than either Christian or the Mohammedan.'"


"Palestine is full of robbers. The Beduoin, or wandering Arabs, are professionals."


עַם יִשְרָאֵל חַי

It appears that, although not all-together self supporting,

Israel has always lived on the mooch. It gives it a leg up on prosperity.
A British missionary who lived in Beirut and visited Palestine in 1859 described the southern coastal area as "a very ocean of wheat," and the British Consul in Jerusalem, James Finn, reported that "the fields would do credit to British farming."(5)

The German geographer Alexander Scholch concluded that between 1856 and 1882 "Palestine produced a relatively large agricultural surplus which was marketed in neighboring countries, such as Egypt and Lebanon, and increasingly exported to Europe. These exports included wheat, barley, dura, maise, sesame, olive oil, soap, oranges, vegetables and cotton. Among the European importers of Palestinian produce were France, England, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Malta."(6)

Lawrence Oliphant, who visited Palestine in 1887, wrote that Palestine's Valley of Esdraelon was "a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive."(7) This Palestinian wheat had historically played an important part in international commerce. According to Paul Masson, a French economic historian, "wheat shipments from the Palestinian port of Acre had helped to save southern France from famine on numerous occasions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."(8)

Agricultural techniques in Palestine, especially in citriculture, were among the most advanced in the world long before the first Zionist settlers came to its shores. In 1856, the American consul in Jerusalem, Henry Gillman, "outlined reasons why orange growers in Florida would find it advantageous to adopt Palestinian techniques of grafting directly onto lemon trees."^ In 1893, the British Consul advised his government of the value of importing "young trees procured from Jaffa" to improve production in Australia and South Africa.(10)

Chapter 2: Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Ey there big boy.

Is Israel killing Palestinians? And I dont mean police officers shooting boys with bombs strapped to themselves, but execution style in a camp.

If Gaza isn't a concentration camp, what is it? A beachside resort?

A nice new shopping mall opened today in Gaza:


Mideast Dispatch Archive: A nice new shopping mall opened today in Gaza: Will the media report on it?

Wow! a tiny 2 floor mall! Boy do they ever have it made!

If it's not a concentration camp, why are they surrounded by Israelis with weapons pointed at them behind high fences on all sides and a naval blockade at sea?
Monnagonna Sig said:
I just hope that jews and muslims fight it out to the last man, woman and child. This makes me very happy.
Best reality tv going.
-Donald Trump-
This quote, and even it's first sentence is a 100% Fraud.

It appears NOWHERE on the internet but Monngonna's Sig.
Not "Donald Trump" not NO one.

It's a Fabrication, and a Stupid one.
Trump would never say that about Jews.
Only a Moronic and Dishonest Bigot would try and attribute it to him.

Israel is a fraud, so we'd be even, even if it wasn't true. Now go fuck a bagel through a hole in a sheet, that's what the whole is for, no? And I bet the bagel feels better too.
So Monnagonna has NO answer to me exposing the Fabricated/FAKE quote he is Still using except embarrassed anger.

As To "Fucking a bagel".... It has to be better.
Fucking your little pink piggy ass and having to listen to you squeeeeal as above was annoying.
You can pull up your pants and go home now.

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