What we desperately need right now...A Fact based News Channel.

The news media spins facts, but they are still facts. I don't see why people find it so hard to cut out the bullshit.

Because the party of sheep don't bother to use critical thinking skills.
Ha, the conservative pieces of crap will cll anything "fake News" unless it validates their ignorant beliefs.

Beliefs like Global Warming is a Hoax.

Trump never meet a Russian before he was elected.

Trump didn't commit adultery.

That cutting taxes and regulations in Kansas worked.

That Reagan never raised taxes.

That god created the universe about 8,000 years ago with a Merica at the center of it.

That a Merican exceptionalism exists without being exceptional.

Libertarianism is a proven economic model that has never been tried even though its failed everywhere.
HAHAHAHAHA You can say anything without a link...just as the "News Reports" do.

Pick one and I'll give you a knowledge link.
All of them.

Why don't we concentrate on the ones you don't believe.

Maybe like the recent deficit financed tax cuts to the rich with trump regulation push like Kansas.

From Bloomberg... Running the Numbers on the Kansas Experiment
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?
------------------------------------- i learned in 4th or 5th grade that the job of the news media was to report the Who , What , Where and When with the WHY to be decided by the Listener . As far as 'cronkite' i have heard that he was a biased person leaning left .
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?

It would fail, not enough people want facts. Just look at the thread about John Kerry for proof. People want lies that make them happy, that is why people like Maddow and Hannity are so popular.
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?
Cspan. do try to stay awake during it.
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?
------------------------------------- i learned in 4th or 5th grade that the job of the news was to report the Who , What , Where and When with the WHY to be decided by the Listener . As far as 'cronkite' i have heard that he was a biased person leaning left .
And that is precisely what we need...WHO WHAT WHERE WHY and HOW. Then let the listener decide.
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?

It would fail, not enough people want facts. Just look at the thread about John Kerry for proof. People want lies that make them happy, that is why people like Maddow and Hannity are so popular.

Equating Rachel Maddow to sean hannity is truth malpractice.
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?

It would fail, not enough people want facts. Just look at the thread about John Kerry for proof. People want lies that make them happy, that is why people like Maddow and Hannity are so popular.

Equating Rachel Maddow to sean hannity is truth malpractice.

They are two sides of the same coin in my book
No more Fox News! No more CNN! No more left or right leaning news reports! What the people would respond to is a Walter Cronkite News Anchor without a bias!

There is so much crap on the news and people who are lazy and do not read just parrot the biases of newspeople with a bent.

If I had the money, I would start a network... Real News...Real Facts...No Opinions! I think for those who want the real news, it would be a hit!

What do you think?

The News Hour on PBS.

They report stories with context, who, what, where... commentary/analysis is non-partisan/no speculation or spin. It's too boring for most people to watch as they're now accustomed to drama-conflict based news designed to hold the viewer through the commercial. "slams", "bombshell" "war on" "hits back" "fires back" "take down" "destroys"...

Modern News media sees the viewer as the customer. And they tailer the "framing" of news stories to keep their customers coming back. Fox was first to really see the marketing potential in creating a partisan news narrative. Report a version of the news conservative people want to hear. Tell people the other news is "liberal" thus unreliable and you keep your customer loyal.

I'd say Fox did more to nudge CNN to the left than anything.

The Harvard media study (done after every national election) found that Hillary got more negative coverage than Trump because every story that covered a Trump scandal contained a paragraph at the end briefly mentioning Hillary's emails--which is typical in election coverage. However the Hillary email story coverage might have a quote from Trump, his response to the latest on her, but there were too many Trump scandals to summarize in one paragraph. -- this was their findings, not anecdotal.

People need to learn how stories are sourced, read between the lines, and listen for cues that indicate editorial spin or opinion vs. straight news info. Also be able to tell context or background info from ad hominem attack, irrelevant association, or straw man.

When watching TV news:

"people are saying..." is not a source.
"people are asking..." not relevant, not even a reporter talking to "people on the street"...
"This feels like..." not news
"seems like..." not news
"looks like..." not news.

This IS = news.

At this time, at this place,
This is what is happening, or has happened. (w/o speculation as to motive) -- that's all real news is.
Context = relevant info that adds understanding or background to the event.

Fox has the creating of a specific narrative down to an art form. CNN is really amateur hour.
Sadly, it probably can't happen. We're down to just 7 or 8 large corporations controlling just about all US Media. And they have their agendas. Their job is to control the message. They gotta keep the Sheeple in line.

Our only chance at any real truth in media, is with 'alternative media.' You can't trust Government/Corporate Media. So let's just hope & pray they don't get around to seizing complete control of the Internet too. Because Lord knows they're trying.

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