What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

We now know that you're an advocate for segregation, that you think minorities are unqualified for their jobs, and that "working class" money supports minorities (in your words "parasite" class). You want the "freedom" to discriminate against minorities and keep them out of white neighborhoods, out of white businesses, out of white schools ... and to you that is "true diversity". That's stupid. How many times a day do you drink from the racist trough?

Well, Debra.....we must take into consideration that poor, racist-laden souls like Rotagilla are simply scared......an abject fear of any color but white.....

Playing the Race Card works well for you guys. In that you get to silence and scare lots of people into toeing the PC line.

But, it is a way of avoiding issues, not solving them.

And more and more whites are getting pretty tired of it.

You are building up a lot of anger in those you are defeating with such poisonous tactics.

Some day it is gong to blow up in your face.
Yes it is, but he'll be out of office soon and then we may see a real President.

.....when closet racists bemoan a "real president".........they really mean a white one, don;t you think?

It'd be refreshing if all of these red neck-ed morons would just come out and fully voice their prejudices......Come on, Ray...admit it....LOL

Right. Because we on the right were so nice to Bill Clinton.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

"progressive" policies (versus GOPers' regressive ones) are not related to age (note that this issue never came up among your ilk when your patron saint, Ronnie R. was running the country to the brink)........

Actually the age issue did come up. It was discussed. It was a minus for Ronald Reagan.

He overcame it. But it was then and is now a valid issue.

Hell, you guys were all over it with McCain/Palin, not that long ago.
He speaks in small words, and easy to understand phrases. He's like... A child's book version of a politician, and that's dangerous because there's a whole lot of dumb people. He may very well win the Republican primary, which would be sad for intelligent Republicans. The general? I don't know, like I said whoooooole lot of dumb people.

And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

You made no "points". Those are your opinions....no one can "refute" fantasies you invent in your own mind.
He speaks in small words, and easy to understand phrases. He's like... A child's book version of a politician, and that's dangerous because there's a whole lot of dumb people. He may very well win the Republican primary, which would be sad for intelligent Republicans. The general? I don't know, like I said whoooooole lot of dumb people.

And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Just dismiss that Ben Carson is in the top 3 candidates. Who is the real racist nat4900

Well, if you're black or Hispanic AND ambitious.......would you join a race where you'd be (like Lucifer stated in Milton's Paradise Lost) a pawn in Heaven or a king in Hell.....what party would you join????

Any idiot would tell you that Carson will NEVER see the inside of the WH ....but, among the racists, its good to have an uncle Tom to appease your troubled consciences, don't you think?

We have no "troubled consciences".

We have nothing to be troubled about.

DO you realize how racist is it to try to marginalize Ben Carson by calling him an Uncle Tom?

Rhetorical question. Of course you don't.
He speaks in small words, and easy to understand phrases. He's like... A child's book version of a politician, and that's dangerous because there's a whole lot of dumb people. He may very well win the Republican primary, which would be sad for intelligent Republicans. The general? I don't know, like I said whoooooole lot of dumb people.

And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

You made no "points". Those are your opinions....no one can "refute" fantasies you invent in your own mind.
Yes you can. You replace my "fantasies" and opinions about trumps policy plans with the facts of how they will actually work. It's actually really easy to refute fantasies as they have no basis in fact. So please, tell me the facts of trumps plans with ISIS and its oil, getting money from Saudi Arabia, and not losing to China. All points Trump himself made. Please educate me and my deluded fantasies.

I'm ready, I'll take notes, lay it on me.
No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

I think that the above was uttered by Crazy Horse when those darn settlers kept coming west......and, oh yes, the above also shows the fear of the white folks that the "natives are getting restless"......

Did not Crazy Horse have a point, from the point of view of the interests of his people?

Your use of the Race Card is accepted as an admission that you cannot refute my point on it's merits.

I asked a question Nat.

Did not Crazy Horse have a point, from the POV of the interests of his people and his culture?
He speaks in small words, and easy to understand phrases. He's like... A child's book version of a politician, and that's dangerous because there's a whole lot of dumb people. He may very well win the Republican primary, which would be sad for intelligent Republicans. The general? I don't know, like I said whoooooole lot of dumb people.

And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.
Do you think that the US changing to a defacto One Party State is a change for the Better, or a change for the Worse?
Human kind, in a relatively free society, will always abhor an ONE party system, nor should there be just one (that would lead to complacency and even more corruption.) Inevitably the GOP will smarten up and abandon the tea sippers and all those moribund, older white males who make up the ultra right factions.

(BTW, I am an almost 70 year old white male.)
And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

You made no "points". Those are your opinions....no one can "refute" fantasies you invent in your own mind.

Yes you can. You replace my "fantasies" and opinions about trumps policy plans with the facts of how they will actually work. It's actually really easy to refute fantasies as they have no basis in fact......blah...blah...etc....etc.

So now YOU expect ME to resolve YOUR fantasies...and if I can't, I "lose" the debate?

Just dismiss that Ben Carson is in the top 3 candidates. Who is the real racist nat4900

Well, if you're black or Hispanic AND ambitious.......would you join a race where you'd be (like Lucifer stated in Milton's Paradise Lost) a pawn in Heaven or a king in Hell.....what party would you join????

Any idiot would tell you that Carson will NEVER see the inside of the WH ....but, among the racists, its good to have an uncle Tom to appease your troubled consciences, don't you think?

We have no "troubled consciences".

We have nothing to be troubled about.

DO you realize how racist is it to try to marginalize Ben Carson by calling him an Uncle Tom?

Rhetorical question. Of course you don't.

Oh gee, are you offended by 'Uncle Tom'? lol, read the RWnut rhetoric around here, you're a pussy if you're offended by 'politically incorrect' language.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

You made no "points". Those are your opinions....no one can "refute" fantasies you invent in your own mind.

Yes you can. You replace my "fantasies" and opinions about trumps policy plans with the facts of how they will actually work. It's actually really easy to refute fantasies as they have no basis in fact......blah...blah...etc....etc.

So now YOU expect ME to resolve YOUR fantasies...and if I can't, I "lose" the debate?

So, no? You can't tell me how trumps policy points beyond immigration will work? Can anyone? And yes, if you can't refute my claims you lose the debate, the very nature of debate. The jester hat was a nice touch. Trumps clown army.

What, you want "facts?" And I can't give them to you I "lose"? Hahahahahaha foolish libturd.
I asked a question Nat.

Did not Crazy Horse have a point, from the POV of the interests of his people and his culture?

Of course Crazy Horse had a valid point......He just didn't have the "army" to oppose the onslaught of the greedy white hordes of raiders..........So, in the theory of "might makes right"........Crazy Horse lost.
Oh gee, are you offended by 'Uncle Tom'? lol, read the RWnut rhetoric around here, you're a pussy if you're offended by 'politically incorrect' language.

You know, I was taking a "liberty" preached by Trump about PC lexicon.....and all of a sudden Trump backers are offended???
...government has failed the people. However, you Gruberiditos are too stupid to know it. You are incapable of thinking for yourselves.

Yes, we have a problem....We should all rely on YOUR racist-driven dribbles for "guidance".......BTW, we should notice that among right wingers the trillion dollar debt keeps going up with each moronic quote.

This is from the same scum bags who want another war with Iran, funded with green stamps, right?

Well, we can deal with them now or deal with them after they get nukes. Which one is better for you?

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

"progressive" policies (versus GOPers' regressive ones) are not related to age (note that this issue never came up among your ilk when your patron saint, Ronnie R. was running the country to the brink)........

It sure came up repeatedly when war hero John McCain was taking a shot at it. It seems one of the mandates for running on the Democrat side is an AARP card.

At least we have people bringing in new ideas outside of tax and spend. Your party had the same platform for the last 40 years or so. On our side we have a black running, a woman running, an Indian running, a few Hispanics running, and our side is regressive? Your side has new ideas too. You now have an admitted Socialist running, and he's the Donald Trump on your side.

His type think that it's all Repubs fault.
They believe the lies and spins of the left. They actually think that the Dems and media are telling them the truth.
You put up facts and truth in front of their faces and they say "that's not truth, that's opinion"
Talk about stupid.
They will never see or admit that it is both parties who have done this to us.

Gruberidiots will believe or say anything.

The problem with Liberals is that they are too stupid to ever understand the damage that government does to the economy and to liberty until it is too late. Just ask the people of Greece what they were thinking by electing that bloated out of control debt ridden government. They will tell you "nothing" but we are seeing the consequences of their stupidity.

Liberals are working hard to turn the US into another Greece. Liberals of both parties.
Yes it is, but he'll be out of office soon and then we may see a real President.

.....when closet racists bemoan a "real president".........they really mean a white one, don;t you think?

It'd be refreshing if all of these red neck-ed morons would just come out and fully voice their prejudices......Come on, Ray...admit it....LOL

Wow, the race card. How clever. Nobody on your side has tried to use that before. LOL!
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

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