What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.

Einstein, you are correct, however, I was talking about the front-runners.

And Sanders is closing that gap with Hillary pretty fast.
Which was my point.
Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.

Einstein, you are correct, however, I was talking about the front-runners.

And Sanders is closing that gap with Hillary pretty fast.
Which was my point.

I don't think I'll be listening to any Republican predictions about the election, especially this far in advance. But thank you for your input.
That is not pander from Carson, it's facts.
Who would know better than a top Medical Surgeon who ran the Hospital he worked at.
What good is medical Insurance when you can pay the monthly premium, but can't afford the deductibles.

So you agree with Carson that the ACA is WORSE than 9-11???
A simple yes or no will suffice.
Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.

Einstein, you are correct, however, I was talking about the front-runners.

And Sanders is closing that gap with Hillary pretty fast.
Which was my point.

I don't think I'll be listening to any Republican predictions about the election, especially this far in advance. But thank you for your input.

That is not a prediction.
It is a fact from some polls.
Bernie Sanders Sees Growing National Support, Boost In New Hampshire Polls
Now, the enthusiasm for Sanders' campaign is also reflected in at least one new survey, which shows him for the first time pulling slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire's Democratic primary.
That is not pander from Carson, it's facts.
Who would know better than a top Medical Surgeon who ran the Hospital he worked at.
What good is medical Insurance when you can pay the monthly premium, but can't afford the deductibles.

So you agree with Carson that the ACA is WORSE than 9-11???
A simple yes or no will suffice.

I agree that it is doing more harm than good.
And that was not what Dr. Carson said.
Ben Carson Does Not Think Obamacare Is Worse Than 9/11, Says Aide
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With apologies for obvious overreach: I recall that Hitler was regarded as a clown before he seized power. The German elites dismissed him as a scruffy nuisance, and his followers as uncouth thugs.....then history took over.

But, lets let Carson tells us, since he has become the "see, I may be a right wingers but I'm bot a racist" crowd:

Celebrated neurosurgeon Ben Carson is sticking by controversial comments comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany and the Affordable Care Act to slavery.

"Nazi Germany experienced something horrible," Carson told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday. "The people in Nazi Germany largely didn't believe in what Hitler was doing. But they didn't say anything? Of course not, they kept their mouth shut. The fact that our government is using instruments of government like the IRS to punish its opponents, this is not the kind of thing that is a Democrat or a Republican issue. This is an American issue ... A lot of people do not feel free to express themselves."

Ben Carson Stands By Nazi Germany, Slavery Comparisons
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Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.

Einstein, you are correct, however, I was talking about the front-runners.

And Sanders is closing that gap with Hillary pretty fast.
Which was my point.

I don't think I'll be listening to any Republican predictions about the election, especially this far in advance. But thank you for your input.

That is not a prediction.
It is a fact from some polls.
Bernie Sanders Sees Growing National Support, Boost In New Hampshire Polls
Now, the enthusiasm for Sanders' campaign is also reflected in at least one new survey, which shows him for the first time pulling slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire's Democratic primary.

Polls are the flavor of the month right now.
With apologies for obvious overreach: I recall that Hitler was regarded as a clown before he seized power. The German elites dismissed him as a scruffy nuisance, and his followers as uncouth thugs.....then history took over.

But, lets let Carson tells us, since he has become the "see, I may be a right wingers but I'm bot a racist" crowd:

Celebrated neurosurgeon Ben Carson is sticking by controversial comments comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany and the Affordable Care Act to slavery.

"Nazi Germany experienced something horrible," Carson told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday. "The people in Nazi Germany largely didn't believe in what Hitler was doing. But they didn't say anything? Of course not, they kept their mouth shut. The fact that our government is using instruments of government like the IRS to punish its opponents, this is not the kind of thing that is a Democrat or a Republican issue. This is an American issue ... A lot of people do not feel free to express themselves."

Ben Carson Stands By Nazi Germany, Slavery Comparisons

And it is true.
Lois Lerner used politics and IRS is suppose to remain neutral, not used as political ideology.
I'm am sick of the left putting words and assumptions in what Conservatives say.
All they have left is spin and lies.
Here is another one about something that Dr. Carson did not say.
Carson slams notion that he would use drones 'to kill people' along border
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson pushed back on the notion that he would use weaponized drones to kill people along the U.S.-Mexico border.

"In no way did I suggest using drones to kill people," he said Sunday, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union." "How ridiculous."

I like the idea of blowing up the caves so that they can't hide the drugs.

What would you call the new health care act that forces our young people into a health insurance program or pay a tax penalty?
Did slaves have a choice?
Neither one is freedom, it's force.
And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.

Einstein, you are correct, however, I was talking about the front-runners.

And Sanders is closing that gap with Hillary pretty fast.
Which was my point.

I don't think I'll be listening to any Republican predictions about the election, especially this far in advance. But thank you for your input.

That is not a prediction.
It is a fact from some polls.
Bernie Sanders Sees Growing National Support, Boost In New Hampshire Polls
Now, the enthusiasm for Sanders' campaign is also reflected in at least one new survey, which shows him for the first time pulling slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire's Democratic primary.

Polls are the flavor of the month right now.

Too many don't trust Hillary.
What would you call the new health care act that forces our young people into a health insurance program or pay a tax penalty?

I could have used your rhetoric when I was being drafted into the Vietnam war.....and "the penalty" for non-compliance to that call was a bit more severe..
What would you call the new health care act that forces our young people into a health insurance program or pay a tax penalty?

I could have used your rhetoric when I was being drafted into the Vietnam war.....and "the penalty" for non-compliance to that call was a bit more severe..

There were exemptions for not being drafted.
None for AHC.
Less than 10% of that generation served in Viet Nam.
I could have used your rhetoric when I was being drafted into the Vietnam war.....and "the penalty" for non-compliance to that call was a bit more severe..

Conscription by the government is always wrong no matter the reason.

Taxation is a form of labor conscription. .

It is a necessary evil when the money is used for minimal government functions like defense, courts, police etc.

It is a form of slavery (or thievery) when the money that is taken from you is given away to somebody else that didn't earn the money like in welfare, subsidies, entitlements or bailouts. That also applies to when it is given to foreign countries in the form of foreign aid or military subsidies.

If you are like me and don't like government conscription then join me in opposing all welfare, subsidies, entitlements, bailouts and foreign welfare.
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency don’t you think?

But he is charismatic.

All he now needs to do is offer voters a free phone or something.

Or the kids helicopter rides and that's it--he's the one--LOL Look because he is so bombastic he has the media all over this country licking his shoes.
And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.

i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
Do you think that the US changing to a defacto One Party State is a change for the Better, or a change for the Worse?
Human kind, in a relatively free society, will always abhor an ONE party system, nor should there be just one (that would lead to complacency and even more corruption.) Inevitably the GOP will smarten up and abandon the tea sippers and all those moribund, older white males who make up the ultra right factions.

(BTW, I am an almost 70 year old white male.)

These are your words that you cut.

"I know that you know that I've stated this several times before.....Texas AND Florida will some day soon (a decade plus) be purple and soon after a vivid blue. Without those 2 states electoral votes, right wingers will only see the white House from the outside."

Here you are gloating that the "right wing" will "only see the white house from the outside".

Now you are claiming that all the GOP has to do it "smarten up"...

That's bullshit.

Your first post was spot on. Demographic change, driven by high levels of Third World Immigration are changing America into a nation where one side will be permanently shut out of power.

This will be a change caused by immigration.

As we all know, One Party States are notoriously corrupt and inefficient and ineffective.

This will be a change for the worse, for the very much worse.

But you can't admit that, because the entire left's defense of the current immigration policy is that there is not valid reason to be concerned and only racists are worried.

Admitting one negative change, especially a big one, reveals your entire side to be liars willing to sell America out for partisan political gain.
Just dismiss that Ben Carson is in the top 3 candidates. Who is the real racist nat4900

Well, if you're black or Hispanic AND ambitious.......would you join a race where you'd be (like Lucifer stated in Milton's Paradise Lost) a pawn in Heaven or a king in Hell.....what party would you join????

Any idiot would tell you that Carson will NEVER see the inside of the WH ....but, among the racists, its good to have an uncle Tom to appease your troubled consciences, don't you think?

We have no "troubled consciences".

We have nothing to be troubled about.

DO you realize how racist is it to try to marginalize Ben Carson by calling him an Uncle Tom?

Rhetorical question. Of course you don't.

Oh gee, are you offended by 'Uncle Tom'? lol, read the RWnut rhetoric around here, you're a pussy if you're offended by 'politically incorrect' language.

I am unable to understand the complete lack of self awareness of liberals who claim to be champions against racism while spouting the most racist stuff.

YOur complete misunderstanding of "RWnut rhetoric" is noted and dismissed as irrelevant.
Correll is getting a bit mixed up as to who he/she/it is responding to, what the argument is or whether his depends are dry or not.
I asked a question Nat.

Did not Crazy Horse have a point, from the POV of the interests of his people and his culture?

Of course Crazy Horse had a valid point......He just didn't have the "army" to oppose the onslaught of the greedy white hordes of raiders..........So, in the theory of "might makes right"........Crazy Horse lost.

So, if Crazy Horse was right that an invasion of outsiders was bad for him and his people, as you brought up, then why do you bring that up to support an invasion of outsiders?
What point should I refute, his plan to repeal obamacare and replace it with "something terrific". Can't refute that, something terrific sounds great.

His tax plan that would cut his own taxes and reduce our income yet again? Makes sense, countries in debt, we need less money coming in.

His deportation plan that would cost hundreds of billions, and then the giant wall we'll make Mexico build after we piss them off by dumping millions into the country?

Or maybe the best one yet, go fight another war on the ground against ISIS and take their oil, as though ISIS oil will somehow mitigate the costs of fighting yet another war overseas.

Or how about making Saudi Arabia pay us? How will we accomplish that? Ask real nice? Tell them we deserve it?

And how will we stop losing to China? Our negotiators are dumb, I got that part, and we stop losing to them how?

No, no I can't refute those points.

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.

i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.
We have some real stupid people in the Republican party--that don't know that there are millions of LEGAL voting Hispanics in this country--that will vote against any Republican running for office, based on Trump's continual rhetoric against them. Making it IMPOSSIBLE for Republicans to win the White House.

Donald Trump is the Clinton/Trump plan for Hillary to get escorted into the White House, and nothing else. Sometimes you are required to listen to other candidates to get the drift of what is actually going on.


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