What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

REally? Wow. THen why does she look like such hammered crap?
Correll is getting a bit mixed up as to who he/she/it is responding to, what the argument is or whether his depends are dry or not.

If I mixed up a quote, then how about pointing it out to me, so that I can ask the right person, instead of just being a jerk?

His immigration policy would be a good place to start.

Why don't your support the idea that the 14th amendment was designed to apply to anyone who's mom snuck over the border and squirted them out onto the sand?

Or maybe explain how millions and millions of more uneducated and unskilled workers is what this nation needs to compete in the 21st century?

Have at it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.

i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.

Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
We have some real stupid people in the Republican party--that don't know that there are millions of LEGAL voting Hispanics in this country--that will vote against any Republican running for office, based on Trump's continual rhetoric against them. Making it IMPOSSIBLE for Republicans to win the White House.

Donald Trump is the Clinton/Trump plan for Hillary to get escorted into the White House, and nothing else. Sometimes you are required to listen to other candidates to get the drift of what is actually going on.

McCain was for amnesty and lost Hispanics by more than two to one.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem in this country, maybe trumps plan would work, but I don't think his plan will work. Maybe it will. It's certainly his most popular point.

Can you refute the rest of my points about trumps garbage plans?

Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.

i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.

Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
I understand that if we raise prices on everything being imported in, prices skyrocket, even if we had factories brought back to America (still highly unlikely), we would not likely create many jobs, since automated factories are now a much better option than a labor force. While the government may take in money from these tariffs they would make many products we buy everyday ridiculously more expensive.

Almost all economists agree that trumps plan is ridiculous, you simply cannot turn back the clock on globalization, and why would we reduce exports to China? Companies profiting in America from international trade is good for the economy.

Tell me why I'm wrong or next point.
So, if Crazy Horse was right that an invasion of outsiders was bad for him and his people, as you brought up, then why do you bring that up to support an invasion of outsiders?

I'm actually with the 7th Cavalry.
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

There are some things that Trump says that actually make sense. The most important one is that other countries do not trade fairly with the US. The problem is that adding steep tariffs on foreign goods is not the answer. The only thing that will do is cause massive inflation here in the US and further devalue the dollar. What we need is a president who is going to develop better trade agreements for the US without the threat of using large tariffs, and for the life of me, I cannot envision "The Donald" negotiating anything positive with foreign leaders. Trump may think he is God, but foreign leaders would just laugh at him. Most likely they would not even sit down at the table with him.

As much as Romney ticked me off by pandering to the far right, he was a much better candidate than Trump will ever be. As a matter of fact, he is still probably the best qualified Republican to be president.

WIth a 300 billion dollar a year deficit there is already a trade war, and we are losing.
WIth a 300 billion dollar a year deficit there is already a trade war, and we are losing.

....and THAT is why we are in desperate need of a real war.......Let's see if China will lend us some more money to attack China.
Your "refutation" of Trumps point was " I don't think his plan will work".

And you have the nerve to ask me to "refute" your spin points?

Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.

i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.

Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
I understand that if we raise prices on everything being imported in, prices skyrocket, even if we had factories brought back to America (still highly unlikely), we would not likely create many jobs, since automated factories are now a much better option than a labor force. While the government may take in money from these tariffs they would make many products we buy everyday ridiculously more expensive.

Almost all economists agree that trumps plan is ridiculous, you simply cannot turn back the clock on globalization, and why would we reduce exports to China? Companies profiting in America from international trade is good for the economy.

Tell me why I'm wrong or next point.


So, supposedly prices "skyrocket" on imports, but even then we can't build any of it here, because even if we do it won't be a lot of jobs because of automation....

That doesn't make sense to me.

THe more prices rise, the more competitive manufacturing here will be. "NOt many jobs"? Funny, how losing the jobs suppressed the wages of the middle class for generations, but moving them back would be useless...

Lets try it. Lets take some steps to actually craft trade policy to INCREASE US manufacturing employment and see what happens. If we end up with nothing but more robots and higher prices then we can call it a failure and give up.

If middle class jobs and wages actually improve, then we can call it a success and do more of it.

Globalization is a policy. Policies can be reversed. There is no magic power that is preventing US from putting tariffs on nations that are screwing US.
So, if Crazy Horse was right that an invasion of outsiders was bad for him and his people, as you brought up, then why do you bring that up to support an invasion of outsiders?

I'm actually with the 7th Cavalry.

Non sequitur.

Please answer my question.

if Crazy Horse was right that an invasion of outsiders was bad for him and his people, as you brought up, then why do you bring that up to support an invasion of outsiders?
Spin points? Those are trumps campaign points, and I stand convinced that maybe his immigration plan will work. You have the opportunity now to convince me on the rest of his plans. A real win for trump if you can. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe I was wrong. So please, tell me more about Trump beyond the immigration plan.

i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.

Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
I understand that if we raise prices on everything being imported in, prices skyrocket, even if we had factories brought back to America (still highly unlikely), we would not likely create many jobs, since automated factories are now a much better option than a labor force. While the government may take in money from these tariffs they would make many products we buy everyday ridiculously more expensive.

Almost all economists agree that trumps plan is ridiculous, you simply cannot turn back the clock on globalization, and why would we reduce exports to China? Companies profiting in America from international trade is good for the economy.

Tell me why I'm wrong or next point.


So, supposedly prices "skyrocket" on imports, but even then we can't build any of it here, because even if we do it won't be a lot of jobs because of automation....

That doesn't make sense to me.

THe more prices rise, the more competitive manufacturing here will be. "NOt many jobs"? Funny, how losing the jobs suppressed the wages of the middle class for generations, but moving them back would be useless...

Lets try it. Lets take some steps to actually craft trade policy to INCREASE US manufacturing employment and see what happens. If we end up with nothing but more robots and higher prices then we can call it a failure and give up.

If middle class jobs and wages actually improve, then we can call it a success and do more of it.

Globalization is a policy. Policies can be reversed. There is no magic power that is preventing US from putting tariffs on nations that are screwing US.

Actually it was tried not long ago with GW. He put a tariff on imported steel that was putting our people out of work. They just put a tariff on our exported goods to their country. GW was forced to back off.
i don't believe you.

Immigration is my biggest issue. I picked it out of your shotgun fallacy post, and the moment I addressed it, you back pedaled.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.

Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
I understand that if we raise prices on everything being imported in, prices skyrocket, even if we had factories brought back to America (still highly unlikely), we would not likely create many jobs, since automated factories are now a much better option than a labor force. While the government may take in money from these tariffs they would make many products we buy everyday ridiculously more expensive.

Almost all economists agree that trumps plan is ridiculous, you simply cannot turn back the clock on globalization, and why would we reduce exports to China? Companies profiting in America from international trade is good for the economy.

Tell me why I'm wrong or next point.


So, supposedly prices "skyrocket" on imports, but even then we can't build any of it here, because even if we do it won't be a lot of jobs because of automation....

That doesn't make sense to me.

THe more prices rise, the more competitive manufacturing here will be. "NOt many jobs"? Funny, how losing the jobs suppressed the wages of the middle class for generations, but moving them back would be useless...

Lets try it. Lets take some steps to actually craft trade policy to INCREASE US manufacturing employment and see what happens. If we end up with nothing but more robots and higher prices then we can call it a failure and give up.

If middle class jobs and wages actually improve, then we can call it a success and do more of it.

Globalization is a policy. Policies can be reversed. There is no magic power that is preventing US from putting tariffs on nations that are screwing US.

Actually it was tried not long ago with GW. He put a tariff on imported steel that was putting our people out of work. They just put a tariff on our exported goods to their country. GW was forced to back off.

"Forced"? Because America can't lose a trading partner that is ripping US off to the tune of 300 billion a year?

Maybe he should have tried harder.
No, you picked out the only point you knew how to address, prove me wrong and pick another one. His plans for Saudi Arabia? ISIS? China? Health care?

Immigration may be your biggest issue but I would sincerely question if it is your only issue.

I have argued extensively against trumps immigration plan as unreasonable and an inevitable human rights violations. I don't feel like getting in that argument that goes nowhere again. So, for the sake of argument, I will say maybe I'm wrong, maybe it will work out great.

Now please, explain to me ANY of trumps other policy points.

I have asked you and two others repeatedly and no one can give me an answer, is trumps only policy a witchhunt and a wall? Because it seems like no one can explain trumps plans beyond immigration

I invite you to try and you just can't. Pretty easy to see either he is a one trick pony or you are.

Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
I understand that if we raise prices on everything being imported in, prices skyrocket, even if we had factories brought back to America (still highly unlikely), we would not likely create many jobs, since automated factories are now a much better option than a labor force. While the government may take in money from these tariffs they would make many products we buy everyday ridiculously more expensive.

Almost all economists agree that trumps plan is ridiculous, you simply cannot turn back the clock on globalization, and why would we reduce exports to China? Companies profiting in America from international trade is good for the economy.

Tell me why I'm wrong or next point.


So, supposedly prices "skyrocket" on imports, but even then we can't build any of it here, because even if we do it won't be a lot of jobs because of automation....

That doesn't make sense to me.

THe more prices rise, the more competitive manufacturing here will be. "NOt many jobs"? Funny, how losing the jobs suppressed the wages of the middle class for generations, but moving them back would be useless...

Lets try it. Lets take some steps to actually craft trade policy to INCREASE US manufacturing employment and see what happens. If we end up with nothing but more robots and higher prices then we can call it a failure and give up.

If middle class jobs and wages actually improve, then we can call it a success and do more of it.

Globalization is a policy. Policies can be reversed. There is no magic power that is preventing US from putting tariffs on nations that are screwing US.

Actually it was tried not long ago with GW. He put a tariff on imported steel that was putting our people out of work. They just put a tariff on our exported goods to their country. GW was forced to back off.

"Forced"? Because America can't lose a trading partner that is ripping US off to the tune of 300 billion a year?

Maybe he should have tried harder.

The point is that politics overseas works like politics here. Every action causes a reaction.

I think that if we have problems trading with any foreign country, we just stop trading with them. That's it. Tell them it's a 50/50 deal and if they don't want to play, so be it. We'll find others to trade with.

Of course that may not be the politically expedient thing to do. After all, we will see increased prices in our products. When the political machine winds up, there will be plenty of finger pointing going around.

You know the first priority of any politician is to keep their job. That's what I like about Trump, he doesn't care about keeping the job. If we don't want him, there are plenty of other things for him to do, so he would do something like halt imported products, and if we don't like it, too bad. It's for the good of the country and we'll just have to suffer a little bit.
Fine. China and trade.

Reducing Exports to China. Tariffs are a great way to reduce imports and/or generate revenue.

What part do you not understand about that?
I understand that if we raise prices on everything being imported in, prices skyrocket, even if we had factories brought back to America (still highly unlikely), we would not likely create many jobs, since automated factories are now a much better option than a labor force. While the government may take in money from these tariffs they would make many products we buy everyday ridiculously more expensive.

Almost all economists agree that trumps plan is ridiculous, you simply cannot turn back the clock on globalization, and why would we reduce exports to China? Companies profiting in America from international trade is good for the economy.

Tell me why I'm wrong or next point.


So, supposedly prices "skyrocket" on imports, but even then we can't build any of it here, because even if we do it won't be a lot of jobs because of automation....

That doesn't make sense to me.

THe more prices rise, the more competitive manufacturing here will be. "NOt many jobs"? Funny, how losing the jobs suppressed the wages of the middle class for generations, but moving them back would be useless...

Lets try it. Lets take some steps to actually craft trade policy to INCREASE US manufacturing employment and see what happens. If we end up with nothing but more robots and higher prices then we can call it a failure and give up.

If middle class jobs and wages actually improve, then we can call it a success and do more of it.

Globalization is a policy. Policies can be reversed. There is no magic power that is preventing US from putting tariffs on nations that are screwing US.

Actually it was tried not long ago with GW. He put a tariff on imported steel that was putting our people out of work. They just put a tariff on our exported goods to their country. GW was forced to back off.

"Forced"? Because America can't lose a trading partner that is ripping US off to the tune of 300 billion a year?

Maybe he should have tried harder.

The point is that politics overseas works like politics here. Every action causes a reaction.

I think that if we have problems trading with any foreign country, we just stop trading with them. That's it. Tell them it's a 50/50 deal and if they don't want to play, so be it. We'll find others to trade with.

Of course that may not be the politically expedient thing to do. After all, we will see increased prices in our products. When the political machine winds up, there will be plenty of finger pointing going around.

You know the first priority of any politician is to keep their job. That's what I like about Trump, he doesn't care about keeping the job. If we don't want him, there are plenty of other things for him to do, so he would do something like halt imported products, and if we don't like it, too bad. It's for the good of the country and we'll just have to suffer a little bit.

I am comfortable with action/reaction.

Actually, I WANT action/reaction.

For decades we have been being "acted" against with no "reaction" from US.

Time to react. China is the obvious place to start. We should have done it long ago.

25 % tariffs, total ban, whatever. Almost anything would be better than the current policy which seems designed to ship economic growth from here to there.
Most Americans know our government is broke and out of control and we are screwing up big time. Trump seems to offer an alternative to that.

If the other Republican candidates had any balls they could out Trump Trump.

Instead they play the game of not trying to offend anybody and because of that they all look weak compared to Mr Obnoxious Loudmouth New Yorker.

Trump has tapped into the frustration Conservatives have with RINOs and that is why he is leading in the polls.

Ironically Trump may be a RINO himself but nobody knows for sure because Trump is setting the tone for the debate.
The government is neither 'broken' nor 'out of control,' that's the errant perception of those on the extreme right.

Indeed, Americans correctly understand that the problem is in fact the extreme right, partisan Congressional republicans who refuse to pursue sound, responsible governance and refuse to compromise with the president and Congressional democrats.

The problem is Congressional republicans who seek to 'shut down' the government if they don't get their way, lurching from one fiscal showdown to another, budgeting always on the brink of fiscal disaster, resulting in the credit rating downgrade, sequesters, and legislation in no way beneficial to the American people.

Trump represents more of the same from the right: petulant inaction, foot-dragging, and partisan temper-tantrums.

The last thing America needs is what Trump and his supporters advocate; what America needs is for sane, responsible republicans to take back their party – take it back from the social right, Christian fundamentalists, and inane extremists hostile to sound, responsible governance.

government is indeed out of control.....our national debt proves it......and perhaps the stock market is finally catching on to the un-sustainability of some of this.

The right is in some way being hypocritical when they aren't willing to cut military spending to lower the debt....but give them some points for trying in other ways to lower the debt.
Most Americans know our government is broke and out of control and we are screwing up big time. Trump seems to offer an alternative to that.

If the other Republican candidates had any balls they could out Trump Trump.

Instead they play the game of not trying to offend anybody and because of that they all look weak compared to Mr Obnoxious Loudmouth New Yorker.

Trump has tapped into the frustration Conservatives have with RINOs and that is why he is leading in the polls.

Ironically Trump may be a RINO himself but nobody knows for sure because Trump is setting the tone for the debate.
The government is neither 'broken' nor 'out of control,' that's the errant perception of those on the extreme right.

Indeed, Americans correctly understand that the problem is in fact the extreme right, partisan Congressional republicans who refuse to pursue sound, responsible governance and refuse to compromise with the president and Congressional democrats.

The problem is Congressional republicans who seek to 'shut down' the government if they don't get their way, lurching from one fiscal showdown to another, budgeting always on the brink of fiscal disaster, resulting in the credit rating downgrade, sequesters, and legislation in no way beneficial to the American people.

Trump represents more of the same from the right: petulant inaction, foot-dragging, and partisan temper-tantrums.

The last thing America needs is what Trump and his supporters advocate; what America needs is for sane, responsible republicans to take back their party – take it back from the social right, Christian fundamentalists, and inane extremists hostile to sound, responsible governance.

government is indeed out of control.....our national debt proves it......and perhaps the stock market is finally catching on to the un-sustainability of some of this.

The right is in some way being hypocritical when they aren't willing to cut military spending to lower the debt....but give them some points for trying in other ways to lower the debt.

I am on the RIght, and I want to lower military spending.

Hell, I want to pull out of NATO and SOuth Korea.
only 2 candidates speak from their heart!!!!
One is Trump - a dope!!!
Other is Bernie - and he makes sense!!!!

anyone who makes <$100,000 and does not support Bernie, is voting for the 0.1% status quo!!!! which is against you and your children's self interest. Hard to blame people when they are brainwashed by Fox which is controlled by a self interested billionaire!!!! Go ahead - keep America and your kids backward for a generation while the rest of the world passes us out! if it wasn't for the FED and Obama we'd be in same dire straits as Europe!!!! The GOP lengthened the recession with their opposition to investing in the US!!! Kick em out and get this country moving again!!!!!

fishhardnj yahoo
only 2 candidates speak from their heart!!!!
One is Trump - a dope!!!
Other is Bernie - and he makes sense!!!!

anyone who makes <$100,000 and does not support Bernie, is voting for the 0.1% status quo!!!! which is against you and your children's self interest. Hard to blame people when they are brainwashed by Fox which is controlled by a self interested billionaire!!!! Go ahead - keep America and your kids backward for a generation while the rest of the world passes us out! if it wasn't for the FED and Obama we'd be in same dire straits as Europe!!!! The GOP lengthened the recession with their opposition to investing in the US!!! Kick em out and get this country moving again!!!!!

fishhardnj yahoo

Well stated......The simplicity of the choices gets overlooked because of long-held prejudices.
only 2 candidates speak from their heart!!!!
One is Trump - a dope!!!
Other is Bernie - and he makes sense!!!!

anyone who makes <$100,000 and does not support Bernie, is voting for the 0.1% status quo!!!! which is against you and your children's self interest. Hard to blame people when they are brainwashed by Fox which is controlled by a self interested billionaire!!!! Go ahead - keep America and your kids backward for a generation while the rest of the world passes us out! if it wasn't for the FED and Obama we'd be in same dire straits as Europe!!!! The GOP lengthened the recession with their opposition to investing in the US!!! Kick em out and get this country moving again!!!!!

fishhardnj yahoo

Trump is the only one who is against importing a million Third World unskilled and uneducated workers a year.

Does the US really need more uneducated and unskilled workers?

Your post is nothing but leftie talking points. Do you ever question what you are told?

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