What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.
So, no? You can't tell me how trumps policy points beyond immigration will work? Can anyone? And yes, if you can't refute my claims you lose the debate, the very nature of debate. The jester hat was a nice touch. Trumps clown army.

What, you want "facts?" And I can't give them to you I "lose"? Hahahahahaha foolish libturd.

Ultimately, most sane people know that Trump is "selling delusions" and, apparently, there are many buyers among right wingers who view his rhetoric and demagoguery as "liberating"........

One may note, however, that when anyone of the left emulates that same approach of telling people what they want to hear (as, admittedly, Sanders is doing) right wingers have a fit.......Go figure !!!
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."

Thirty seven useless words of blabber. Donald Trump is older than Hillary, Mr Man Staph. (male version of Stephanie)

And Sanders is older than Trump.
Both drawing large crowds.

Einstein, you are correct, however, I was talking about the front-runners.
We have no "troubled consciences".

We have nothing to be troubled about.

Well, that makes it even worse (.......and, of course, delusional AND sociopathic.)
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So now YOU expect ME to resolve YOUR fantasies...and if I can't, I "lose" the debate?

Well, Trump IS spewing "fantasies"....and, apparently, you swallowed them whole....So, you should be pretty "good" at resolving such fantasies.
we can deal with them now or deal with them after they get nukes. Which one is better for you?


You're right, we do NOT go around stating, "death to Muslims..." that would offend our sensibilities........We avoid the rhetoric and .......just bomb them.
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

There are some things that Trump says that actually make sense. The most important one is that other countries do not trade fairly with the US. The problem is that adding steep tariffs on foreign goods is not the answer. The only thing that will do is cause massive inflation here in the US and further devalue the dollar. What we need is a president who is going to develop better trade agreements for the US without the threat of using large tariffs, and for the life of me, I cannot envision "The Donald" negotiating anything positive with foreign leaders. Trump may think he is God, but foreign leaders would just laugh at him. Most likely they would not even sit down at the table with him.

As much as Romney ticked me off by pandering to the far right, he was a much better candidate than Trump will ever be. As a matter of fact, he is still probably the best qualified Republican to be president.
So, no? You can't tell me how trumps policy points beyond immigration will work? Can anyone? And yes, if you can't refute my claims you lose the debate, the very nature of debate. The jester hat was a nice touch. Trumps clown army.

What, you want "facts?" And I can't give them to you I "lose"? Hahahahahaha foolish libturd.

Ultimately, most sane people know that Trump is "selling delusions"
Negative, biased language noted...implication that people who disagree with your assessment are not "sane"

the DNC is strong in you but you're REALLY overplaying your hand here..

and, apparently, there are many buyers among right wingers who view his rhetoric and demagoguery as "liberating"........

negative language and bias noted...badly overplaying your hand...

One may note, however, that when anyone of the left emulates that same approach of telling people what they want to hear (as, admittedly, Sanders is doing) right wingers have a fit.......Go figure !!!

Grow up....Uncle Tom. You sat there and accused someone else of racism then used that? You're dumber than a sack of hammers, Faux Professor

Well, dingbat......When a Carson states that Obama care is WORSE than 9-11, when trying to pander to the tea baggers, then......YES.....he assumes the vestiges of an "uncle tom"

BTW, what happened to all that love of Trump when he calls for the abolition (pardon the pun) of PC terms???
Grow up....Uncle Tom. You sat there and accused someone else of racism then used that? You're dumber than a sack of hammers, Faux Professor

Well, dingbat......When a Carson states that Obama care is WORSE than 9-11, when trying to pander to the tea baggers, then......YES.....he assumes the vestiges of an "uncle tom"

BTW, what happened to all that love of Trump when he calls for the abolition (pardon the pun) of PC terms???

Your use of Uncle Tom was racist, you cannot get around that. Sit down....and shut up
Negative, biased language noted...implication that people who disagree with your assessment are not "sane"

Visit any insane asylum and you will readily hear from the inmates......"I AM sane !!!"
Grow up....Uncle Tom. You sat there and accused someone else of racism then used that? You're dumber than a sack of hammers, Faux Professor

Well, dingbat......When a Carson states that Obama care is WORSE than 9-11, when trying to pander to the tea baggers, then......YES.....he assumes the vestiges of an "uncle tom"

BTW, what happened to all that love of Trump when he calls for the abolition (pardon the pun) of PC terms???

That is not pander from Carson, it's facts.
Who would know better than a top Medical Surgeon who ran the Hospital he worked at.
What good is medical Insurance when you can pay the monthly premium, but can't afford the deductibles.

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