What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Yes it is, but he'll be out of office soon and then we may see a real President.
He speaks in small words, and easy to understand phrases. He's like... A child's book version of a politician, and that's dangerous because there's a whole lot of dumb people. He may very well win the Republican primary, which would be sad for intelligent Republicans. The general? I don't know, like I said whoooooole lot of dumb people.

And yet, not of you libs are refuting his points in any substantial manner.

Lots of unsupported assertions, and slander, even Hitler references, though.

INdeed, your post is pretty simple.
No, sparky, whitey is living on borrowed (stolen) time. Hispanics will reclaim their homeland and whitey will soon be the minority. What goes around comes around.

I know that you know that I've stated this several times before.....Texas AND Florida will some day soon (a decade plus) be purple and soon after a vivid blue. Without those 2 states electoral votes, right wingers will only see the white House from the outside.

It seems likely.

Do you think that the US changing to a defacto One Party State is a change for the Better, or a change for the Worse?
No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

What is the quote on the Statue of Liberty?

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

the inscription on the SOL is NOT our immigration policy and anyone who thinks that it is...or tries to pretend it justifies allowing people to enter illegally is ....well...let's say "incorrect"...

The words are symbolic of people coming here LEGALLY and assimilating...not colonizing.

Do you agree with the prior poster that diversity is a negative? especially when this country was built on immigration and diversity?

forcing people of different races to live together at gunpoint by enacting discriminatory laws to artificially elevate unqualified people to positions they don't deserve based solely on the color of their skin.."redistributing" the working class tax money to support a perpetual parasite class...

is that the "diversity" you're talking about?..yes, then..it's a negative..

people should be free to associate with whomever they like, hire whomever, go to school where they wish, etc...
with no interference or marxist social engineering from the fed gvt.
THAT is TRUE "diversity"

We now know that you're an advocate for segregation,
No..not segregation...complete SEPARATION...

that you think minorities are unqualified for their jobs

distortion..I said AA is discriminatory and provides people with positions that they aren't qualified for due to quotas and regulations, when there are more qualified people of the "wrong" race. PEople should ONLY advance based on their skills, knowledge and aptitude..NOT because of social marxism.

, and that "working class" money supports minorities (in your words "parasite" class).
correct. I know all about white people on welfare...the PER CENTAGE is the key...so don't come back here saying more white people are on welfare...more white people pay TAXES, too, if you want to play THAT game.

You want the "freedom" to discriminate against minorities and keep them out of white neighborhoods, out of white businesses, out of white schools

I don't want to "discriminate"..I want the right of freedom of association...you are the one using all the negative language and descriptions.

... and to you that is "true diversity".

go look up "diversity"..

That's stupid. How many times a day do you drink from the racist trough?


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

Trump and his rich friends can't prevent Hispanics from reclaiming their birthright.

Does it bother you that your lib allies lie and pretend that Minority Majority is going to be some pleasant and harmonious event instead of a great Get Even with Whitey-ness?
His success to date sure has been fascinating, and the biggest surprise to me is how he polls nationally against Hillary.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore quite a bit, in favor of some mysterious, anti-establishment element in him.

We'll see what happens as GOP candidates drop out and their supporters have to go somewhere. How the hell do you predict that?
His success to date sure has been fascinating, and the biggest surprise to me is how he polls nationally against Hillary.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore quite a bit, in favor of some mysterious, anti-establishment element in him.

We'll see what happens as GOP candidates drop out and their supporters have to go somewhere. How the hell do you predict that?

Dude. He's speaking out on the real issues that the establishment has been unwilling to touch.

ANYONE could have done this since the end of the Cold War.
I think I learned a lot about Trump from his hour speech last night.

What he is saying:

1. The US has a bunch of dumbasses (of both parties) running the country.

2. Trump is a successful businessman that will bring successful business practices to government and that is what we need to be prosperous.

3. We need to stimulate capitalism to produce economic growth.

4. We need to stop giving away the store to foreign countries and the illegals.

5. Trump will bring in the right people to manage the important jobs.

6. Because he is so rich Trump is not bought by special interest like the unions, environmental wackos, Limousine Liberals, Wall Street, foreign interest etc.

I think any intelligent person would agree with the things that Trump is saying and that is the reason he has so much support.

What he is not saying:

1. He is not saying anything about cutting back the size of government.

2. He seems to think that if we become more rich we can afford to continue to fund or even increase the welfare state. Nothing about reducing it.

3. He has yet to acknowledge in any interview or speech that I have seen that the tax burden on the American is too great.

4. We should continue to be the world's policeman.

In summary my opinion is that Trump thinks he can greatly expand the economy through stimulating capitalism and I believe he can actually do that. After Obama's dismal economy that won't be hard for anybody to do. However, I suspect that he will bring in more more money but then he will spend it on more government.

In other words he talks a good game and he has it right on several issues but at the end of the day he is simply another big government Progressive that will do nothing in the long run to fix the structural problems with this country being a bloated debt ridden out of control welfare state.

I think you 've come the closest,on the board, to getting at Trumps positions.

Ironically, most Progressives seem to hate him because he doesnt have the right party label...blind partisanship.

I think Trump actually is concerned about the debt build up of this country.

I think he is too much of an interventionist.....

As someone who holds positions from both parties, I like him overall and hope he goes independent.....tho I would like a little Sanders and Rand Paul positioning mixed in.
His success to date sure has been fascinating, and the biggest surprise to me is how he polls nationally against Hillary.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore quite a bit, in favor of some mysterious, anti-establishment element in him.

We'll see what happens as GOP candidates drop out and their supporters have to go somewhere. How the hell do you predict that?

Dude. He's speaking out on the real issues that the establishment has been unwilling to touch.

ANYONE could have done this since the end of the Cold War.
His "style" and personna are what have created this. Other GOP candidates are toeing the line as well or even better.

This is a cult of personality here.
Trump admitted on the RNC stage in front of millions of people, that he bought and paid for politicians...it wasn't even a blip on the political radar.
“If you can’t get rich dealing with politicians, there’s something wrong with you.”
- Drumpf Truck
His success to date sure has been fascinating, and the biggest surprise to me is how he polls nationally against Hillary.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore quite a bit, in favor of some mysterious, anti-establishment element in him.

We'll see what happens as GOP candidates drop out and their supporters have to go somewhere. How the hell do you predict that?

Dude. He's speaking out on the real issues that the establishment has been unwilling to touch.

ANYONE could have done this since the end of the Cold War.
His "style" and personna are what have created this. Other GOP candidates are toeing the line as well or even better.

This is a cult of personality here.

Nope. He had his "style" and personality the last time he ran. This time he is addressing the issues that need to be addressed. That is what has turbo charged his campaign this time around.
His success to date sure has been fascinating, and the biggest surprise to me is how he polls nationally against Hillary.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore quite a bit, in favor of some mysterious, anti-establishment element in him.

We'll see what happens as GOP candidates drop out and their supporters have to go somewhere. How the hell do you predict that?

Dude. He's speaking out on the real issues that the establishment has been unwilling to touch.

ANYONE could have done this since the end of the Cold War.
His "style" and personna are what have created this. Other GOP candidates are toeing the line as well or even better.

This is a cult of personality here.

Nope. He had his "style" and personality the last time he ran. This time he is addressing the issues that need to be addressed. That is what has turbo charged his campaign this time around.

This is the first time he's actually run.

And dollars to donuts he'll drop out before the first ballot is cast in the first Primary.

He can't be seen as a "loser".
Trump admitted on the RNC stage in front of millions of people, that he bought and paid for politicians...it wasn't even a blip on the political radar.

It should have been. How many times do you see honesty in politics?

Hell yeah it should have been, but the fact that it wasn't is pretty disturbing. Apparently we're resigned to this post Citizen's United world where money is all that matters and anyone can buy a politician if they've got the scratch.
Trump admitted on the RNC stage in front of millions of people, that he bought and paid for politicians...it wasn't even a blip on the political radar.
It should have been. How many times do you see honesty in politics?
Yeah, that should have been the shot heard around the world.

But it wasn't, because politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans on both "sides" ALL know goddamn well the process is controlled by influence, bribery and money.
I don't know why, but this whole Trump thing reminds me of that classic movie Back To School with Rodney Dangerfield. :badgrin:
Trump admitted on the RNC stage in front of millions of people, that he bought and paid for politicians...it wasn't even a blip on the political radar.

It should have been. How many times do you see honesty in politics?

Hell yeah it should have been, but the fact that it wasn't is pretty disturbing. Apparently we're resigned to this post Citizen's United world where money is all that matters and anyone can buy a politician if they've got the scratch.

But it's been that way for years, that's the point. I mean, Trump is the first to say it, that's all. It should be said by every politician that has an ounce of honesty left in them.
Trump admitted on the RNC stage in front of millions of people, that he bought and paid for politicians...it wasn't even a blip on the political radar.

Why should it?
It's common knowledge by everyone who follows politics, like the people in that crowd.
What was refreshing to his supporters is, that he would not do political favors as payback for the money given like all of the rest do.
Even President Lincoln saw how bad the lobbyists were.
Most Americans know our government is broke and out of control and we are screwing up big time. Trump seems to offer an alternative to that.

If the other Republican candidates had any balls they could out Trump Trump.

Instead they play the game of not trying to offend anybody and because of that they all look weak compared to Mr Obnoxious Loudmouth New Yorker.

Trump has tapped into the frustration Conservatives have with RINOs and that is why he is leading in the polls.

Ironically Trump may be a RINO himself but nobody knows for sure because Trump is setting the tone for the debate.

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