What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

No, sparky, whitey is living on borrowed (stolen) time. Hispanics will reclaim their homeland and whitey will soon be the minority. What goes around comes around.

I know that you know that I've stated this several times before.....Texas AND Florida will some day soon (a decade plus) be purple and soon after a vivid blue. Without those 2 states electoral votes, right wingers will only see the white House from the outside.

The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

Trump and his rich friends can't prevent Hispanics from reclaiming their birthright.
Whatever Trump is doing it's appealing to the people, his numbers keep rising
What Trump is doing is appealing only to republicans and conservatives with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, particularly with regard to immigration.

No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

Actually, Adolf Trump is only appealing to the dumbest among us.


Too late..this is ours now...you had your chance.

No, sparky, whitey is living on borrowed (stolen) time. Hispanics will reclaim their homeland and whitey will soon be the minority. What goes around comes around.

We'll see.
Whatever Trump is doing it's appealing to the people, his numbers keep rising
What Trump is doing is appealing only to republicans and conservatives with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, particularly with regard to immigration.

No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

Actually, Adolf Trump is only appealing to the dumbest among us.


That clearly explains why you used it, then.

Caught in a lie and then you double down on it...LMAO...
the problem trump has is he makes statements that aren't totally factual ... you are right he is a demagog ... he takes situations that are less then .001% of what has happen, then turns it around to feed the republican frenzy ... take for instance, you will get argument here on this board.... hillarys Emails... she didn't commit any crime .... but to hear it from the right its the crime of the century ... the goverrment passed a law after the fact ... no republicans want to hold her accountable for it... now trump jumps on it with the rest of the republicans .... saying she has comitted a crime ... the FBI isn't investagating hillary ... they are investagating her server to see how to stop this kind of thing from government officials ... she will not be charged with anything ... when that happens the republicans will be all over that saying she's getting special treatment ... you watch

They are investigating her server?

When they find something incriminating on the server will they arrest it. Do they build prisons for computer servers? Are they entitled rights like anyone else? I'm just trying to figure how are they going to charge an inanimate object. Can we actually charge rocks with trespassing?
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

"Years of relentless propaganda combined with extreme frustration over the disastrous Bush years and two terms of a Kenyan Muslim terrorist president have cast the party's right wing into a swirling suckhole of paranoia and conspiratorial craziness. There is nothing you can do to go too far, a fact proved, if not exactly understood, by the madman, Trump.

It will go down someday as the greatest reality show ever conceived. The concept is ingenious. Take a combustible mix of the most depraved and filterless half-wits, scam artists and asylum Napoleons America has to offer, give them all piles of money and tell them to run for president. Add Donald Trump.
And to give the whole thing a perverse gravitas, make the presidency really at stake. It's Western civilization's very own car wreck. Even if you don't want to watch it, you will. It's that awesome of a spectacle"

Page 9 of Inside the GOP Clown Car | Rolling Stone

Thank you. It was a great article. Here's another one from the Rolling Stone that puts things into perspective ...

Trump is probably too dumb to realize it, or maybe he isn't, but he doesn't need to win anything to become the most dangerous person in America. He can do plenty of damage just by encouraging people to be as uninhibited in their stupidity as he is....

....America has been trending stupid for a long time. Now the stupid wants out of its cage, and Trump is urging it on. There are a lot of ways this can go wrong, no matter who wins in 2016.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/donald-trump-just-stopped-being-funny-20150821#ixzz3jc3HI0fM
the problem trump has is he makes statements that aren't totally factual ... you are right he is a demagog ... he takes situations that are less then .001% of what has happen, then turns it around to feed the republican frenzy ... take for instance, you will get argument here on this board.... hillarys Emails... she didn't commit any crime .... but to hear it from the right its the crime of the century ... the goverrment passed a law after the fact ... no republicans want to hold her accountable for it... now trump jumps on it with the rest of the republicans .... saying she has comitted a crime ... the FBI isn't investagating hillary ... they are investagating her server to see how to stop this kind of thing from government officials ... she will not be charged with anything ... when that happens the republicans will be all over that saying she's getting special treatment ... you watch

They are investigating her server?

When they find something incriminating on the server will they arrest it. Do they build prisons for computer servers? Are they entitled rights like anyone else? I'm just trying to figure how are they going to charge an inanimate object. Can we actually charge rocks with trespassing?

I wonder if Hillary Clinton's email server can marry Representative Steve King's lawnmower.
What Trump is doing is appealing only to republicans and conservatives with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, particularly with regard to immigration.

No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

What is the quote on the Statue of Liberty?

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

the inscription on the SOL is NOT our immigration policy and anyone who thinks that it is...or tries to pretend it justifies allowing people to enter illegally is ....well...let's say "incorrect"...

The words are symbolic of people coming here LEGALLY and assimilating...not colonizing.

Do you agree with the prior poster that diversity is a negative? especially when this country was built on immigration and diversity?

forcing people of different races to live together at gunpoint by enacting discriminatory laws to artificially elevate unqualified people to positions they don't deserve based solely on the color of their skin.."redistributing" the working class tax money to support a perpetual parasite class...

is that the "diversity" you're talking about?..yes, then..it's a negative..

people should be free to associate with whomever they like, hire whomever, go to school where they wish, etc...
with no interference or marxist social engineering from the fed gvt.
THAT is TRUE "diversity"

We now know that you're an advocate for segregation, that you think minorities are unqualified for their jobs, and that "working class" money supports minorities (in your words "parasite" class). You want the "freedom" to discriminate against minorities and keep them out of white neighborhoods, out of white businesses, out of white schools ... and to you that is "true diversity". That's stupid. How many times a day do you drink from the racist trough?
He speaks in small words, and easy to understand phrases. He's like... A child's book version of a politician, and that's dangerous because there's a whole lot of dumb people. He may very well win the Republican primary, which would be sad for intelligent Republicans. The general? I don't know, like I said whoooooole lot of dumb people.
No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

What is the quote on the Statue of Liberty?

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

the inscription on the SOL is NOT our immigration policy and anyone who thinks that it is...or tries to pretend it justifies allowing people to enter illegally is ....well...let's say "incorrect"...

The words are symbolic of people coming here LEGALLY and assimilating...not colonizing.

Do you agree with the prior poster that diversity is a negative? especially when this country was built on immigration and diversity?

forcing people of different races to live together at gunpoint by enacting discriminatory laws to artificially elevate unqualified people to positions they don't deserve based solely on the color of their skin.."redistributing" the working class tax money to support a perpetual parasite class...

is that the "diversity" you're talking about?..yes, then..it's a negative..

people should be free to associate with whomever they like, hire whomever, go to school where they wish, etc...
with no interference or marxist social engineering from the fed gvt.
THAT is TRUE "diversity"

We now know that you're an advocate for segregation, that you think minorities are unqualified for their jobs, and that "working class" money supports minorities (in your words "parasite" class). You want the "freedom" to discriminate against minorities and keep them out of white neighborhoods, out of white businesses, out of white schools ... and to you that is "true diversity". That's stupid. How many times a day do you drink from the racist trough?

It's racist to recognize and acknowledge failure?

Not many areas that turned black will you find peace and tranquility. I happen to live in one of those areas and surrounded by suburbs that suffer the same. If it's one thing our government hasn't learned, it's that if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, mix that with 1/4 cup of stale, sour, curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.

Fair housing laws are responsible for billions of dollars in lost property value, closed down businesses and hundreds of decent people murdered. Yet, we are not intelligent enough to put a halt to failed programs like it. What do you think the base of the housing collapse was all about? How did it start and why?
No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

I think that the above was uttered by Crazy Horse when those darn settlers kept coming west......and, oh yes, the above also shows the fear of the white folks that the "natives are getting restless"......

Did not Crazy Horse have a point, from the point of view of the interests of his people?

Your use of the Race Card is accepted as an admission that you cannot refute my point on it's merits.
Whatever Trump is doing it's appealing to the people, his numbers keep rising
What Trump is doing is appealing only to republicans and conservatives with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, particularly with regard to immigration.

No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

Actually, Adolf Trump is only appealing to the dumbest among us.


You seem to be implying that it was wrong of our white ancestors to come here against the wishes of the natives, while defending the illegals for coming here against the wishes of the current natives.

That is a contradictory position.

NOt that I expect you to be honest enough to deal with that.
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

It is very funny and entertaining. On the other hand, it is very troubling that thousands of citizens support this spoiled, peevish, vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac.

Here's an interesting article on "Inside the GOP Clown Car". It's a long read but worth it, as it describes this very interesting GOP Clown Car phenomenon to a tee.

Yes, we have the clown car, but your side has the Nursing Home bus, and it's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking for the last four miles. This is what the liberals call "progressive."
Question: How many of those counties have "birthright citizenship" like we do, right now?

Well, true, not many......However, an even better "question" would be how many countries have constitutions mirroring our Bill of Rights.

(and before you wish to "alter those Bill of Rights, thinks of your beloved and precious 2nd amendment.)

So, they are attacking Trump for advocating policies that "mirror" their long standing laws.

That's the move of a total hypocrite.

They are assholes.

Fuck them and their opinions.

The Constitution? The 14th was not meant for illegals. It was passed for the children of slaves. The ruling that it applied to everyone was a stupid ruling and needs to be reversed.

Whatever Trump is doing it's appealing to the people, his numbers keep rising
What Trump is doing is appealing only to republicans and conservatives with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, particularly with regard to immigration.

No, what Trump is doing is appealing to all Americans with a reasonable concern for the negative changes that high levels of immigration and diversity are bringing to this great nation.

Actually, Adolf Trump is only appealing to the dumbest among us.


Too late..this is ours now...you had your chance.

No, sparky, whitey is living on borrowed (stolen) time. Hispanics will reclaim their homeland and whitey will soon be the minority. What goes around comes around.

Actually please keep in mind that Minority does NOT man that Hispanics will outnumber Whites.

ALL others lumped together will outnumber Whites.

I find it amusing that a minority like yourself would lump ALL minorities together like that.

It implies that, IN YOUR OPINION, the primary defining aspect of your Race and Culture is NOT being White.

That is pretty sad.

Oh, and Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long, long time.

And delusions you have that we will fade away? Think again.

ENjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

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