What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

If you are a Republican member of congress or the senate, then for sure, you are part of the leadership of the GOP. You can't get more leader than "making laws".

i bet you don't hold dems to the same standards. when you say a party's leadership, it is commonly understood to mean either the president, party chair, majority leaders. not every congressperson is a leader of the party.

There are lots of leaders in the Democratic Party. Because it's a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white. The couple of leaders they have are in a power struggle.

so you don't have the same standards, not surprising. btw, you keep mentioning the stat about 90%, even if true, why do you say it in a derogatory manner? what if 90% of whites voted republican, would that be racist to you?

And you have stupid lefties etc saying stupid things about their opponents.

And the article is more than two years old.

Step off, sonny.

So what. Republicans don't hate Obama less. They hate him more. Most still believe he's not even an American.

most...that is another lie i've caught you in this week

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - CSMonitor.com

The specter of two national Republican figures apologizing for calling President Obama, the first African-American president, alternately a "tar baby" and "boy" gave new fuel to speculation on the left that underneath much of the criticism of the president and his policies lurks the shadow of racism.


Speculation? Really?

At least the story comes from the very right wing "Christian Science Monitor". The same people who honestly reported:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Your title is a flat out LIE. Nothing in the story involves the "leadership" of the republican party. Par for the course from a retard.

Nothing in the titles of the thread or the link says anything about the leadership of the Republican party; it says 'national,' and, indeed, these are nationally known Republicans being referred to. You are the one lying.

somehow the thread title has been changed, it originally said "gop leadership"
Tar baby and boy are now racist terms?

You idiot liberals come up with some stupid shit!!

If people allow words to offend them then that's their choice. I choose not to let petty words offend me. But then again, I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.
Your title is a flat out LIE. Nothing in the story involves the "leadership" of the republican party. Par for the course from a retard.

If you are a Republican member of congress or the senate, then for sure, you are part of the leadership of the GOP. You can't get more leader than "making laws".

i bet you don't hold dems to the same standards. when you say a party's leadership, it is commonly understood to mean either the president, party chair, majority leaders. not every congressperson is a leader of the party.

in Deans mind if a far right winger is elected to Congress in Florida....EVERY Republican in the Country is responsible for that......but it dont work that way with the Democrats.....if a Far Left Loon is elected.....only those who voted for the person are responsible....this is the results of someone who is OBSESSED with Republicans....
Actually, at his level it's entirely appropriate. How about half bred son a whore? We don't know who the real daddy was so we can't implicate him. I doubt Stanley knew either.

Aw, com'on. She didn't look like much. She had to take what she could get! :badgrin:
If you are a Republican member of congress or the senate, then for sure, you are part of the leadership of the GOP. You can't get more leader than "making laws".

Does that work both ways? Whenever a Dem member of congress says something stupid or that gets misconstrued, does that mean the DNC leadership is culpable as a whole?

not to Dean....just ask him....he will give you the old Democrats are individual people while ALL Republicans are on the same page no matter what the topic is....its called being OBSESSED with Republicans....
He was using an ANALOGY you POS lying dumb fuck.

YOU LEFTARDS are the MASTERS at screaming RACE, and we ALL KNOW IT.

Spread this garbage over at the DU, moron. It doesn't pass the gas test here.

It is an analogy that is used in law all the time. A tar baby case is one that isn't going to pay you squat, but that you can't get rid of. Obama's been to Harvard Law (supposedly), he fucking knows that.
If you are a Republican member of congress or the senate, then for sure, you are part of the leadership of the GOP. You can't get more leader than "making laws".

i bet you don't hold dems to the same standards. when you say a party's leadership, it is commonly understood to mean either the president, party chair, majority leaders. not every congressperson is a leader of the party.

There are lots of leaders in the Democratic Party. Because it's a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white. The couple of leaders they have are in a power struggle.

where are they?.....meanwhile the Country is being divided more and more everyday....but then those leaders are guys like you Dean.....you Far Left asses want to keep this Country divided.....if everybody is not going to agree with us....then fuck them....and fuck the Country too.....if we cant have it....neither can you....great leadership Dean.....
If you are a Republican member of congress or the senate, then for sure, you are part of the leadership of the GOP. You can't get more leader than "making laws".

i bet you don't hold dems to the same standards. when you say a party's leadership, it is commonly understood to mean either the president, party chair, majority leaders. not every congressperson is a leader of the party.

There are lots of leaders in the Democratic Party. Because it's a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white. The couple of leaders they have are in a power struggle.

Democrats would rather fight than free their slaves!!

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - CSMonitor.com

The specter of two national Republican figures apologizing for calling President Obama, the first African-American president, alternately a "tar baby" and "boy" gave new fuel to speculation on the left that underneath much of the criticism of the president and his policies lurks the shadow of racism.


Speculation? Really?

At least the story comes from the very right wing "Christian Science Monitor". The same people who honestly reported:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

I thought Song of the South was one of the most wonderful tributes to the blacks of America when I was growing up. Does this mean we can't enjoy these wonderful clips anymore? :(

[ame=http://youtu.be/eoEojphw7kk]Song of the South Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 1946 - YouTube[/ame]

I was talking about this with one of my black friends I went to law school with right before graduation. There was another black in school who threw a fit over a prof referring to a case as a 'tar baby' case, I have already explained what that is earlier. Anyway, I made the comment that I always thought there was wisdom in those stories, as well as in the story of Little Black Sambo. Her response: "There IS wisdom in those stories, that's why they don't want us reading them."

When I first went to work for the government my mentor said in order to survive in the system, I should follow the Little Black Sambo doctrine. That was to lay low, just do my work, leave the controversies to the tigers and let them chase one another until they turn to butter. Truer and better advice was never given. But our children cannot learn that kind of analogy because someone is offended. What a fucking crock.

I may be wrong, becki, but I don't think you can even purchase that move nowadays.
Last edited:
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - CSMonitor.com

The specter of two national Republican figures apologizing for calling President Obama, the first African-American president, alternately a "tar baby" and "boy" gave new fuel to speculation on the left that underneath much of the criticism of the president and his policies lurks the shadow of racism.


Speculation? Really?

At least the story comes from the very right wing "Christian Science Monitor". The same people who honestly reported:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

I thought Song of the South was one of the most wonderful tributes to the blacks of America when I was growing up. Does this mean we can't enjoy these wonderful clips anymore? :(

[ame=http://youtu.be/eoEojphw7kk]Song of the South Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 1946 - YouTube[/ame]

I love it. Seeing a happy old man without health care, in ill fitting dirty clothes, a hat with a hole in it. My GAWD. What a Tribute.

According to the Bible, the smart are not always rich and the rich are not always smart. You are neither. So, of course you would miss the point.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - CSMonitor.com

The specter of two national Republican figures apologizing for calling President Obama, the first African-American president, alternately a "tar baby" and "boy" gave new fuel to speculation on the left that underneath much of the criticism of the president and his policies lurks the shadow of racism.


Speculation? Really?

At least the story comes from the very right wing "Christian Science Monitor". The same people who honestly reported:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

You guys call Sarah Palin a slut and a redneck... nothing to do with misogyny. You call Herman Cain an "Uncle Tom"... nothing to do with race. Quiet you.

We don't hold a public office paid by taxpayers, moron.

Obama referred to Palin as a pig wearing lipstick. You are disgusting.
I thought Song of the South was one of the most wonderful tributes to the blacks of America when I was growing up. Does this mean we can't enjoy these wonderful clips anymore? :(

Song of the South Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 1946 - YouTube

I love it. Seeing a happy old man without health care, in ill fitting dirty clothes, a hat with a hole in it. My GAWD. What a Tribute.

Yea, the fucker seems happy. We can't have any of that nonsense!!
I thought Song of the South was one of the most wonderful tributes to the blacks of America when I was growing up. Does this mean we can't enjoy these wonderful clips anymore? :(

Song of the South Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 1946 - YouTube

I love it. Seeing a happy old man without health care, in ill fitting dirty clothes, a hat with a hole in it. My GAWD. What a Tribute.

Yea, the fucker seems happy. We can't have any of that nonsense!!

Right, he should have been a gangsta making filthy music and killing people for their tennies. That would have been closer to reality.

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