What will Dimms do when Mueller report comes back with NO COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA?

Besides, plenty of other stuff to investigate with this guy.

I was going to say the TDS crowd will just waste their time and our tax dollars trying to dig up anything they possibly can to satiate their appetite for hate, but you just made my point for me.


Did you ever complain about Benghazi investigations?

Benghazi had real evidence that something was wrong. With the Trump investigation, there was no evidence of anything other than he made a joke during the debates about Russia having Hillary's emails.
Ray From Cleveland
There is no law stating you can't do business with Russia. There is no law against collusion.

We found this out so far:

Manafort was deep in debt owing millions to a Russian oligarch tied to Putin when he went to work for Trumpo’s campaign WITHOUT PAY.

Dont call it collusion if you like / but something stinking to high heaven when it comes to campaign finance laws is involved here.

Trumpo got a free campaign director who directed the Republican Party Platform favorable to RUSSIAN Oligarchs being sanctioned by the Obama Administration for the annexation of Crimea.

Manafort’s donation of his services to the Trump campaign if found to be that - a donation - as I see it coming from foreign interests that certainly had reason to believe that a Trumpo White House wouid be more likely to lift sanctions than a Clinton one.

Manafort has lied (facing the rest of his life in prison) about all this Russian connected stuff among many others including Kushner and Trumpo, Jr.

Did Trumpo know that Manafort was a Russian agent working for free on his campaign? Who knows? He is a buffoon so he can cite the buffoon defense.

What happened in 2016 was not simply doing business with Russia.
Besides, plenty of other stuff to investigate with this guy.

I was going to say the TDS crowd will just waste their time and our tax dollars trying to dig up anything they possibly can to satiate their appetite for hate, but you just made my point for me.


Did you ever complain about Benghazi investigations?

Benghazi had real evidence that something was wrong. With the Trump investigation, there was no evidence of anything other than he made a joke during the debates about Russia having Hillary's emails.

You are insane.
How would that make him unfit? Please source this.

People around him, including possibly members of his own family, were colluding with a hostile foreign power, and he didn't know what was going on?
Manafort, trumps campaign manager has a long record of being a sleezebag working with Russians Why did Trump pick him ?? Drain the swamp ?? By bringing them to the WH?

He was told he was a good pick. Note that Trumps
Team fired him shortly thereafter. Trump was not a politician this was all new to him.
Besides, plenty of other stuff to investigate with this guy.

I was going to say the TDS crowd will just waste their time and our tax dollars trying to dig up anything they possibly can to satiate their appetite for hate, but you just made my point for me.


Did you ever complain about Benghazi investigations?

Benghazi had real evidence that something was wrong. With the Trump investigation, there was no evidence of anything other than he made a joke during the debates about Russia having Hillary's emails.

You are insane.

Thank you for that insightful post. An eight year old could have done the same thing.
Ray From Cleveland
There is no law stating you can't do business with Russia. There is no law against collusion.

We found this out so far:

Manafort was deep in debt owing millions to a Russian oligarch tied to Putin when he went to work for Trumpo’s campaign WITHOUT PAY.

Dont call it collusion if you like / but something stinking to high heaven when it comes to campaign finance laws is involved here.

Trumpo got a free campaign director who directed the Republican Party Platform favorable to RUSSIAN Oligarchs being sanctioned by the Obama Administration for the annexation of Crimea.

Manafort’s donation of his services to the Trump campaign if found to be that - a donation - as I see it coming from foreign interests that certainly had reason to believe that a Trumpo White House wouid be more likely to lift sanctions than a Clinton one.

Manafort has lied (facing the rest of his life in prison) about all this Russian connected stuff among many others including Kushner and Trumpo, Jr.

Did Trumpo know that Manafort was a Russian agent working for free on his campaign? Who knows? He is a buffoon so he can cite the buffoon defense.

What happened in 2016 was not simply doing business with Russia.

The things that happened between Manafort and Russia had nothing to do with Trump. If it did, Mueller would have leaked it to the press long ago. This so-called investigation is over two years old. If there was something.....anything, it wouldn't have taken nearly this long to find it.

Trump did have discussions with Russia regarding business; just like he has in a host of other countries before he ran for President. Putin joins a long list of Trump haters now that he is President. Without a doubt, the Russian government is no friend of Trump's. The only known collusion we have evidence of is Hilary and the DNC who got their opposition research information from the Russian government.
Trumps problems aren’t just Russia.

Trump is a criminal. Even his Republican stooges know Trump is a criminal. They just don’t care.

In fact, trump being a criminal might be a plus for Republicans. That might be one of the reasons they vote for him.
Trumps problems aren’t just Russia.

Trump is a criminal. Even his Republican stooges know Trump is a criminal. They just don’t care.

In fact, trump being a criminal might be a plus for Republicans. That might be one of the reasons they vote for him.

No, we don't live by Democrat standards.

Sorry snowflake, but Trump will be your President next week, next month, next year, and perhaps in five years from now.
Trumps problems aren’t just Russia.

Trump is a criminal. Even his Republican stooges know Trump is a criminal. They just don’t care.

In fact, trump being a criminal might be a plus for Republicans. That might be one of the reasons they vote for him.

So the FBI knows he is a criminal and doesn't care? LOL

A criminal like Kav?
Ray From Cleveland
There is no law stating you can't do business with Russia. There is no law against collusion.

We found this out so far:

Manafort was deep in debt owing millions to a Russian oligarch tied to Putin when he went to work for Trumpo’s campaign WITHOUT PAY.

Dont call it collusion if you like / but something stinking to high heaven when it comes to campaign finance laws is involved here.

Trumpo got a free campaign director who directed the Republican Party Platform favorable to RUSSIAN Oligarchs being sanctioned by the Obama Administration for the annexation of Crimea.

Manafort’s donation of his services to the Trump campaign if found to be that - a donation - as I see it coming from foreign interests that certainly had reason to believe that a Trumpo White House wouid be more likely to lift sanctions than a Clinton one.

Manafort has lied (facing the rest of his life in prison) about all this Russian connected stuff among many others including Kushner and Trumpo, Jr.

Did Trumpo know that Manafort was a Russian agent working for free on his campaign? Who knows? He is a buffoon so he can cite the buffoon defense.

What happened in 2016 was not simply doing business with Russia.

You forgot that everyone said he had zero chance of winning. Including you and now you're butthurt.
Dimms, the response should be the following:

“Thank goodness the duly elected POTUS did not collude with Russia to steal the election from HIllary. Now we will have to roll up our sleeves and nominate a better candidate in 2020 and hopefully unseat the incumbent POTUS.”

Anything other than that and you are just being whiny maggots.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 21884242
You forgot that everyone said he had zero chance of winning. Including you and now you're butthurt.

So you can’t deny Manafort is a link to Russia getting an agent at the top of the Trumpo campaign. I thought crimes by Trumpo and the scoundrels he surrounded himself with was part of the topic here.

Now you want to discuss pollsters missing calling about 70,000 votes that went for Trumpo in three states.

So I failed to grasp the power of white nationalism (Putin is known for that too) in this country - mainly in three states.

Guess you could say it hurts to know so many of my fellow Americans fall in line and rally to that crap.

I won’t join you in your pitiful celebration of it.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21884127
The things that happened between Manafort and Russia had nothing to do with Trump.

No so. The point I made was that Manafort worked on Trumpo’s campaign for zero salary while in debt to a Russian oligarch for millions of dollars. Then pushed Putin lover Trumpo into a policy position favoring Russia that is still at odds with the Republican Party.

It does not need to be an indictable crime against Trumpo if it turns out that way - but it is sufficient to justify the entire investigation into Russian collusion by the Trumpo campaign.

That was my point. The Mueller investigation and all the others are not fascist as the OP CONTENDS.

Your denial that all this has nothing to do with Trumpo tells me you are a Trumpo worshipper not a thinker who happens to agree with what he does. You are in the cult.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 21884242
You forgot that everyone said he had zero chance of winning. Including you and now you're butthurt.

So you can’t deny Manafort is a link to Russia getting an agent at the top of the Trumpo campaign. I thought crimes by Trumpo and the scoundrels he surrounded himself with was part of the topic here.

Now you want to discuss pollsters missing calling about 70,000 votes that went for Trumpo in three states.

So I failed to grasp the power of white nationalism (Putin is known for that too) in this country - mainly in three states.

Guess you could say it hurts to know so many of my fellow Americans fall in line and rally to that crap.

I won’t join you in your pitiful celebration of it.

Your post is strictly opinion wirh zero fact. White Nationalist? His daughter is Jewish. That is a fact. I don’t want you joining me in anything. He won. Period. End of story.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21884127
The things that happened between Manafort and Russia had nothing to do with Trump.

No so. The point I made was that Manafort worked on Trumpo’s campaign for zero salary while in debt to a Russian oligarch for millions of dollars. Then pushed Putin lover Trumpo into a policy position favoring Russia that is still at odds with the Republican Party.

It does not need to be an indictable crime against Trumpo if it turns out that way - but it is sufficient to justify the entire investigation into Russian collusion by the Trumpo campaign.

That was my point. The Mueller investigation and all the others are not fascist as the OP CONTENDS.

Your denial that all this has nothing to do with Trumpo tells me you are a Trumpo worshipper not a thinker who happens to agree with what he does. You are in the cult.

There is no cult and there is no collusion. Let me remind you of what this was supposed to be about: Trump colluding with Russia to fix the election. The election was not fixed, there is zero evidence that Trump had anything to do with what Russia did, and Trump didn't owe Manafort anything for his volunteer work. He didn't even work with Trump for a half-year. He was a campaign manager, not an international advisor. You have zero proof that Manafort got Trump to do anything in regards to Russia.

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