What will happen to'cops' who now keep shooting in the Name of Holy Corona against peoples seeking freedom


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The entirely scamdemic is a lie, is a genocide against humanity. 'Cops' in all western countries fervently support satanic politicians and terrorize peoples.
Of course the time is coming when humanity will know the truth ( unfortunately after burial of billions morons who accepted taking the 'jab')
Question: What liberated peoples will do with so-called 'cops' who push humans to deadly 'jabs'

Dead you ever heard about these shootings from Presstitutes, Amnesty International & Co?
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Glad that people of good will and conscience are keeping these videos, which the "media" will bury as deeply as possible. This will come in handy when we start Nuremberg II and it's time to start the hangings.
Question: What liberated peoples will do with so-called 'cops' who push humans to deadly 'jabs'

Right now they're protesting by riding around on their lawn mowers getting drunk and eating enough Prozac to poison entire oceans. 'The People' aren't going to do squat. Like Jay Gould said," I can hire half the working class to kill the other half." He knew this from personal experience in his railroad wars.
Glad that people of good will and conscience are keeping these videos, which the "media" will bury as deeply as possible. This will come in handy when we start Nuremberg II and it's time to start the hangings.

Corona criminals are gonna to kill billions.
Their victims will demand the most terrible tortures ever existing, not human and convenient ones.
Even schizophrenic maniacs couldn't easy imagine their gruesome punishment which can be suggested by those who had lost their loved ones.

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