What will make BLM happy?

Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Bureau of land management?

Perhaps if cattle ranchers followed the law.
BLM is becoming an annoyance, they have no platform or goals they are just inciting hate and violence. America will grow weary of the antics
Thank you, just like all these liberal groups, there are no goals, just reasons to exist. It's all a money making scam to promote socialism.
We still have no goals on affirmative action, so there is never a reason to retire a program like that....even when it's not needed.
Oh wait, I see.

This thread is yet another racist circle jerk.

After you pigs ejaculate your hate on each others faces, do you lick it off?
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Bureau of land management?

Perhaps if cattle ranchers followed the law.
What do you want? Dead cops!! When do you want them? NOW!!!!
Oh wait, I see.

This thread is yet another racist circle jerk.

After you pigs ejaculate your hate on each others faces, do you lick it off?

When your man ejaculates on your ass do you lick it off?
Oh wait, I see.

This thread is yet another racist circle jerk.

After you pigs ejaculate your hate on each others faces, do you lick it off?
awwwww, racist, is that all you got? Just tossing that shit out again. yeah if anyone disagrees with you, they are a klan member, including Bobby Jindal, and Ben Carson......yeah.....riiiiiight.
There is nothing on earth that will make disgruntled people happy. Without their disgruntlement, they would have nothing to live for.

The BLM movement is a reaction to the social justice warrior media that highlights every single instance where a white cop kills a black perp no matter the cause. As such, it is predicated upon divorcing cause from effect and behavior from consequences. It creates a self-fulfilling prophesy as more and more of the black community sees themselves as persecuted, and so act in belligerent ways that guarantee they will be treated differently. In turn, the police become so over-reactive that they are quick to the trigger even when a black person IS acting properly (as in Minneapolis recently).

It is a self-perpetuating system on both sides of the equation, and people are so caught up in their finger pointing that they cannot possibly address the situation that the media has created.
There is nothing on earth that will make disgruntled people happy. Without their disgruntlement, they would have nothing to live for.

The BLM movement is a reaction to the social justice warrior media that highlights every single instance where a white cop kills a black perp no matter the cause. As such, it is predicated upon divorcing cause from effect and behavior from consequences. As such it creates a self-fulfilling prophesy as more and more of the black community sees themselves as persecuted, and so act in belligerent ways that guarantee they will be treated differently. In turn, the police become so over-reactive that they are quick to the trigger even when a black person IS acting properly (as in Minneapolis recently).

It is a self-perpetuating system on both sides of the equation, and people are so caught up in their finger pointing that they cannot possibly address the situation that the media has created.
Very true, which is why those groups and our President need to DE-escalate the situation, not pour gas on it. These groups are irresponsible, greedy and should go away.
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Cop cams. So that everything is recorded and not subject to speculation. It's simple: the bar for indicting a cop for a wrongful death/shooting is very high, in all states. They wield a lot of power in situations that have no real-time oversight. So if the individual states want to grant these individuals that kind of power without accountability, then cop cameras have to be worn and turned on at the same time a cop arrives at the scene and left on until the scene is resolved in either a release of the suspect or an arrest.
I take it that you're willing to put up taxpayers money to pay for this expensive budget precincts can't afford? So, when irresponsible black thugs resist and challenge, you want to make law enforcement accountable for doing their job when handling animals?
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Cop cams. So that everything is recorded and not subject to speculation. It's simple: the bar for indicting a cop for a wrongful death/shooting is very high, in all states. They wield a lot of power in situations that have no real-time oversight. So if the individual states want to grant these individuals that kind of power without accountability, then cop cameras have to be worn and turned on at the same time a cop arrives at the scene and left on until the scene is resolved in either a release of the suspect or an arrest.

And whatever happened to tasers? Why the hell aren't cops using these instead of bullets?

Police Body Camera Business Is Booming in Wake of Dallas Shootings
JULY 9, 2016
Police Body Camera Business Is Booming in Wake of Dallas Shootings

That is a solution for a problem that should not exist in the first place.

No matter what race we want to talk about, members of that race that come from families that are destined to be poor will interact with police in a disproportionate percentage.

Cure the illness, don't just put the patient on pain killers.

Until society gets real, body cams or not, these events will continue.
BLM will suffer an uneventful death as the media tunes them out. We won't be hearing a thing about BLM a year from now unless these killings of blacks continue during routine stops for non-violent crime.

Why would you assume that the very same media that created the BLM movement will turn around start ignoring them?
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Statistically you far more likely to be shot by police if you are balck rather than white...

Saying that the US police kill their citizens at a far higher rate than any other first world country... That is black or white...

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

Because blacks commit more crimes.
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Cop cams. So that everything is recorded and not subject to speculation. It's simple: the bar for indicting a cop for a wrongful death/shooting is very high, in all states. They wield a lot of power in situations that have no real-time oversight. So if the individual states want to grant these individuals that kind of power without accountability, then cop cameras have to be worn and turned on at the same time a cop arrives at the scene and left on until the scene is resolved in either a release of the suspect or an arrest.
I take it that you're willing to put up taxpayers money to pay for this expensive budget precincts can't afford? So, when irresponsible black thugs resist and challenge, you want to make law enforcement accountable for doing their job when handling animals?

Are you kidding? Honey, if they can afford shit like this :::


they can afford what every cell phone has the capacity to do: video tape and/or live-stream to Facebook or any other site set up to receive and play in real time.

Get fucking real.
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Cop cams. So that everything is recorded and not subject to speculation. It's simple: the bar for indicting a cop for a wrongful death/shooting is very high, in all states. They wield a lot of power in situations that have no real-time oversight. So if the individual states want to grant these individuals that kind of power without accountability, then cop cameras have to be worn and turned on at the same time a cop arrives at the scene and left on until the scene is resolved in either a release of the suspect or an arrest.

And whatever happened to tasers? Why the hell aren't cops using these instead of bullets?

Police Body Camera Business Is Booming in Wake of Dallas Shootings
JULY 9, 2016
Police Body Camera Business Is Booming in Wake of Dallas Shootings

That is a solution for a problem that should not exist in the first place.

No matter what race we want to talk about, members of that race that come from families that are destined to be poor will interact with police in a disproportionate percentage.

Cure the illness, don't just put the patient on pain killers.

Until society gets real, body cams or not, these events will continue.

You are wrong.

Cleveland police body cameras reduced citizen complaints by 40 percent, police officials say
Cleveland police body cameras reduced citizen complaints by 40 percent, police officials say

After shooting a 12-year-old boy with a toy gun, Cleveland had to get real.
Statistics show more whites and Hispanics are shot by police than blacks. BLM is telling everyone only certain lives matter. If you respond with " all lives matter", you might as well spit in their face.

What will make them happy?

Cop cams. So that everything is recorded and not subject to speculation. It's simple: the bar for indicting a cop for a wrongful death/shooting is very high, in all states. They wield a lot of power in situations that have no real-time oversight. So if the individual states want to grant these individuals that kind of power without accountability, then cop cameras have to be worn and turned on at the same time a cop arrives at the scene and left on until the scene is resolved in either a release of the suspect or an arrest.

And whatever happened to tasers? Why the hell aren't cops using these instead of bullets?

Police Body Camera Business Is Booming in Wake of Dallas Shootings
JULY 9, 2016
Police Body Camera Business Is Booming in Wake of Dallas Shootings

That is a solution for a problem that should not exist in the first place.

No matter what race we want to talk about, members of that race that come from families that are destined to be poor will interact with police in a disproportionate percentage.

Cure the illness, don't just put the patient on pain killers.

Until society gets real, body cams or not, these events will continue.

You are wrong.

Cleveland police body cameras reduced citizen complaints by 40 percent, police officials say
Cleveland police body cameras reduced citizen complaints by 40 percent, police officials say

After shooting a 12-year-old boy with a toy gun, Cleveland had to get real.

^^^^^Pain killers don't CURE cancer

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