What will RNC do with the movie "The Butler"? Boycott Hollwood? For the 1,014th time?

From what I've heard, other than the expected trashing and misrepresentation of President Reagan, the movie is pretty good.

I look forward to watching it when it comes out on DVD.
Any movie that casts Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan certainly has a piquant sense of humor, but the prankishness of “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” — so named after a title dispute with the MPAA — undermines the serious statements this star-spangled film is striving to make about race, class and politics.

Along with missing the movie’s ever-migrating point, viewers may be forgiven for wondering whether “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” might have been titled “Lee Daniels’ Forrest Gump” — its hero challenged morally rather than mentally, but watching history in Gumpian fashion, as a series of cameos viewed through a slightly clueless daze.

Inspired by the true story of Eugene Allen, who served eight presidents during his tenure as a White House domestic and who was the subject of a 2008 Washington Post profile by Wil Haygood, the film stars Forest Whitaker as Cecil Gaines, who grows up amid Southern cotton fields, witnesses the systematic abuse of his parents (Mariah Carey, David Banner) and learns that one goes along to get along.

Cecil spends the movie carrying Jim Crow on his back and fear in his eye; that he personifies, both metaphorically and actually, the “good Negro” of the American Racist Dream is never much of a question. But even as Cecil lives his life slightly adjacent to history, building a heroic film around him requires herculean effort.
the gop hasn't declared war on the media...you're confused, it is obama who declared war on fox news...
Big deal. If Republicans don't like movies, they don't go spend their money and support it. And they don't try to shut down media that they don't like. It's the left who takes action to shut people up.

They don't like right talk radio, so they want to ban it or force them to allow liberals on their shows. They tried starting their own radio show, Air America, but even liberals couldn't stand it. Now they want to take down the right since they can't compete.

Bush and other presidents were ridiculed mercilessly. Burning them in effigy, nasty posters calling for their murder, goofy looking masks of them were worn by people and even a movie where liberal fantasies played out and they got to experience Bush being assassinated. Many on the right commented on how juvenile the movie and other things were, but did not try to silence them or make laws to prevent them from saying and doing stupid things in the future.

Obama gets ridiculed by a rodeo clown and the left immediately goes into race baiting mode and the guy gets banned for life. More and more, people are pressured to obey political correctness or they'll never hear the end of it.

I think it's clear that liberals are not content to merely disagree, they want to hurt the person who insulted them. No wonder they are sympathetic to Muslims with the same damn attitude.
Not 1014 separate boycotts...one continuous boycott going on it's second decade.

It's been 17 years since I went to a movie theater or bought a new DVD.

They have every right to do and say anything they please...and I have the right to not purchase their product.
Not 1014 separate boycotts...one continuous boycott going on it's second decade.

It's been 17 years since I went to a movie theater or bought a new DVD.

They have every right to do and say anything they please...and I have the right to not purchase their product.

Dude you missed Jurassic Park in 3D!!! Set aside your pride!!! :laugh:
Not 1014 separate boycotts...one continuous boycott going on it's second decade.

It's been 17 years since I went to a movie theater or bought a new DVD.

They have every right to do and say anything they please...and I have the right to not purchase their product.

Dude you missed Jurassic Park in 3D!!! Set aside your pride!!! :laugh:


Bah...I saw the original King Kong in 3D back in the mid 80's...it's been downhill ever since...


^DON'T watch more than a few seconds of this video.
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From what I've heard, other than the expected trashing and misrepresentation of President Reagan, the movie is pretty good.

I look forward to watching it when it comes out on DVD.

I'll wait for cable. No sense in spending my money on it.

The movie seems to be a remake of "The Help" with a man in the maid's role. The Help was a pretty good movie, just not worth the price of a ticket, or a DVD.
The RNC has a problem and the MSM is only doing it's job by enabling everyone to know about it. Now when a corporation has a problem it doesn't have the power to boycott the MSM. All it can do is either fix the problem or do a better job at on it's public image. Both approaches have their advocates but the former usually works better than the latter.

The RNC can spend a lot of money trying to rebrand it's image but that won't work if the underlying problem keeps on undermining the effort. That just leaves the option to fix the problem. But that is much easier said than done. So the attempt to blame and censor the MSM is the 3rd and by far the least effective option left.

To be fair the dems also have problems and they did come up with a major rebranding effort that was somewhat effective. However they were given an assist by the GOP so it wasn't a complete success. The dems still have an inherent problem but it is only because it is less onerous than the RNC problem that allows them to get away with it. It wasn't so much that the dems improved as the GOP just sank to a lower level in comparison as far as the voting public is concerned.

What is puzzling though is that the GOP was always so well known for party discipline and staying on message. Nowadays that is missing. If they can find a way to get back to that old form they should be able to present a united front and sound more coherent than the dems. (Never a hard thing to do given how being a party leader for the dems must be like herding cats.)

So the RNC problem is just one of discipline and trying to "discipline" the MSM instead of their own party members is just not going to work. They have until the 2016 primary season to get their act together. Should be ample time but no one is holding their breath waiting. Instead they are trying to figure out what will happen in 2014. In my opinion it is going to be more or less a wash with the GOP gaining a couple of seats in the senate but not enough for a majority and possibly losing one or two in the house. In essence the status quo will reign until 2016.
Once again another thread that the hater libs make a statement that is supposedly that of Republicans and all the lemming hater libs join in on the bon fire as if true. Makes one remember the Democrat organization KKK dancing in unison around their bon fires.
The RNC has a problem and the MSM is only doing it's job by enabling everyone to know about it. Now when a corporation has a problem it doesn't have the power to boycott the MSM. All it can do is either fix the problem or do a better job at on it's public image. Both approaches have their advocates but the former usually works better than the latter.

The RNC can spend a lot of money trying to rebrand it's image but that won't work if the underlying problem keeps on undermining the effort. That just leaves the option to fix the problem. But that is much easier said than done. So the attempt to blame and censor the MSM is the 3rd and by far the least effective option left.

To be fair the dems also have problems and they did come up with a major rebranding effort that was somewhat effective. However they were given an assist by the GOP so it wasn't a complete success. The dems still have an inherent problem but it is only because it is less onerous than the RNC problem that allows them to get away with it. It wasn't so much that the dems improved as the GOP just sank to a lower level in comparison as far as the voting public is concerned.

What is puzzling though is that the GOP was always so well known for party discipline and staying on message. Nowadays that is missing. If they can find a way to get back to that old form they should be able to present a united front and sound more coherent than the dems. (Never a hard thing to do given how being a party leader for the dems must be like herding cats.)

So the RNC problem is just one of discipline and trying to "discipline" the MSM instead of their own party members is just not going to work. They have until the 2016 primary season to get their act together. Should be ample time but no one is holding their breath waiting. Instead they are trying to figure out what will happen in 2014. In my opinion it is going to be more or less a wash with the GOP gaining a couple of seats in the senate but not enough for a majority and possibly losing one or two in the house. In essence the status quo will reign until 2016.

holy smokes, all this over a MOVIE...
screw the lamestream media...they never give Republicans a fair shake anyway...as for the Gops problems...sheesh...so your saying they need to get their members gathered up and make them walk in Lockstep like the Democrat party? If that's what you are saying, screw that too...they are not anyones MASTERS..the only problem they have is getting a fair shake in Reporting from this lamestream media...Cnn and Nbc are in the back pocket of the DNC...
A movie with a black man being a servant to rich white people sounds more like something that would outrage the left to me.
A movie with a black man being a servant to rich white people sounds more like something that would outrage the left to me.

really...the movie didn't look that interesting to me...but the troll needs something to troll and aggravate with....

stupid thread from a stupid troll

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