What will Trump supporters do now that there leader is a target of a major criminal probe.

What will Trump supporters do now that there leader is a target of a major criminal probe.

When the Trump minions believed the lie that the election was stolen they rushed the Capitol and tried to stop Congress from certifying the election.

I predict we will see more violence from the Trump minions. How far will they go?

He’s always been the target of your witch hunts.

We’ll continue to support him because ALL of your allegations are always false, and have proven to be false.

We support the man and his policies, for Making America Great Again. That means bringing critical manufacturing back to this country and not relying on Communist China. That means becoming energy independent (again) and not relying on Middle Eastern oil. That means not starting any stupid wars to appease the Defense industry. It means securing our border so our country doesn’t turn into a third world shit hole.

Any more dumb questions?
In reference to the OP, the Trump cult sore-losers will:

Keep on melting down in an especially amusing fashion.

Repeat all the newest cult talking points whenever commanded to do so.

Talk big about violence, but then expect someone else to do it. It's not like they're going to leave their trailer. They will masturbate frantically as they read about any of their pals engaging in violence.

Most importantly, they'll weep even more bitter yet sweet fascist sore-loser tears. MMmmmmm. So delicious. More plz, Trump cultists.
This is much more serious than anything he has faced. Plus he does not have the protection of the Presidency.
This is more serious than anything you've faced in your life, commie fucktard.

Do you wanna push the idiocy, or what do you wanna do?

Real talk, motherfucker.
We will see. Trump is going to be indicted and a good chance convicted. Then we will see what the Trump minions do. They will lose but hopefully there will not be bloodshed before they lose.
Indicted for what? Having an empty safe?
What will Trump supporters do now that there leader is a target of a major criminal probe.

When the Trump minions believed the lie that the election was stolen they rushed the Capitol and tried to stop Congress from certifying the election.

I predict we will see more violence from the Trump minions. How far will they go?
This is just another nightmare the Democrat Deep Staters are foisting on the American people with false allegations, near-truths that just never pan out, and of course, a trillion dollar increase in the national debt for their little circle jerk.
What will Trump supporters do now that there leader is a target of a major criminal probe.

When the Trump minions believed the lie that the election was stolen they rushed the Capitol and tried to stop Congress from certifying the election.

I predict we will see more violence from the Trump minions. How far will they go?

Donald Trump "supporters" will do nothing illegal because by and large they are law abiding citizens who will continue to take the "high" road at all costs while their country burns. That being said, now is a time when supporters of Donald Trump must take extra care to look out for democrats in conservative clothing who just might lead them to an FBI interrogation room by way of false orders claimed to be from Trump himself.

He’s always been the target of your witch hunts.

We’ll continue to support him because ALL of your allegations are always false, and have proven to be false.

We support the man and his policies, for Making America Great Again. That means bringing critical manufacturing back to this country and not relying on Communist China. That means becoming energy independent (again) and not relying on Middle Eastern oil. That means not starting any stupid wars to appease the Defense industry. It means securing our border so our country doesn’t turn into a third world shit hole.

Any more dumb questions?
Yes. How many Jack Booted FBI agents does it take to arrest one Old Man? A. About 30 and one CNN sychophant. DEFUND THE FBI.

He’s always been the target of your witch hunts.

We’ll continue to support him because ALL of your allegations are always false, and have proven to be false.

We support the man and his policies, for Making America Great Again. That means bringing critical manufacturing back to this country and not relying on Communist China. That means becoming energy independent (again) and not relying on Middle Eastern oil. That means not starting any stupid wars to appease the Defense industry. It means securing our border so our country doesn’t turn into a third world shit hole.

Any more dumb questions?
You people almost started a civil war on January 6th. Don't give me this bullshit you are peace lovers.
Trump and all of you are going down, it is just a matter of how nasty it gets. Good always wins over evil, in the long run.
Donald Trump "supporters" will do nothing illegal because by and large they are law abiding citizens who will continue to take the "high" road at all costs while their country burns. That being said, now is a time when supporters of Donald Trump must take extra care to look out for democrats in conservative clothing who just might lead them to an FBI interrogation room by way of false orders claimed to be from Trump himself.
Trump is illegal. His brilliance is he has stayed out of jail.
You people almost started a civil war on January 6th. Don't give me this bullshit you are peace lovers.
Trump and all of you are going down, it is just a matter of how nasty it gets. Good always wins over evil, in the long run.
LOL a Civil War on J6? Those were unarmed protesters, and they had your Washington Establishment cowering under their chairs.

When you fools take it too far, you’ll get a war. You aren’t going to like how it turns out.
Trump is illegal. His brilliance is he has stayed out of jail.

Are you intimating Trump himself, alive and breathing, is an illegal act? You must pull yourself out of the rabbit hole before you grow long ears and whiskers.
We will see. Trump is going to be indicted and a good chance convicted. Then we will see what the Trump minions do. They will lose but hopefully there will not be bloodshed before they lose.

Maybe you could learn the difference between their/there/they're.
LOL a Civil War on J6? Those were unarmed protesters, and they had your Washington Establishment cowering under their chairs.

When you fools take it too far, you’ll get a war. You aren’t going to like how it turns out.
They may just end up seeing the real deal with these shenanigans. Pfft!

He’s always been the target of your witch hunts.

We’ll continue to support him because ALL of your allegations are always false, and have proven to be false.

We support the man and his policies, for Making America Great Again. That means bringing critical manufacturing back to this country and not relying on Communist China. That means becoming energy independent (again) and not relying on Middle Eastern oil. That means not starting any stupid wars to appease the Defense industry. It means securing our border so our country doesn’t turn into a third world shit hole.

Any more dumb questions?
The dumb thing here is you saying you will support trump despite the fake allegations before you have seen or heard any evidence involved in the investigation. That’s called blind ignorance. How can you expect anybody to respect that?
You people almost started a civil war on January 6th. Don't give me this bullshit you are peace lovers.
Trump and all of you are going down, it is just a matter of how nasty it gets. Good always wins over evil, in the long run.
"You people" are all but guaranteeing your death and destruction now with this horseshit. You fucking dumbass.
This is more serious than anything you've faced in your life, commie fucktard.

Do you wanna push the idiocy, or what do you wanna do?

Real talk, motherfucker.
My goodness… don’t you sound like the tough guy. Are you wanting to fight somebody to defend trumps honor?

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