What Will You Do When The GOP Comes For Your Wife, Daughter Or Sister?

Wow. The forum fuckboy is bucking for a free upgrade on the daily kook. He wants that 5-dildo rating.

Unfortunately, this didn't happen. This has the credibility of an Adam Schitt sobbing conspiracy theory.
The entire story about the ectopic pregnancy is a lie. Under medical definition a blastocyst lodging in a fallopian tube is not a pregnancy. Pregnancy does not occur until implantation in the uterine wall. It's not even an abortion. It's a laproscopic tubal resection. But... it's from kos and they always lie.
Last week a Texas woman with an ectopic pregnancy — a life-threatening condition that never produces a baby — was forced to wait until it ruptured inside her, putting her life in danger. Imagine if that was you or someone you loved.

Republican laws are now making doctors wait until women are nearly dead before they can provide life-saving medical treatment for lethal conditions like that ectopic pregnancy and incomplete miscarriages. This is insane.

What would you do if that was your daughter, wife, mother, or sister who was forced to bleed out for ten long days so a Republican politician could crow about being “pro-life”? They’d have to physically restrain me.

So when can we start using the guns?

^^^Says the pro-abort.

Using guns to protect a woman's choice to murder her unborn child?

Why don't you just shoot the unborn child and save a couple steps there, bro?

You progressives are not very forward-thinking, are you.

Now put that gun away before you shoot yer dick off.

Or your wife's dick off.
You don't know what an ectopic pregnancy is do you?
The entire story about the ectopic pregnancy is a lie. Under medical definition a blastocyst lodging in a fallopian tube is not a pregnancy. Pregnancy does not occur until implantation in the uterine wall. It's not even an abortion. It's a laproscopic tubal resection. But... it's from kos and they always lie.

Yes. Since the egg cannot survive lodged in the fallopian tube it's not considered a viable fetus...thus not an abortion....simply a corrective surgery.
Sure they are! That's the whole POINT of stopping abortion freedoms! What did you suppose it was about?

It was to force women who are pregnant to carry the fetus to term whether she wants to or not: to force her to have a baby.

Pretty rotten. Almost always men, too.

Weak men
dragonlady said:
What a bunch of anti-democratic bullshit from one of our resident Trump Humpers!!!!

The GOP has already come for American women of child bearing age, and created national chaos in overturning Roe. Roe became the law of the land, to stop women from dying from botched abortions, and it's been very successful. Now Republicans have banned abortion in 20 states, created death and havoc because they're so idealogically driven that they didn't consider the real consequences of their laws.

Trump has already tried and failed to overthrow democracy, and yet you claim that democracy is the problem.
What problem is the left creating by letting women make their own decisions, Calypso? Women have been doing that for the last 50 years and no problems were created by this?

If you think abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing people to have abortions, unlike the right wingers like you who are trying to force women to have babies.

there is nothing democratic about killing the unborn. It is NOT In the constitution no matter how many ways you think it. Leftists care about the people right? You care that the PEOPLE have a say in what happens...well. NOW The people have a say in whether killing the unborn is acceptable or not. California and New York will gladly enable that to happen. Maryland, Oregon, Washington, and DC and many others. Is that not enough for you? The people will decide AS should have been the case in the beginning.
Yes. Since the egg cannot survive lodged in the fallopian tube it's not considered a viable fetus...thus not an abortion....simply a corrective surgery.
So then any intervention that occurs before implantation is not an abortion right?
Dems are fear mongering again? Shocker!

Says a man who knows nothing about reproductive medicine. Democrats are not "fear mongering". They're publicizing the very REAL results of these wrong headed total abortion bans and heart beat laws.

I was someone at high risk for a ectopic pregnancy. The moment I tested positive for pregnancy, my OB/GYN ordered an ultra sound to ensure the baby wasn't stuck in my fallopian tube, and was properly implanted in my womb. One of my friends nearly died when her tube burst in an ectopic pregnancy.

When that happens, you have about 10 minutes to get to hospital before you die. These hospitals had to LET it happen, because the fetus, which is never viable in an ectopic pregnancy, had a heartbeat. They had to let the tube explode and let the fetus had to die naturally, before they could help the mother.

This is the reality of legislating reproductive care based on the idea that all "abortion is murder".
It's a lie. There are no restrictions against aborting a fetus in cases like this. Lefties build on the lie until they are able to murder babies even outside the womb.
Says a man who knows nothing about reproductive medicine. Democrats are not "fear mongering". They're publicizing the very REAL results of these wrong headed total abortion bans and heart beat laws.

I was someone at high risk for a ectopic pregnancy. The moment I tested positive for pregnancy, my OB/GYN ordered an ultra sound to ensure the baby wasn't stuck in my fallopian tube, and was properly implanted in my womb. One of my friends nearly died when her tube burst in an ectopic pregnancy.

When that happens, you have about 10 minutes to get to hospital before you die. These hospitals had to LET it happen, because the fetus, which is never viable in an ectopic pregnancy, had a heartbeat. They had to let the tube explode and let the fetus had to die naturally, before they could help the mother.

This is the reality of legislating reproductive care based on the idea that all "abortion is murder".
results of these wrong headed total abortion bans

Link us up to these 'total abortion bans".
So then any intervention that occurs before implantation is not an abortion right?
I guess. Is wearing a IUD an abortion?
Is wearing a rubber an abortion?
Is wearing a feminine napkin an abortion?
Is abstaining from sex an abortion?
Is anal sex an abortion?
results of these wrong headed total abortion bans

Link us up to these 'total abortion bans".
If you don't like the way things are, then move.
Best way I know of to get rid of liberals in your state.
Make abortion punishable by deportation to Canada or Mexico.
there is nothing democratic about killing the unborn. It is NOT In the constitution no matter how many ways you think it. Leftists care about the people right? You care that the PEOPLE have a say in what happens...well. NOW The people have a say in whether killing the unborn is acceptable or not. California and New York will gladly enable that to happen. Maryland, Oregon, Washington, and DC and many others. Is that not enough for you? The people will decide AS should have been the case in the beginning.

PRIVACY is in the Constitution. Abortion shouldn't be in the Contsistution because it has NOTHING to do with government. The Constitution sets out how the country is to be governed, not what medical procedures should be allowed. Abortion was a private medical matter between a woman and her doctor, when the Constitution was written and of no concern to politicians at all. The first abortion laws weren't even passed until the late 1800's, when the Founders had been long dead.

The people have had NO SAY, in this at all. 80% of the American people from BOTH political parties are in favour of a woman's right to choose, and even those who oppose abortion for convenience are not opposed to an abortion to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest.

Furthermore, the most radical laws which ban all abortion with no exceptions, even for the life of the mother, are endangering women's lives and reproductive health. If the woman dies, so does the foetus, When doctors are unable to intervene until after the foetus dies, both the health of the mother, and the chances of her having another child, can be severely impacted.

This is not in the best interests of the women, or the nation. This is simply a radical public policy which is based on extremist religious view with no basis either in the Bible, or in science.

Even the Bible ascribes to rights to the unborn and if a man causes a pregnant woman such that she loses the child she's carrying, but no other harm is done, he must pay a fine to the woman's husband, but if he harms the woman, he is subject to the fullest measure of the law.

No that is not enough for you. Women should have automony over their own bodies, and the right to a safe, legal, reproductive care in every state of the union - equally, and without and "state imposed" restrictions, waiting period, unnecessary tests, or lectures.

This assumption that women simply need to be convinced not to have an abortion is insulting, and demeaning. Why don't we sit men down and caution them on the dangers of fathering an unwanted child before prescribing Viagara?
Says a man who knows nothing about reproductive medicine. Democrats are not "fear mongering". They're publicizing the very REAL results of these wrong headed total abortion bans and heart beat laws.

I was someone at high risk for a ectopic pregnancy. The moment I tested positive for pregnancy, my OB/GYN ordered an ultra sound to ensure the baby wasn't stuck in my fallopian tube, and was properly implanted in my womb. One of my friends nearly died when her tube burst in an ectopic pregnancy.

When that happens, you have about 10 minutes to get to hospital before you die. These hospitals had to LET it happen, because the fetus, which is never viable in an ectopic pregnancy, had a heartbeat. They had to let the tube explode and let the fetus had to die naturally, before they could help the mother.

This is the reality of legislating reproductive care based on the idea that all "abortion is murder".
^^^ fear mongering, double speak and lack of verification. This alleged ectopic pregnancy story has yet to be verified or details provided. Other examples in this same dailykos story only told part of the story, to bias and spin it casting doubt on the ectopic story.
I guess. Is wearing a IUD an abortion?
Is wearing a rubber an abortion?
Is wearing a feminine napkin an abortion?
Is abstaining from sex an abortion?
Is anal sex an abortion?

The "no abortion under any circumstances" states have already banned IUD's and morning after pills, both of which prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg.
PRIVACY is in the Constitution. Abortion shouldn't be in the Contsistution because it has NOTHING to do with government. The Constitution sets out how the country is to be governed, not what medical procedures should be allowed. Abortion was a private medical matter between a woman and her doctor, when the Constitution was written and of no concern to politicians at all. The first abortion laws weren't even passed until the late 1800's, when the Founders had been long dead.

The people have had NO SAY, in this at all. 80% of the American people from BOTH political parties are in favour of a woman's right to choose, and even those who oppose abortion for convenience are not opposed to an abortion to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest.

Furthermore, the most radical laws which ban all abortion with no exceptions, even for the life of the mother, are endangering women's lives and reproductive health. If the woman dies, so does the foetus, When doctors are unable to intervene until after the foetus dies, both the health of the mother, and the chances of her having another child, can be severely impacted.

This is not in the best interests of the women, or the nation. This is simply a radical public policy which is based on extremist religious view with no basis either in the Bible, or in science.

Even the Bible ascribes to rights to the unborn and if a man causes a pregnant woman such that she loses the child she's carrying, but no other harm is done, he must pay a fine to the woman's husband, but if he harms the woman, he is subject to the fullest measure of the law.

No that is not enough for you. Women should have automony over their own bodies, and the right to a safe, legal, reproductive care in every state of the union - equally, and without and "state imposed" restrictions, waiting period, unnecessary tests, or lectures.

This assumption that women simply need to be convinced not to have an abortion is insulting, and demeaning. Why don't we sit men down and caution them on the dangers of fathering an unwanted child before prescribing Viagara?
Furthermore, the most radical laws which ban all abortion with no exceptions, even for the life of the mother, are endangering women's lives and reproductive health.

Hey you lying sack of shit, I'll ask again................do you have a link to these laws that ban all abortion?

Dragonlady let's see a list of the laws that ban all abortions without exception.
^^^ fear mongering, double speak and lack of verification. This alleged ectopic pregnancy story has yet to be verified or details provided. Other examples in this same dailykos story only told part of the story, to bias and spin it casting doubt on the ectopic story.

These aren't unproven or abstract ideas. There are 2000 of these preganancies in the USA every year. That's more than 6 per day. I'm surprised there aren't more of these stories at this point, but it has taken the most extreme laws a few weeks to take effect so this stuff is just starting to happen.

We've already posted links to stories of women being refused care for partial miscarriages until sepsis set in.

One in 50 pregnancies - that's more than I would have thought.


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