What won't be answered tonight

Keep on getting shit information and passing it on

USA Today.....The Nation's Comic Book.

The RW is trying so hard to get in the way all the time.

Pelosi was one of the people briefed beforehand by the FBI about possible violence yet she refuses to testify.
- Her hearing is a joke.

The former Capitol Police Chief said he requested Natl Guard help 6 (SIX) times after being briefed by the FBI about the pending crowd and violence and was denied / delayed every time. WHO drnied / delayed his requests? Why isn't he being allowed to testify?
- Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' hearing is political theater and a criminal joke.

The DC Mayor and Sergeants-At-Arms of both the House and Senate rejected the advice of bringing in the Natl Guard as advised to do after being warned / briefed by the FBI because, reportedly, of 'optics'. The Sergeants-at-Arms 'resigned' after the 6 Jan violence. WHY aren't they and the DC Mayor testifying before this committee on TV?
- Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' hearing is political theater and a criminal joke.

Officer Byrd was hiding behind a barricade. When Ashli Babbitt stepped through the broken window, he said he got uo, stepped forward, abd prepared to shoot her. He stayed he saw her, saw her backpack, saw no weapon in her hands, pointed his gun at extremely close range, and shot Babbitt, who fell backwards through the broken entryway. Byrd then returned to his position behind the barricade. Byrd claimed he was afraid for his life which is why he shot Babbit. Byrd was safe behind a barricade, was larger than Babbitt, saw she had no weapons, and stepped out to shoot an unarmed defenseless Babbitt. WHY is Byrd not testifying?
- Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' hearing is political theater and a criminal joke.

Are any of the Capitol Policexwho held doors open for citizens to enter the Capitol testifying? If not, WHY not?
- Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' hearing is political theater and a criminal joke.

A bipartisan committee already investigated 6 Jan and published their report. In that report the committee sited a large part of the problem on 6 Jan had to do with the Capitol Police: They were extremely under-manned, under-trained, did not have the phone numbers for or the ability to call the DC police or Natl Guard for help, there were no leaders/ supervisors on-scene to make decisions or give guidance on 6 Jan DESPITE the FBI having warned the Capitol Police about potential violence.

WHY is this bipartisan committee's report and findings NOT part of Pelosi's theatrical witch hunt?

WHY are none of the members off this bipartisan committee on Pelosi's BS committee staff?

WHY aren't any of the bipartisan committee members being allowed to testify?

The answer to all of these questions is simple:
- Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' hearing is political theater and a criminal joke.

Anyone who attempts to say that Pelosi's BS committee is legit without these people testifying, without the bipartisan committee's report being included as evidence, with extremely key players in the 6 Jan event not being allowed to testify or refusing to do so - like Pelosi - is as full of shit as Biden's exposed and now rejected 'Disinfotrmation Board'.

The same proven seditious traitorous criminals who manufactured false evidence in an attempt to remove a sitting President from office during Pelosi's 2 criminal Impeachmet attempts make up the main mebers of Pelosi's committee now, and they have adequate it clear their goal is to finally take down Trump & anyone connected to him, not prevent another 6 Jan.

EVERY America watching this BS (& not) knows this - they aren't stupid...or as stupid as the leftists and snowflakes on this board claiming again and again tgat Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachent Attempt 3.0' is legit.
Pssst..no..she won't..why? Because Trump isn't President. Pass it on! :)
yes, s he will

because Americans say Trump is the president

and she can't have that so there will be 3rd impeachment... maybe a 4th as well... and a 5th...

she aint called the Wicked Bitch of the East for nothing
  1. How is it possible that the Capitol Police were half-staffed on January 6?
  2. Why were the Capitol Police under-equipped?
  3. Why were some officers forced to face down a riot without helmets?
  4. Why were the Capitol Police never trained to handle a riot, even after the riots of 2020?
  5. Did Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi communicate with the House Sergeant-at-Arms on January 6 or in the days leading up to the riot?
  6. Why didn’t the Capitol Police’s intelligence unit raise the alarm about potential violence?
  7. Why did the FBI deploy commandos to Quantico on January 3, with shoot-to kill-authority, but fail to send USCP a single threat assessment or intelligence bulletin?
  8. Was Speaker Pelosi involved in the decision to delay National Guard assistance on January 6?
That last question about Pelosi’s role in the failure to take advantage of President Donald Trump’s January 4 offer to authorize thousands of National Guard troops to supplement the Capitol Police goes to the heart of January 6.

The same question must be answered regarding District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser because she and Pelosi together had the authority to bring in those thousands of National Guardsmen that Trump authorized two days prior. Those guardsmen would have barred entry to protestors seeking to penetrate the U.S. Capitol.

Interesting focus on Jan 6

Not focused on the TRUMP Mob but focused on “Why didn’t you do a better job of stopping us?”
yes, s he will

because Americans say Trump is the president

and she can't have that so there will be 3rd impeachment... maybe a 4th as well... and a 5th...

she aint called the Wicked Bitch of the East for nothing
Pssst...only idiots believe Trump is still President. Or deluded lemmings. Or Unicorns.
Keep on getting shit information and passing it on

Hey Brokeback Ted. I is in the 1/6 testimony from witnesses they dragged in.....lolololol

You know you loved 1/6 you fucking pussy. The commission will begin in 23
To MAGAtards, I hope you heard what Liz Cheney said last night:

"There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."
  1. How is it possible that the Capitol Police were half-staffed on January 6?
  2. Why were the Capitol Police under-equipped?
  3. Why were some officers forced to face down a riot without helmets?
  4. Why were the Capitol Police never trained to handle a riot, even after the riots of 2020?
  5. Did Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi communicate with the House Sergeant-at-Arms on January 6 or in the days leading up to the riot?
  6. Why didn’t the Capitol Police’s intelligence unit raise the alarm about potential violence?
  7. Why did the FBI deploy commandos to Quantico on January 3, with shoot-to kill-authority, but fail to send USCP a single threat assessment or intelligence bulletin?
  8. Was Speaker Pelosi involved in the decision to delay National Guard assistance on January 6?
That last question about Pelosi’s role in the failure to take advantage of President Donald Trump’s January 4 offer to authorize thousands of National Guard troops to supplement the Capitol Police goes to the heart of January 6.

The same question must be answered regarding District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser because she and Pelosi together had the authority to bring in those thousands of National Guardsmen that Trump authorized two days prior. Those guardsmen would have barred entry to protestors seeking to penetrate the U.S. Capitol.
The answer: democrats.

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