What would actually be in a "magical creation" textbook? Beyond it isn't evolution.

Intelligent design is just an argument for the existence of God that attempts to prove God exists by arguing that other things, such as living organisms, could not exist without having been created by God...

...since those things do in fact exist, then God must exist.

It's an attempt to attach scientific credibility to an article of faith.

Actually, no. The discussion begins with the complexity of life and how it could become so complex. If left to nature things tend to break down, to be come simpler not more complex.

Your computer works on binary, your DNA is four times as complex. Now I suppose that even with the billion to one chance of the brain was created out of nothing with enough time I suppose anything could happen. But that would only lead to the logical conclusion that there was actually a plan, if you will, to the creation of life. In other words an end game that was programmed from the beginning. Nothing else makes a whole lot of sense to me. Why would the simplest of organisms grow into larger organisms? What mechanism would drive such a thing? And if it does happen why don't we see it today? Why, after 100 years of driving, are deer still too stupid to cross a road without being smashed to bits?

Yes, maybe finches learn to adapt to different habitats. Those who become isolated and their food supply is different then it was develop different traits to survive. That especially points to intelligent design. The birds adapt but remain birds.
So Republicans get their wish and schools suddenly decide it's only fair to teach magical creation. Besides "it isn't evolution", what is it exactly, they would "teach"? Anyone?
If I were to write that book, the first chapter would question why the Magician bothered to create assholes like yourself.
Intelligent Design is fraud. It was created out of whole cloth to provide an alternate science curriculum to push out and replace the teaching of evolution.

If you believe in Intelligent Design, then you probably believe Iran-Contra was a mere cultural exchange program.

Regards from Rosie
Intelligent Design is fraud. It was created out of whole cloth to provide an alternate science curriculum to push out and replace the teaching of evolution.

If you believe in Intelligent Design, then you probably believe Iran-Contra was a mere cultural exchange program.

Regards from Rosie

No, more like evolutionism was touted by faggots and atheist as a way of deflecting from religion(s).

We have already discussed this thread is not about evolutionism, if you had enough comprehension skills to follow the conversation, you would understand it is about creationism and not evolutionism.

The survival of the fittest or evolutionism has been observed in our life times with the advent of antibiotic resistant bacteria ...........

Once again faggot, you can not go into any lab and throw together chemicals and wave your magic wand to create life .................
Intelligent Design is fraud. It was created out of whole cloth to provide an alternate science curriculum to push out and replace the teaching of evolution.

If you believe in Intelligent Design, then you probably believe Iran-Contra was a mere cultural exchange program.

Regards from Rosie

No, more like evolutionism was touted by faggots and atheist as a way of deflecting from religion(s).

We have already discussed this thread is not about evolutionism, if you had enough comprehension skills to follow the conversation, you would understand it is about creationism and not evolutionism.

The survival of the fittest or evolutionism has been observed in our life times with the advent of antibiotic resistant bacteria ...........

Once again faggot, you can not go into any lab and throw together chemicals and wave your magic wand to create life .................

Judge rules against intelligent design - Technology science - Science NBC News


Regards from Rosie
Natural selection does not require that all structures have the same function or even need to be functional at each step in the development of an organism.
  • Intelligent design is a scientific theory2: A scientific theory is supported by extensive research and repeated experimentation and observation in the natural world. Unlike a true scientific theory, the existence of an “intelligent” agent can not be tested, nor is it falsifiable.
  • Intelligent design is based on the scientific method3: Intelligent design might base its ideas on observations in the natural world, but it does not test them in the natural world, or attempt to develop mechanisms (such as natural selection) to explain their observations4.
  • Most scientists are atheists5 and believe only in the material world: Such accusations are neither fair nor true. The scientific method is limited to using evidence from the natural world to explain phenomena. It does not preclude the existence of God or other spiritual beliefs and only states that they are not part of science. Belief in a higher being is a personal, not a scientific, question.
Science Evolution and Intelligent Design Union of Concerned Scientists

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