What would happen if a POTUS election was held TODAY?

I think if the primaries are held today then it would change. if the election was held probably nothing would change. Just look at the Senate gains for the GOP. I think that screams that nothing has really changed other than in the eyes of political junkies.

Reality, the senate elections heavily favored the republicans in November. Yet even though they were supposed to pick up most of the vacant seats, they only picked up 2 senate seats.

trump went to Montana several times to unseat Jon Tester. Tester won.

Picking up 2 seats isn't significant when the projections were for republicans to win several of those senate seats.

Meanwhile the democrats picked up 40 seats so far in the House with one seat still undecided. Even with the republican heavily gerrymandered districts.

Change will come to our congress next week. We will finally have the constitutionally required checks and balances on trump. The American people spoke very loudly. We want proper checks and balances on trump and we want honest investigations into his crimes.

Having the majority in the Senate no longer guarantees control of all legislation. The republicans instituted the non stop filibuster in the Obama years when they were the minority to retain control of all legislation in the senate. Now, the tables have turned. Democrats are the minority and have control of all legislation in the Senate with the filibuster. So your small minority in the Senate is meaningless because the republicans instituted the non stop filibuster giving the minority all the power of legislation.

Have fun the next 2 years.

And then there is Florida...
He'd win in a bigger landslide than occurred in 2016.

Do you mean receiving over 5 million more popular votes and 202 more EC votes than his opponent? No that's Clinton in 1992.

Do you mean receiving over 8 million more popular votes and 220 more EC votes than his opponent? No, that would be Clinton in 1996.

Do you mean receiving around 10 million more popular votes and 192 more EC votes than his opponent? No that's Obama in 2008.

Do you mean receiving around 5 million more popular votes and 126 more EC votes than his opponent? No that's Obama in 2012.

If you mean receiving around 3 million LESS popular votes and only 77 more EC votes than his opponent, yes that's trump in 2016.

Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016

If you think that's a landslide you have no idea what a landslide is or you have no grasp of reality.
/----/ If only wishes were fishes and popular votes mattered in the election.
I feel your pain.jpg
Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2016

If you think that's a landslide you have no idea what a landslide is or you have no grasp of reality.

Reality is an anathema for Trumpsters......please go easy on their half-brain's acumen.

No I lost all my patience with those people in the bush boy years to be able to easy on them.

Now they are going after my ability to buy health insurance which will pretty much guarantee that I suffer and die a very ugly death from carcinoma that originated in my breast and has either gone to my brain or lungs to kill me. That's where cancer goes from the breast which is why it's so deadly. Carcinoma is a very ugly form of cancer in that it grows faster than most cancers and moves to other organs to kill faster than most cancers.

So no I have no patience to go easy on people who happily want to force me to die a very painful, needlessly early death.

These people have no grasp on reality or truth. It's allows them to be able to do such things as take the ability to buy private health insurance from people who have paid into the private health insurance system since the 1980s only for the reason that they had been sick at one time in their lives but had the strength, courage, and audacity to fight for their lives and win.

That's on top of their actions are going to kill millions of human beings and they have absolutely no problem with it. All for the only reason that they believe they can do that so that they themselves have cheap health insurance.

People like that don't deserve for me to go easy on them.
/----/ If only wishes were fishes and popular votes mattered in the election[/QUOTE]

By all means then, STAY home and don't show up to vote for orange clowns........LOL
/---/ My vote goes for the Elector in my state. Same as yours, you pinhead. The Electors then select the president. But that's only been explained to your dunderheads a million times. And I never missed a vote since 1972.
/---/ My vote goes for the Elector in my state. Same as yours, you pinhead. The Electors then select the president. But that's only been explained to your dunderheads a million times. And I never missed a vote since 1972.

Go to bed........stating the fucking OBVIOUS about our electoral process makes you a waste of cyber space.
Trump would win a new vote today and will win again in 2020.

For the same reason:

Democrats WILL nominate Hillary.
/---/ My vote goes for the Elector in my state. Same as yours, you pinhead. The Electors then select the president. But that's only been explained to your dunderheads a million times. And I never missed a vote since 1972.

Go to bed........stating the fucking OBVIOUS about our electoral process makes you a waste of cyber space.
/----/ Then why the dribble about all the popular vote results when you KNOW they don't matter?

Donald J. Trump is the author of the "Art of the Deal", a book that has been compared to the Holy Bible.

9 1/2 years ago, take a look at the way he negotiated a very favorable sale of a wrestling property to Vincent K McMahon, a billionaire in his own right. Trump is s SUPERB negotiator.

Also, consider how he reworked America's deals with NATO as well as trade deals with both Mexico and Dominions of Canada.

Donald J. Trump is the author of the "Art of the Deal", a book that has been compared to the Holy Bible.

One can't get up Trump's ass better and more thoroughly than the above idiot....LMAO

(*this moron is either completely fucked up....or is making fun of Trump.)
Its rather interesting that some republicans are finally waking up.....A recent poll of Iowa republicans showed that TWO-THIRDS of them would welcome ANOTHER republican challenger for the 2020 presidential election.......

Bear in mind that the above is PRIOR to the shit-storm that is about to hit this corrupt and inept administration in 2019.

Ultimately, the bottom line for Trump is to run his 2020 campaign with the slogan..."PLEASE VOTE FOR ME TO KEEP ME (and my family) OUT OF PRISON.."

(But Trump will always have his 32% cult followers willing to jump off the cliff with him.......LOL)

Republicans had better have another candidate waiting in the wings

Next two years will not be pretty

Republicans had better have another candidate waiting in the wings

Next two years will not be pretty

The Bush Family is well respected by the liberals, they ought to finance a challenge by Jeb! for 2020, if they don't want Trump.

Jeb spent $150 Million for 3 delegates in 2016, if the liberals want to get him nominated they will need maybe $5 Billion.
Its rather interesting that some republicans are finally waking up.....A recent poll of Iowa republicans showed that TWO-THIRDS of them would welcome ANOTHER republican challenger for the 2020 presidential election.......

Bear in mind that the above is PRIOR to the shit-storm that is about to hit this corrupt and inept administration in 2019.

Ultimately, the bottom line for Trump is to run his 2020 campaign with the slogan..."PLEASE VOTE FOR ME TO KEEP ME (and my family) OUT OF PRISON.."

(But Trump will always have his 32% cult followers willing to jump off the cliff with him.......LOL)

Republicans had better have another candidate waiting in the wings

Next two years will not be pretty
/——-/ We always take political strategy advice from libtards who are sworn to defeat us. What could possibly go wrong?
If the vote was held today it would be judged unconstitutional.

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