What would happen if the US went to a pay grade system like in the military?


Dec 12, 2012
there is alot of debate of socialism vs capitalism, etc. bailing out the banks vs welfare for the poor, and such. im no economic genius but i do think that what cant be done in D.C. can be done by honest Americans willing to talk. i love fair but i also realize that life is not fair, the greedy will always be greedy, and the lazy will always be lazy. those who work hard deserve more but i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks and can barely pay his bills and put food on the table. on the other side a high school drop out dosnt deserve the same wage as an MD who worked hard and put their nose to the grindstone for ten years. so as you can see im on both sides here.

so now to my idea. the mean income in america is 60k according to wiki, now that may be off by a lil but prob not too much. my first idea was just pay everyone a salary of 60k regardless of job. but once again not fair. and 18 yr old drop out working at a fast food chain should not make as much as an MD. then came idea 2. have everyone in the US be paid based on a pay grade just like in the military. (with some tweaks of course) for those of you who dont know how that system works ill explain. their are basically 2 pay grade tiers (technically 3 but we wont get into warrents here ;p) enlisted, and officers. those who just join the army after high school are the enlisted and those who get a 4 year degree would be the officers. after completing certain requirements in either tier you go up in pay grade, it takes about 5 years as an enlisted to earn the same pay amount as someone who just joined as an officer ( fair about the time of school, sometimes more sometimes less depending how hard you work...)

so what if we implemented a system like this in civilian life? pros? cons? etc? i wanted to have this convo in a chat room but apparently those do not exist anymore ;p

also so we keep this as open and honest as possible if you would be willing to state your political beliefs at the end ( it will more than likely be apparent by your responses). remember lets keep this clean and rational. good solid arguments either pro or against with something to back it up if you can not just "america will go to hell" or "this would fix everything" and ill start, i consider myself pretty middle ground i tend to see valid points on both sides but if i had to label myself i would say im liberal with conservative views.
there is alot of debate of socialism vs capitalism, etc. bailing out the banks vs welfare for the poor, and such. im no economic genius but i do think that what cant be done in D.C. can be done by honest Americans willing to talk. i love fair but i also realize that life is not fair, the greedy will always be greedy, and the lazy will always be lazy. those who work hard deserve more but i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks and can barely pay his bills and put food on the table. on the other side a high school drop out dosnt deserve the same wage as an MD who worked hard and put their nose to the grindstone for ten years. so as you can see im on both sides here.

so now to my idea. the mean income in america is 60k according to wiki, now that may be off by a lil but prob not too much. my first idea was just pay everyone a salary of 60k regardless of job. but once again not fair. and 18 yr old drop out working at a fast food chain should not make as much as an MD. then came idea 2. have everyone in the US be paid based on a pay grade just like in the military. (with some tweaks of course) for those of you who dont know how that system works ill explain. their are basically 2 pay grade tiers (technically 3 but we wont get into warrents here ;p) enlisted, and officers. those who just join the army after high school are the enlisted and those who get a 4 year degree would be the officers. after completing certain requirements in either tier you go up in pay grade, it takes about 5 years as an enlisted to earn the same pay amount as someone who just joined as an officer ( fair about the time of school, sometimes more sometimes less depending how hard you work...)

so what if we implemented a system like this in civilian life? pros? cons? etc? i wanted to have this convo in a chat room but apparently those do not exist anymore ;p

also so we keep this as open and honest as possible if you would be willing to state your political beliefs at the end ( it will more than likely be apparent by your responses). remember lets keep this clean and rational. good solid arguments either pro or against with something to back it up if you can not just "america will go to hell" or "this would fix everything" and ill start, i consider myself pretty middle ground i tend to see valid points on both sides but if i had to label myself i would say im liberal with conservative views.

To DrPsyc: I thought you might be interested in this:

The only genuine job growth is in government, where one in seven Americans is now employed, and with extraordinary benefits. A staggering 73% of all job growth in the last five months occurred in government, and Obama is adding 103 new federal employees per day. They are paid by your tax dollars. The Democrats need more of those tax dollars to maintain these voters.

Feeding Obama’s Government Class
By Paul Kengor on 12.14.12 @ 6:09AM
Tax increases are its lifeblood, which is why Republican must just say no.

The American Spectator : Feeding Obama's Government Class

In four years time Hussein will give approximately 150,380 parasites a government job. Those people will go to a job every day instead of going to the welfare office to pick up their paychecks although the amount of work they do won’t increase to any noticeable degree. Those parasite jobs pay a helluva lot more than does a traditional welfare check, and they come with pensions, medical coverage, and benefits. That’s in addition to the four million government jobs (minimum) the Affordable Care Act will create.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJKGWEkkE7E&feature=player_detailpage]Pelosi: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately! - YouTube[/ame]​
there is alot of debate of socialism vs capitalism, etc. bailing out the banks vs welfare for the poor, and such. im no economic genius but i do think that what cant be done in D.C. can be done by honest Americans willing to talk. i love fair but i also realize that life is not fair, the greedy will always be greedy, and the lazy will always be lazy. those who work hard deserve more but i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks and can barely pay his bills and put food on the table. on the other side a high school drop out dosnt deserve the same wage as an MD who worked hard and put their nose to the grindstone for ten years. so as you can see im on both sides here.

so now to my idea. the mean income in america is 60k according to wiki, now that may be off by a lil but prob not too much. my first idea was just pay everyone a salary of 60k regardless of job. but once again not fair. and 18 yr old drop out working at a fast food chain should not make as much as an MD. then came idea 2. have everyone in the US be paid based on a pay grade just like in the military. (with some tweaks of course) for those of you who dont know how that system works ill explain. their are basically 2 pay grade tiers (technically 3 but we wont get into warrents here ;p) enlisted, and officers. those who just join the army after high school are the enlisted and those who get a 4 year degree would be the officers. after completing certain requirements in either tier you go up in pay grade, it takes about 5 years as an enlisted to earn the same pay amount as someone who just joined as an officer ( fair about the time of school, sometimes more sometimes less depending how hard you work...)

so what if we implemented a system like this in civilian life? pros? cons? etc? i wanted to have this convo in a chat room but apparently those do not exist anymore ;p

also so we keep this as open and honest as possible if you would be willing to state your political beliefs at the end ( it will more than likely be apparent by your responses). remember lets keep this clean and rational. good solid arguments either pro or against with something to back it up if you can not just "america will go to hell" or "this would fix everything" and ill start, i consider myself pretty middle ground i tend to see valid points on both sides but if i had to label myself i would say im liberal with conservative views.

To DrPsyc: I thought you might be interested in this:

The only genuine job growth is in government, where one in seven Americans is now employed, and with extraordinary benefits. A staggering 73% of all job growth in the last five months occurred in government, and Obama is adding 103 new federal employees per day. They are paid by your tax dollars. The Democrats need more of those tax dollars to maintain these voters.

In four years time Hussein will give approximately 150,380 parasites a government job. Those people will go to a job every day instead of going to the welfare office to pick up their paychecks although the amount of work they do won’t increase to any noticeable degree. Those parasite jobs pay a helluva lot more than does a traditional welfare check, and they come with pensions, medical coverage, and benefits. That’s in addition to the four million government jobs (minimum) the Affordable Care Act will create.


you see that some of the talk i dont want here. first off you didnt even respond to my idea you just spouted some right wing propaganda that isnt even relevant (and i would jump down your throat the same if it were liberal propaganda) second where are there ANY facts in that statement? can you list what jobs were created so you can say hardly any work will be done? can you list every person who revived a job and if they were just on or ever on welfare. no one seems interested in my topic but if your going to post in this thread please be smarter than this guy and stick to my topic, have something you can back up, or is at least not BS propaganda like this.
you see that some of the talk i dont want here. first off you didnt even respond to my idea you just spouted some right wing propaganda that isnt even relevant (and i would jump down your throat the same if it were liberal propaganda) second where are there ANY facts in that statement? can you list what jobs were created so you can say hardly any work will be done? can you list every person who revived a job and if they were just on or ever on welfare. no one seems interested in my topic but if your going to post in this thread please be smarter than this guy and stick to my topic, have something you can back up, or is at least not BS propaganda like this.

To DrPsyc. You don’t get to bar “. . . some of the talk i don’t want here.” I respond as I see fit. State your case if you think I am off-topic.

Clearly you are looking for talking points to support wage controls and, by extension, the welfare state and your view of fairness and equality; hence, my comments.
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i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks .

too stupid!!!! to get into an Ivy league school you have to be the smartest in the whole world plus you have to start preparing before kindergarten!!! It would not be the Ivy League if it did not have the highest standards in the world. Those standards require a super IQ at birth and very very hard work for a lifetime. That is what the best in the world requires at a minimum!!
so what if we implemented a system like this in civilian life? .

thankfully we are a free country and we don't have liberal Nazis
with power to impliment such systems. Our system depends on freedom between a buyer and seller to make any deal they want.

The huge advantage is that it is a very very precise system based on millions and millions of individual decisions, rather that a few liberal Nazi guesses in Washington.
i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks .

too stupid!!!! to get into an Ivy league school you have to be the smartest in the whole world plus you have to start preparing before kindergarten!!! It would not be the Ivy League if it did not have the highest standards in the world. Those standards require a super IQ at birth and very very hard work for a lifetime. That is what the best in the world requires at a minimum!!

Or in lieu of that, have Dad build a new library on campus to help junior "make the grade".
i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks .

too stupid!!!! to get into an Ivy league school you have to be the smartest in the whole world plus you have to start preparing before kindergarten!!! It would not be the Ivy League if it did not have the highest standards in the world. Those standards require a super IQ at birth and very very hard work for a lifetime. That is what the best in the world requires at a minimum!!

Or in lieu of that, have Dad build a new library on campus to help junior "make the grade".

too stupid!! if they did not maintain the highest academic standards in the world they would no longer be the Ivy League.
too stupid!!!! to get into an Ivy league school you have to be the smartest in the whole world plus you have to start preparing before kindergarten!!! It would not be the Ivy League if it did not have the highest standards in the world. Those standards require a super IQ at birth and very very hard work for a lifetime. That is what the best in the world requires at a minimum!!

Or in lieu of that, have Dad build a new library on campus to help junior "make the grade".

too stupid!! if they did not maintain the highest academic standards in the world they would no longer be the Ivy League.

The only thing around here that's too stupid is you believing that that sort of thing never happens.
Or in lieu of that, have Dad build a new library on campus to help junior "make the grade".

too stupid!! if they did not maintain the highest academic standards in the world they would no longer be the Ivy League.

The only thing around here that's too stupid is you believing that that sort of thing never happens.

dear, everyone knows about legacies, but every intelligent person knows too that if they admit too many below grade legacies they dilute the quality of their brand.
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Or in lieu of that, have Dad build a new library on campus to help junior "make the grade".

too stupid!! if they did not maintain the highest academic standards in the world they would no longer be the Ivy League.

The only thing around here that's too stupid is you believing that that sort of thing never happens.

if you have evidence that I think that sort of thing never happens I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with you liberal strawman between your legs yet again.
there is alot of debate of socialism vs capitalism, etc. bailing out the banks vs welfare for the poor, and such. im no economic genius but i do think that what cant be done in D.C. can be done by honest Americans willing to talk. i love fair but i also realize that life is not fair, the greedy will always be greedy, and the lazy will always be lazy. those who work hard deserve more but i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks and can barely pay his bills and put food on the table. on the other side a high school drop out dosnt deserve the same wage as an MD who worked hard and put their nose to the grindstone for ten years. so as you can see im on both sides here.

so now to my idea. the mean income in america is 60k according to wiki, now that may be off by a lil but prob not too much. my first idea was just pay everyone a salary of 60k regardless of job. but once again not fair. and 18 yr old drop out working at a fast food chain should not make as much as an MD. then came idea 2. have everyone in the US be paid based on a pay grade just like in the military. (with some tweaks of course) for those of you who dont know how that system works ill explain. their are basically 2 pay grade tiers (technically 3 but we wont get into warrents here ;p) enlisted, and officers. those who just join the army after high school are the enlisted and those who get a 4 year degree would be the officers. after completing certain requirements in either tier you go up in pay grade, it takes about 5 years as an enlisted to earn the same pay amount as someone who just joined as an officer ( fair about the time of school, sometimes more sometimes less depending how hard you work...)

so what if we implemented a system like this in civilian life? pros? cons? etc? i wanted to have this convo in a chat room but apparently those do not exist anymore ;p

In your world would I have a choice in the matter? What would you do if I negotiate my own wages and make more than your dictate?
there is alot of debate of socialism vs capitalism, etc. bailing out the banks vs welfare for the poor, and such. im no economic genius but i do think that what cant be done in D.C. can be done by honest Americans willing to talk. i love fair but i also realize that life is not fair, the greedy will always be greedy, and the lazy will always be lazy. those who work hard deserve more but i dont think a 25 year old whos parents could send them to an ivy league school and just started working at his dads investment company works harder than a mechanic working 60+ hour work weeks and can barely pay his bills and put food on the table. on the other side a high school drop out dosnt deserve the same wage as an MD who worked hard and put their nose to the grindstone for ten years. so as you can see im on both sides here.

so now to my idea. the mean income in america is 60k according to wiki, now that may be off by a lil but prob not too much. my first idea was just pay everyone a salary of 60k regardless of job. but once again not fair. and 18 yr old drop out working at a fast food chain should not make as much as an MD. then came idea 2. have everyone in the US be paid based on a pay grade just like in the military. (with some tweaks of course) for those of you who dont know how that system works ill explain. their are basically 2 pay grade tiers (technically 3 but we wont get into warrents here ;p) enlisted, and officers. those who just join the army after high school are the enlisted and those who get a 4 year degree would be the officers. after completing certain requirements in either tier you go up in pay grade, it takes about 5 years as an enlisted to earn the same pay amount as someone who just joined as an officer ( fair about the time of school, sometimes more sometimes less depending how hard you work...)

so what if we implemented a system like this in civilian life? pros? cons? etc? i wanted to have this convo in a chat room but apparently those do not exist anymore ;p

also so we keep this as open and honest as possible if you would be willing to state your political beliefs at the end ( it will more than likely be apparent by your responses). remember lets keep this clean and rational. good solid arguments either pro or against with something to back it up if you can not just "america will go to hell" or "this would fix everything" and ill start, i consider myself pretty middle ground i tend to see valid points on both sides but if i had to label myself i would say im liberal with conservative views.

So far, today, you are winning the dumbest post award but it's early and someone will surely beat you out for the award before the night is over.

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