What would happen the United States if all of the Liberals left?...

It would be quiet... nobody cryin' 24 x 7 x 365... but it would probably get too boring, soon enough...

People could say what they think, what is TRUE, without all this PC crap! That would be so great.
It would finally be Saudi Arabia..for White Christians!

Graceland would be Mecca!
Most of the liberals already have in ideology. I think you mean what if all the LOLberals left. in that, with what the majority of the republican "conservatives" show us, I'd say a theocracy would form in no time at all.
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Oh heck your right, no playboy or maximum magazine's either, this country would have been boring with out liberals.

Geez, I always thought Maxim was the GOP version of Penthouse.

Centerfolds - but with their bras and panties still on...
I have to say that I really would not care to live in a land where there were no liberals and no liberal thoughts although there are some liberals that I would not shed a tear if they did leave. America was great because of its acceptance of differing points of view. Part of the reason America has fallen is because liberals have suppressed conservative thought for the last forty years or so. This Political Correctness bullshit is a noose around the neck of America.


Yes, conservatives are so very suppressed. :laugh2:
I'm curious as to why Mal thinks Republicans, after crowing for years about why abortion and sodomy should be illegal, would have a sudden change of heart if they had the power to make it so.
In an all-inclusive sense ... we'd be a hell sight better off. Why can't these people just move to the country of their choice that most embraces their ideology?

I think because the Soviet Union turn non-communist and broke their hearts --- now they have nowhere to go.

Smart! Ya you should keep pushing that angle. Mindlessly calling names doesn't work but when you refine the drooling to calling 60% of Americans Soviet Communist sypathizers and enemies of America you have drawn a line I'm all in favor of. Let THAT be the battle cry of the brain dead Christian fascist zombies.
I have to say that I really would not care to live in a land where there were no liberals and no liberal thoughts although there are some liberals that I would not shed a tear if they did leave. America was great because of its acceptance of differing points of view. Part of the reason America has fallen is because liberals have suppressed conservative thought for the last forty years or so. This Political Correctness bullshit is a noose around the neck of America.


I find it a bit funny that you would suggest that liberals have been suppressing conservative thought over the past forty years when in fact conservative thought has dominated the American landscape since Reagan was elected President. Just look at polls from the 70's versus the 90's forward, and you will see that the majority of Americans identified themselves as conservative in latter years versus the former. Unfortunately for conservatives, this is actually beginning to change course again in the opposite direction.

Number Of Liberal Americans Growing, Number Of Conservatives Dropping, Says Gallup | The New Civil Rights Movement

"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Fewer Americans Identify as Economic Conservatives in 2013
I can tell you this much... Abortion would not likely be Criminalized...

Nor would Sodomy...

Christianity would not become the Religion of the Land...

There would probably be some Higher Expectations of Able-Bodied People.

What are your Thoughts?

Personally I like the Idea that there are People with Ideas to Counter my own.

I would not want to Live in a Country where everyone Agreed that Gay Marriage was the same as Man and Wife...

The idea that everyone agrees is a Scary Concept.

What I don't Care for is the FACT that the overwhelming Majority of the "Free Press" is batting for the Left.

An example of this is California VOTERS Voting Against Gay Marriage... A Liberal State.

To hear the "Free Press" everyone is just Embracing the Hell out of Gay Marriage from Coast to Coast but the last time the Largest Liberal State in the Union was Presented with the Issue they Voted Against it.

I don't Believe we have a Free or Fair Society if the "Free Press" is on one Side or the other as it currently is.

Abortion is Legal and used as a Contraceptive for Elimating Inconvenient Life for this very Reason.

An Honest and Open Discussion of MOST Issues in this Country would not End with the Liberals getting their way like they have been.

It's why they Chose the Career in Education, Politics and Media... That and avoiding Vietnam.




What would happen is the Country would cease to exist, since Liberalism founded it.

The rest of your OP is quite the rambling random rant. But to your entries about "What I don't Care for is the FACT that the overwhelming Majority of the "Free Press" is batting for the Left" etc --
... that's not FACT. That's OPINION. It's important to know the difference.

Hard to know whether this is a thread about Liberalism, about abortion, about media, about homophobia, or what :confused: but one thing it's not about is focus.
I'm curious as to why Mal thinks Republicans, after crowing for years about why abortion and sodomy should be illegal, would have a sudden change of heart if they had the power to make it so.

Yeah......I wondered that also.

Any scenario in which these two warrings belief systems were separated would see a big turn to filling the Wish List of the partisans on the ground, I think.
I have to say that I really would not care to live in a land where there were no liberals and no liberal thoughts although there are some liberals that I would not shed a tear if they did leave. America was great because of its acceptance of differing points of view. Part of the reason America has fallen is because liberals have suppressed conservative thought for the last forty years or so. This Political Correctness bullshit is a noose around the neck of America.


I find it a bit funny that you would suggest that liberals have been suppressing conservative thought over the past forty years when in fact conservative thought has dominated the American landscape since Reagan was elected President. Just look at polls from the 70's versus the 90's forward, and you will see that the majority of Americans identified themselves as conservative in latter years versus the former. Unfortunately for conservatives, this is actually beginning to change course again in the opposite direction.

Number Of Liberal Americans Growing, Number Of Conservatives Dropping, Says Gallup | The New Civil Rights Movement

"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Fewer Americans Identify as Economic Conservatives in 2013

I find it funny that anyone would think that conservatives dominate anything in this country. Hell, there is not a single conservative in national politics these days and there has not been in God knows how many years.

Just because a majority of the people identify as conservative does not mean that the majority has control. America is a nation of sheep. The elite rule in this country and the elite are liberals by a vast majority. The majority of "sheep" may in fact consider themselves to be conservative, but the shepherd is as liberal as the day is long and who is in control of the herd? The sheep or the shepherd?

Liberals control not only politics but the news media and Hollywood. Those people dominate and control this country and they are extremely intolerant of any thought that goes against their own.

I have to say that I really would not care to live in a land where there were no liberals and no liberal thoughts although there are some liberals that I would not shed a tear if they did leave. America was great because of its acceptance of differing points of view. Part of the reason America has fallen is because liberals have suppressed conservative thought for the last forty years or so. This Political Correctness bullshit is a noose around the neck of America.


I find it a bit funny that you would suggest that liberals have been suppressing conservative thought over the past forty years when in fact conservative thought has dominated the American landscape since Reagan was elected President. Just look at polls from the 70's versus the 90's forward, and you will see that the majority of Americans identified themselves as conservative in latter years versus the former. Unfortunately for conservatives, this is actually beginning to change course again in the opposite direction.

Number Of Liberal Americans Growing, Number Of Conservatives Dropping, Says Gallup | The New Civil Rights Movement

"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Fewer Americans Identify as Economic Conservatives in 2013

I find it funny that anyone would think that conservatives dominate anything in this country. Hell, there is not a single conservative in national politics these days and there has not been in God knows how many years.

Just because a majority of the people identify as conservative does not mean that the majority has control. America is a nation of sheep. The elite rule in this country and the elite are liberals by a vast majority. The majority of "sheep" may in fact consider themselves to be conservative, but the shepherd is as liberal as the day is long and who is in control of the herd? The sheep or the shepherd?

Liberals control not only politics but the news media and Hollywood. Those people dominate and control this country and they are extremely intolerant of any thought that goes against their own.


I'm sorry. I like you, man, but come on. Not a single conservative in national politics? The country has been lurching further and further to the right for 40 years.
I find it a bit funny that you would suggest that liberals have been suppressing conservative thought over the past forty years when in fact conservative thought has dominated the American landscape since Reagan was elected President. Just look at polls from the 70's versus the 90's forward, and you will see that the majority of Americans identified themselves as conservative in latter years versus the former. Unfortunately for conservatives, this is actually beginning to change course again in the opposite direction.

Number Of Liberal Americans Growing, Number Of Conservatives Dropping, Says Gallup | The New Civil Rights Movement

"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Fewer Americans Identify as Economic Conservatives in 2013

I find it funny that anyone would think that conservatives dominate anything in this country. Hell, there is not a single conservative in national politics these days and there has not been in God knows how many years.

Just because a majority of the people identify as conservative does not mean that the majority has control. America is a nation of sheep. The elite rule in this country and the elite are liberals by a vast majority. The majority of "sheep" may in fact consider themselves to be conservative, but the shepherd is as liberal as the day is long and who is in control of the herd? The sheep or the shepherd?

Liberals control not only politics but the news media and Hollywood. Those people dominate and control this country and they are extremely intolerant of any thought that goes against their own.

I'm sorry. I like you, man, but come on. Not a single conservative in national politics? The country has been lurching further and further to the right for 40 years.

No frigging way, Polk!

There is not a single conservative in national politics and that goes for either socially or fiscally.

It is a sad state of affairs.

I can tell you this much... Abortion would not likely be Criminalized...

Nor would Sodomy...

Christianity would not become the Religion of the Land...

There would probably be some Higher Expectations of Able-Bodied People.

What are your Thoughts?

Personally I like the Idea that there are People with Ideas to Counter my own.

I would not want to Live in a Country where everyone Agreed that Gay Marriage was the same as Man and Wife...

The idea that everyone agrees is a Scary Concept.

What I don't Care for is the FACT that the overwhelming Majority of the "Free Press" is batting for the Left.

An example of this is California VOTERS Voting Against Gay Marriage... A Liberal State.

To hear the "Free Press" everyone is just Embracing the Hell out of Gay Marriage from Coast to Coast but the last time the Largest Liberal State in the Union was Presented with the Issue they Voted Against it.

I don't Believe we have a Free or Fair Society if the "Free Press" is on one Side or the other as it currently is.

Abortion is Legal and used as a Contraceptive for Elimating Inconvenient Life for this very Reason.

An Honest and Open Discussion of MOST Issues in this Country would not End with the Liberals getting their way like they have been.

It's why they Chose the Career in Education, Politics and Media... That and avoiding Vietnam.




The thing about California is its mostly Hispanics now and most of them are from Catholic backgrounds, those guys won't vote for gay marriage.
I find it funny that anyone would think that conservatives dominate anything in this country. Hell, there is not a single conservative in national politics these days and there has not been in God knows how many years.

Rand Paul.

Just because a majority of the people identify as conservative does not mean that the majority has control. America is a nation of sheep. The elite rule in this country and the elite are liberals by a vast majority. The majority of "sheep" may in fact consider themselves to be conservative, but the shepherd is as liberal as the day is long and who is in control of the herd? The sheep or the shepherd?

Liberals control not only politics but the news media and Hollywood. Those people dominate and control this country and they are extremely intolerant of any thought that goes against their own.


We do a disservice when we allow the rape of our language. These are not "Liberals," these are "Leftists."

People like Pogo have absolutely nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Payne, et al. They have a great deal in common, philosophically, with Pol Pot and Daniel Ortega.

Those who promote authoritarianism cannot be termed "liberals." The Obamunist left is the polar opposite of "liberal."
Today's moderates would be viewed as the 'new' liberal. You might rid yourselves of the current extreme left agenda, but everybody would just move left a few notches.

What did you think everybody would just stay right to tip the scale 100% conservative?

There would be no more controversy?

The GOP would high five and all of you would join arms in agreement?
Why worry about the imbecilities brainwashed "liberals" and "conservatives" waste their lives believing? Most of them are getting old and will be dying soon -- what does it matter what either of them think?

They will be replaced by docile drones raised playing computer games and only concerned about transient fashions and pop-stars.

They will be products processed by the slaughter houses of 21st century "civilization" and won't even know to what the words "conservative" and "liberal" referred.
I find it funny that anyone would think that conservatives dominate anything in this country. Hell, there is not a single conservative in national politics these days and there has not been in God knows how many years.

Just because a majority of the people identify as conservative does not mean that the majority has control. America is a nation of sheep. The elite rule in this country and the elite are liberals by a vast majority. The majority of "sheep" may in fact consider themselves to be conservative, but the shepherd is as liberal as the day is long and who is in control of the herd? The sheep or the shepherd?

Liberals control not only politics but the news media and Hollywood. Those people dominate and control this country and they are extremely intolerant of any thought that goes against their own.

I'm sorry. I like you, man, but come on. Not a single conservative in national politics? The country has been lurching further and further to the right for 40 years.

No frigging way, Polk!

There is not a single conservative in national politics and that goes for either socially or fiscally.

It is a sad state of affairs.


There were plenty of ideas in mainstream political circulation in the early 1970s that are considered so far to the left today you can barely get Democrats to endorse them, much less garner any Republican support.

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