What Would It Take To Abandon Obama?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Two rumors surfaced this week. I dont know whether either is true or not. The first was that Obama dealt cocaine in college. The second that Trump had evidence Obama was enrolled as a foreign student. Let's say both of them were proven facts. Would Obama supporters turn off support for him? I dont think so. They would spin the first as "they all do it" and the second as "It's proof the Constitution needs to be amended." I don't think there is any point that anything damaging about a Democratic candidate would cause his supporters to reconsider.
This is in contrast to many years ago when Democrats valued things like personal integrity. I remember when McGovern's first choice for VP, Thomas Eagleton, was revealed to have had shock therapy. He was considered unelectable and dropped. Today he would be admired on talk shows for overcoming his problem. In part I think a lot of this came from Bill Clinton, who's idea of success and sole criterion was "winning." In light of that, winning is all that matters to the Left. They rationalize it by saying "they all do it" or some other mitigating argument. But they dont all do it. The Left projects their own beliefs on their opponents. To them winning is all that matters so they think everyone feels the same.
The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference. Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.
The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference. Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.

I dispute that. The GOP has a way of eating its members who violate standards.
I've asked pretty close to the same questions before and i haven't gotten ONE answer.

I asked....What would it take for you to admit that Obama lied about ANYTHING? What would it take for you to say Obama screwed up big time on ANYTHING?

The only answer i know i would get is if Obama actually spoke the words himself! If he said "I lied about Benghazi", or "I was WRONG about ........" Other than that, they can have all kinds of proof slap them upside the head and they'll STILL deny he's done anything wrong! Fricken Zombies!!
The Repubs should run somebody besides that doofus Romney.

Some of us tried to....Romney wasn't my first choice.
But as it is, we have Romney, who is much more qualified to do the job than Obama is.
And many people see this....
The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference. Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.

I dispute that. The GOP has a way of eating its members who violate standards.


Please outline the GOP "standards". That way you can't flip flop when you are shown multiple examples of GOP members who have violated those standards and are still fully entrenched in the party.
The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference. Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.

I dispute that. The GOP has a way of eating its members who violate standards.

The Repubs should run somebody besides that doofus Romney.

the quality people on both sides have had enough of the bullshit you have to put up with to run for office in this Country......so they stay away and we get people like Bush,Kerry,Obama and Romney instead....
The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference.

Really? What kind of ethical problems does Romney have? Don't bring up all the faux scandals invented by the Obama campaign. Romney's tax rate isn't an ethics problem.

Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.

Wrong. Democrats are far more likely to overlook the flaws in their candidates. They will defend a scumbag to the hilt. They've proven that time and time again.
The Repubs should run somebody besides that doofus Romney.

Some of us tried to....Romney wasn't my first choice.
But as it is, we have Romney, who is much more qualified to do the job than Obama is.
And many people see this....

Which Romney are you voting for? The one that was a severe conservative in the primaries or the one who is now very much a moderate?
The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference. Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.

I dispute that. The GOP has a way of eating its members who violate standards.

i agree with that.....and its true with the Democrats too.....hence we have "Rinos" and "Blue Dogs"......
As long as obama advances the socialist agenda the left has no reason to abandon him. It wouldn't matter what he did, it's not him. It's the ideology he represents.
The Repubs should run somebody besides that doofus Romney.

the quality people on both sides have had enough of the bullshit you have to put up with to run for office in this Country......so they stay away and we get people like Bush,Kerry,Obama and Romney instead....

The better candidates get ignored and/or slimed in the media. So every election we got to choose between Tweedledee or Tweedledum.
What Would It Take To Abandon Obama?

Here is a recipe for an Obama-free meal:

A bit of honesty, sprinkled with common sense, marinated in decency, seasoned by logic, flavored by work ethics, sweetened by responsibility and prepared with generous measure of patriotism.

If this meal does not meet your approval, just ask Obama's parents.
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The same question could be asked of Romney supporters. There is no difference.

Really? What kind of ethical problems does Romney have? Don't bring up all the faux scandals invented by the Obama campaign. Romney's tax rate isn't an ethics problem.
None. What’s your point? The question was not about actual ethical problems, it was a ‘what if’ scenario. If you actually think that Trump has anything whatsoever then I can’t help you. You are already in the ‘partisan hack’ category if you are listening to anything Trump has to say before there is any actual hard evidence.

As far as the cocaine allegation, again, without substance I could care less. The reality is that we should not be burning candidates over allegations that have no actual evidence. It is one of the travesties that elections thrive on: falsehoods to smear the other candidate.
Partisan hacks are partisan hacks. Those are the people that will support whoever had the right letter next to their name and probably represents about 30 percent of the vote on both sides. The rest, they would be affected by such news.

Wrong. Democrats are far more likely to overlook the flaws in their candidates. They will defend a scumbag to the hilt. They've proven that time and time again.
That is utter nonsense. Dems are more likely to keep one already in office BUT what we are talking about here is the upcoming election. The fact is, most of the segment that I was talking about (that 30 percent on the side) are going to vote for the guy with the R. I don’t care what Romney does, he WILL get that much of the vote because the hacks will always fall back on getting Obama out of office is worth it.
I know this is gonna sound weird BUT I THINK THE ELECTION IS ALREADY DECIDED!

The very, very few who have yet to make up their mind will probably not even both to go to the polls.

Is it that the debates changed anyone's views of the candidates? Or, that the debates permitted those to speak up and voice their views as they feel they won't be made fun of by others?

I'll post an item on polling that might back up my opinion.

IMHO, no matter how hard the media tries, Gov Romney has already won.

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