What would it take to score a date with you?

Someone who knows how to induce and subsequently handle situations like this without cue cards ...

Looking at the pic, it appears she is the one doing the seducing.......inducing......not that there's anything wrong with that.

Who the aggressor is at that particular instant is irrelevant to who induced the situation.
The fact that she has the desire to be seductive and he doesn't have the overwhelming instinct to drive would be a plus ... But perhaps you need cue cards.

I mean hang on for the ride of your life ... It is liable to get bumpy.

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Well, I have almost as little tolerance for weak men as I do for stupid ones. A real man will be proud of having an exceptional woman, not need to compete with her or feel superior to her.

A real Man understands and is proud of His place as the Head of the Household and breadwinner and a real woman is proud of her place as the wife and homemaker. That is how I was taught life should be, and how I believe it should be. That doesn't work for everyone, and is a very large part of why it was only 12 days before my 40th birthday that I finally got married for the first (and last) time, last July. Not everyone embraces that philosophy, but any woman who was interested in dating me sure as hell had to. Probably why I never had many second dates.

Sorry, friend, but "head of the household" doesn't require your wife to be a brainless pair of breasts with a vacuous skull on top who can't form an opinion or make a decision without having it fed to her by The Man.

When I say I'm old-fashioned, I mean like medieval old-fashioned. Ideally, the man's job is the heavy lifting, the providing of the raw materials to make the castle function. The lady's job is to take that raw material and make it into a smoothly-running household. That's not going to happen by being ignorant or weak or constantly referring or deferring to a man for guidance. Anyone who thinks being a wife and mother is, can be, or should be a job for dimwits is one himself, and needs to man up and accept and revel in a smart, strong, capable woman as a partner and helpmate, instead of expecting her to be a timid servant.
Someone who knows how to induce and subsequently handle situations like this without cue cards ...

Looking at the pic, it appears she is the one doing the seducing.......inducing......not that there's anything wrong with that.

Who the aggressor is at that particular instant is irrelevant to who induced the situation.
The fact that she has the desire to be seductive and he doesn't have the overwhelming instinct to drive would be a plus ... But perhaps you need cue cards.

I mean hang on for the ride of your life ... It is liable to get bumpy.

I'd offer you the chance to find out but...married. Lifted the wife off her boyfriends hands and the ever present group of guys swirling around her looking for their chance, without ever saying word one to her. Should have seen their faces...
Sorry, friend, but "head of the household" doesn't require your wife to be a brainless pair of breasts with a vacuous skull on top who can't form an opinion or make a decision without having it fed to her by The Man.

Brainless, No. What I indicated I was not in agreement with you on was EDUCATION, not Intelligence. They are two very different things. A woman's opinions on anything outside of homemaking and childraising are immaterial.

When I say I'm old-fashioned, I mean like medieval old-fashioned. Ideally, the man's job is the heavy lifting, the providing of the raw materials to make the castle function.

I'm actually probably further back than that. I do see one of our reasons for differing opinions. If you're in the castle, you're talking Landed Gentry, Lords and Ladies at the very least; whereas I'm nothing more than a common huscarl or tradesman at best. Two very different castes of society, with very different ways of looking at the world.

The lady's job is to take that raw material and make it into a smoothly-running household. That's not going to happen by being ignorant or weak or constantly referring or deferring to a man for guidance. Anyone who thinks being a wife and mother is, can be, or should be a job for dimwits is one himself, and needs to man up and accept and revel in a smart, strong, capable woman as a partner and helpmate, instead of expecting her to be a timid servant.

Inside the casle most of the raw materials and planning would be done by the Seneschel, who was rarely female. He would converse with the Lady of the house as to what events and such she may have planned for the next two or three months, but the actual crunching of the numbers as to what provisions were required was rarely done by her. Again, in the lower castes these things were largely done by historical/traditional numbers taught mother to daughter through the years, not computed by the individual homemaker.

Again it's not about being a brainless automaton; but rather about knowing where her strengths lay and staying within them.
Again it's not about being a brainless automaton; but rather about knowing where her strengths lay and staying within them.

Oh ... I would say that the whole thing goes a lot further towards identifying your weaknesses than anyone's strengths.
But the important part is that you have found someone willing to compromise in favor of your inadequacies.

Oh ... I would say that the whole thing goes a lot further towards identifying your weaknesses than anyone's strengths.But the important part is that you have found someone willing to compromise in favor of your inadequacies.

Look at it however you so desire. Again, the opinions of a woman hold less than no value to me, so your words have no more effect on me than the white noise generators emitting the oddly annoying hum in my office every day.
Look at it however you so desire. Again, the opinions of a woman hold less than no value to me, so your words have no more effect on me than the white noise generators emitting the oddly annoying hum in my office every day.

There is no need to act like that is news of any kind.
You just think that is the noise generators making the hum ... It is your wife finding the only pleasure possible while in a committed relationship with you.

There is no need to act like that is news of any kind.
You just think that is the noise generators making the hum ... It is your wife finding the only pleasure possible while in a committed relationship with you..

LOL. My office is 23 miles from our condo, so she must be pretty loud. We both agree that sort of activity should be reserved for appropriate occasions only. We'd be far better off as a society if more people realized that sex is NOT the be-all and end-all of life, or even a relationship. She'd only had one lover before she met me at age 31. I'd only had a half dozen at age 37.
There is no need to act like that is news of any kind.
You just think that is the noise generators making the hum ... It is your wife finding the only pleasure possible while in a committed relationship with you..

LOL. My office is 23 miles from our condo, so she must be pretty loud. We both agree that sort of activity should be reserved for appropriate occasions only. We'd be far better off as a society if more people realized that sex is NOT the be-all and end-all of life, or even a relationship. She'd only had one lover before she met me at age 31. I'd only had a half dozen at age 37.

Uh, yeah ... I was picking at you.
I guess you aren't used to that coming from a woman.

You have to lighten up fella.
Seems you don't have problems laying down the rules ... But you get lost in the weeds when someone changes them on you.

Oh ... I would say that the whole thing goes a lot further towards identifying your weaknesses than anyone's strengths.But the important part is that you have found someone willing to compromise in favor of your inadequacies.

Look at it however you so desire. Again, the opinions of a woman hold less than no value to me, so your words have no more effect on me than the white noise generators emitting the oddly annoying hum in my office every day.

It has some value to you or you wouldn't keep responding. ;)
She's gotta have a job.
Most of her teeth.
No hair on the legs thankyouverymuch.
Weighs less than me.
No facial tattoos or hardware.
No parole officer keeping tabs on things.
...or rehab clinic.
No "cold sores".
Nothing could persuade me to date anyone.

Not even if he gave me a puppy.
I recently read a book written by Amanda Knight and a co-author. Finding Me.

She was held captive for over a decade.

The way he persuaded her to go into his house where she would be held as a sex slave for the next decade was by telling her he would give her a puppy.

Uh, yeah ... I was picking at you.
I guess you aren't used to that coming from a woman.

I have no use for humor, satire, or sarcasm from anyone. They're a waste of time and energy.

You have to lighten up fella.
Seems you don't have problems laying down the rules ... But you get lost in the weeds when someone changes them on you.

That's why it's very nice that I can live in my world and merely visit yours when absolutely necessary. Therefore I get to make my own rules and nobody else has the ability to change them.

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