What would Jesus say about Big Government?

He also said to buy a sword and to carry money with you when he was not here on Earth.

Christ would take no man's side cept those that were with God.

And while we are at it allah is not God.
Muhammad's description of allah is completely in opposition to the Old and New Testament.

Muhammad called allah The Great Liar, The Trickster, The Morning Star.

There is only one person in the Universe that holds those titles. The Father of Lies. The Adversary of God.
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What would Jesus say about Big Government?
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God, the things that are God's."

wasn't that Matthew? ?????
Jesus of Nazareth, as quoted through his disciple Matthew, as I recall.

no one really knows who matthew was and---his stuff seems to have been written----
lots later. The sentiment smacks of Pharisee of the JOSEPHUS variety------
(give 'em what they want and hope they go away)
And while we are at it allah is not God.
Muhammad's description of allah is completely in opposition to the Old and New Testament.

“Allah” is the Arabic name for God. Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews address God by that name.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, collectively, are known as the Abrahamic religions, because they all trace back to Abraham, and all recognize and worship the same God whom Abraham worshiped.
Jesus loved the poor.

Of course he would want the government to mandate helping the poor, if that were the last resort,

as we know quite clearly is the case in America today.
Jesus was never about partisan politics. I disagree with both those on the left wrong as well as with my allies on the right, when they try to claim that Jesus would take our side, politically.
Goats to the left sheep to the right?
he would say to help the least among us. tax breaks for billionaires? goes against his teachings unless one rewrites the bible.
Jesus was never about partisan politics...
I am uncertain whether we can conjure-up a defensible analogy between 'partisan politics' as we know them, and conditions which existed in that place and time.

However, we CAN speculate with some practical logic, as to where Jesus WOULD have stood, in our own setting.

One need look no further than his flagship maxims...
  • "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

  • "Go sell all that thou hast, and give it to the poor."

  • "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself."

  • "Whomsoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
...to reliably detect a decidedly Liberal streak in his philosophy.

(although I mean 'Liberal' in the sense of loving respect for one's neighbor and his condition, not the so-called 'Liberalism' of some of these modern-day Leftist Schmucks who have hijacked the term for their own nefarious Leftist purposes).

In that broader sense, it seems defensible to style Jesus of Nazareth as a Liberal, in the classical usage..

...I disagree with both those on the left wrong as well as with my allies on the right, when they try to claim that Jesus would take our side, politically.

Given that Jesus might very well have been a Liberal in the very best sense of the classical definition, he would almost certainly have eschewed much of the agenda of the Robber Barons and their Sheeple Minions on the Right, as well as condemning many of the Leftist Schmucks and Whiny-Bitch Wankers who would seek a faux solidarity with him.
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Jesus believed in the biggest government of all, with himself at the head of that government -

by his own teachings - you either believe in HIM, or your fate is to perish.
And while we are at it allah is not God.
Muhammad's description of allah is completely in opposition to the Old and New Testament.

“Allah” is the Arabic name for God. Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews address God by that name.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, collectively, are known as the Abrahamic religions, because they all trace back to Abraham, and all recognize and worship the same God whom Abraham worshiped.

My hubby was born in an Arabic speaking country-----his community preceded islam in that country by more then 1000 years and DID speak Arabic-----even WROTE in Arabic before Arabic had a script of its own (ie they wrote it out in
Hebrew letters) They did not ADDRESS "GOD" by the term "allah"-----they did and do use the term as a kind of informal or slang thing----something like
"who da hell knows"?? <<<ans "allah knows". I do not know the custom
of chaldeans and copts on this issue but for religious purposes they seem to use
the language ARAMAIC. I have attended synagogues populated by people who
are Arabic speaking-----or descended from Arabic speaking people for decades
and never heard the word "allah" in such places------but I have heard such people use the word "allah" in an informal or slangy manner. The "god" that different
religions describe is NOT "THE SAME" In fact I did attend a mosque by invitation-----the lesson of the day referred to the "PERVERSE LIARS WHO LIE
ABOUT THE NATURE OF 'allah'------ie ---the Christians (aka da enemeeees of
Jesus believed in the biggest government of all, with himself at the head of that government -

by his own teachings - you either believe in HIM, or your fate is to perish.

more likely-----that idea developed LATER by his "cult" followers.
One of the sillier attempts to justify Big Government getting bigger, to handle social problems that are best left to the people involved, or at most to local governments' assistance.


from the Wall Street Journal, "Best of the Web", March 18, 2017

What would Jesus say about big government?

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is having fun implying that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s effort to replace ObamaCare is at odds with Mr. Ryan’s Catholic faith. The column is of a piece with the “Jesus was a socialist” arguments that bounce around the left half of the social media universe.

Without wrestling with any difficult questions of faith or logic, Mr. Kristof simply casts the federal bureaucracy in the role of Jesus. Then the Timesman proceeds to suggest through satire that by seeking to reduce outlays and improve incentives in federal programs, Mr. Ryan is defying the will of his God. Of course if federal agencies were ever actually given the statutory mission to do as Jesus would do, Mr. Kristof would be as horrified as anyone. But this seems to be a political season when people who spend much of the year driving religion out of public life abruptly drag it back in as they attempt to justify big government. It’s not necessarily persuasive.

The ancient book has numerous admonitions to perform charity and various condemnations of greed, but it’s not easy to find a passage in which Jesus says that government is the best vehicle to provide aid, or that anyone should force others to donate.

Even casual readers of the Bible may notice that Jesus doesn’t get along all that well with the political authorities of his time and (spoiler alert!) his relationship with government ends rather badly. Back then, tax collectors were not presumed to be the dedicated public servants that we appreciate so much today.
He did get a little tired of the miracles at times, though. "Heal yourselves!"
Jesus might have appreciated Medicare.

Medicare heals people? What a powerful tax funded program.

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