What would Jesus say about Big Government?

Let's face it: Jesus was a socialist troublemaker. If he reappeared today we would all have to live in communes, eat salads, and give up material goods. It would totally suck.

If you belong to Jesus, what you will be is co-heir to all of God's creations and universes. With a crown and all. You are a child of the Most High, and will be expected to act like it. Be that. it is a gift from your very own Father.

Does that mean that we can blow up all the Muslims?
Sweet Jesus. Someone has attempted to impute Jesus' political actions under an absolute monarchy with those of Paul Ryan in a democratic republic. ....Well, I guess I shouldn't be too critical for the notion is at least entertaining.
Sweet Jesus. Someone has attempted to impute Jesus' political actions under an absolute monarchy with those of Paul Ryan in a democratic republic. ....Well, I guess I shouldn't be too critical for the notion is at least entertaining.

Oh it's normal, the left doesn't buy into religion....unless they can use religion to further their agenda
One of the sillier attempts to justify Big Government getting bigger, to handle social problems that are best left to the people involved, or at most to local governments' assistance.


from the Wall Street Journal, "Best of the Web", March 18, 2017

What would Jesus say about big government?

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is having fun implying that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s effort to replace ObamaCare is at odds with Mr. Ryan’s Catholic faith. The column is of a piece with the “Jesus was a socialist” arguments that bounce around the left half of the social media universe.

Without wrestling with any difficult questions of faith or logic, Mr. Kristof simply casts the federal bureaucracy in the role of Jesus. Then the Timesman proceeds to suggest through satire that by seeking to reduce outlays and improve incentives in federal programs, Mr. Ryan is defying the will of his God. Of course if federal agencies were ever actually given the statutory mission to do as Jesus would do, Mr. Kristof would be as horrified as anyone. But this seems to be a political season when people who spend much of the year driving religion out of public life abruptly drag it back in as they attempt to justify big government. It’s not necessarily persuasive.

The ancient book has numerous admonitions to perform charity and various condemnations of greed, but it’s not easy to find a passage in which Jesus says that government is the best vehicle to provide aid, or that anyone should force others to donate.

Even casual readers of the Bible may notice that Jesus doesn’t get along all that well with the political authorities of his time and (spoiler alert!) his relationship with government ends rather badly. Back then, tax collectors were not presumed to be the dedicated public servants that we appreciate so much today.
We already know the answer to that... "Forgive them father, they know not what they do".
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto the Lords what is his. Jesus was not a socialist my any standards and preached charity should be voluntary, without note, and was the responsibility of all who followed him and believed in God.
Could you list the passages where He taught this please....where he preached charity should be voluntary....and eliminated required tithing.
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One of the sillier attempts to justify Big Government getting bigger, to handle social problems that are best left to the people involved, or at most to local governments' assistance.


from the Wall Street Journal, "Best of the Web", March 18, 2017

What would Jesus say about big government?

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is having fun implying that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s effort to replace ObamaCare is at odds with Mr. Ryan’s Catholic faith. The column is of a piece with the “Jesus was a socialist” arguments that bounce around the left half of the social media universe.

Without wrestling with any difficult questions of faith or logic, Mr. Kristof simply casts the federal bureaucracy in the role of Jesus. Then the Timesman proceeds to suggest through satire that by seeking to reduce outlays and improve incentives in federal programs, Mr. Ryan is defying the will of his God. Of course if federal agencies were ever actually given the statutory mission to do as Jesus would do, Mr. Kristof would be as horrified as anyone. But this seems to be a political season when people who spend much of the year driving religion out of public life abruptly drag it back in as they attempt to justify big government. It’s not necessarily persuasive.

The ancient book has numerous admonitions to perform charity and various condemnations of greed, but it’s not easy to find a passage in which Jesus says that government is the best vehicle to provide aid, or that anyone should force others to donate.

Even casual readers of the Bible may notice that Jesus doesn’t get along all that well with the political authorities of his time and (spoiler alert!) his relationship with government ends rather badly. Back then, tax collectors were not presumed to be the dedicated public servants that we appreciate so much today.

I think the questiion should be what would Jesus say about Donald Trump--LOL

The Pope can give his Vatican to the Muslims and the criminals around the globe but they ain't getting in anywhere else. Too bad oh so sad we ain't buying into the Clinton crime family NWO no matter how much you or anyone else whines about it.
They voted for him SOLELY because of the Supreme Court. I hope Gorsich comes down on the side of abortion, just to teach them a lesson.

And here we have one of the most perfect illustrations of just how depraved and evil modern LIbEralism has become.

In order to teach them a lesson” to those with whom you disagree, you're hoping that a certain individual will come out on the side of murdering huge numbers of innocents who had nothing to do with that disagreement.
Jesus wouldn't say anything about big government. It had no importance to him.
When the pharisees tried to trick him into saying something derogatory about big Roman government, his response was, " Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar" as he held a coin with Caesar's image on it.
Governments come and go, but Christ's words will never fade away.

your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee
One of the sillier attempts to justify Big Government getting bigger, to handle social problems that are best left to the people involved, or at most to local governments' assistance.


from the Wall Street Journal, "Best of the Web", March 18, 2017

What would Jesus say about big government?

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is having fun implying that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s effort to replace ObamaCare is at odds with Mr. Ryan’s Catholic faith. The column is of a piece with the “Jesus was a socialist” arguments that bounce around the left half of the social media universe.

Without wrestling with any difficult questions of faith or logic, Mr. Kristof simply casts the federal bureaucracy in the role of Jesus. Then the Timesman proceeds to suggest through satire that by seeking to reduce outlays and improve incentives in federal programs, Mr. Ryan is defying the will of his God. Of course if federal agencies were ever actually given the statutory mission to do as Jesus would do, Mr. Kristof would be as horrified as anyone. But this seems to be a political season when people who spend much of the year driving religion out of public life abruptly drag it back in as they attempt to justify big government. It’s not necessarily persuasive.

The ancient book has numerous admonitions to perform charity and various condemnations of greed, but it’s not easy to find a passage in which Jesus says that government is the best vehicle to provide aid, or that anyone should force others to donate.

Even casual readers of the Bible may notice that Jesus doesn’t get along all that well with the political authorities of his time and (spoiler alert!) his relationship with government ends rather badly. Back then, tax collectors were not presumed to be the dedicated public servants that we appreciate so much today.

I think the questiion should be what would Jesus say about Donald Trump--LOL

The Pope can give his Vatican to the Muslims and the criminals around the globe but they ain't getting in anywhere else. Too bad oh so sad we ain't buying into the Clinton crime family NWO no matter how much you or anyone else whines about it.

How long do you think this (?) Pope will last?--------what is keeping that "pope"
in office?
Jesus wouldn't say anything about big government. It had no importance to him.
When the pharisees tried to trick him into saying something derogatory about big Roman government, his response was, " Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar" as he held a coin with Caesar's image on it.
Governments come and go, but Christ's words will never fade away.

your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee
Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)
Sweet Jesus. Someone has attempted to impute Jesus' political actions under an absolute monarchy with those of Paul Ryan in a democratic republic. ....Well, I guess I shouldn't be too critical for the notion is at least entertaining.

Oh it's normal, the left doesn't buy into religion....unless they can use religion to further their agenda

And neither does the right. It's not the left side of isle that used Religion to oppose gay marriage and a woman's right to choose, that came from the Reich wing.

One of the sillier attempts to justify Big Government getting bigger, to handle social problems that are best left to the people involved, or at most to local governments' assistance.


from the Wall Street Journal, "Best of the Web", March 18, 2017

What would Jesus say about big government?

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is having fun implying that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s effort to replace ObamaCare is at odds with Mr. Ryan’s Catholic faith. The column is of a piece with the “Jesus was a socialist” arguments that bounce around the left half of the social media universe.

Without wrestling with any difficult questions of faith or logic, Mr. Kristof simply casts the federal bureaucracy in the role of Jesus. Then the Timesman proceeds to suggest through satire that by seeking to reduce outlays and improve incentives in federal programs, Mr. Ryan is defying the will of his God. Of course if federal agencies were ever actually given the statutory mission to do as Jesus would do, Mr. Kristof would be as horrified as anyone. But this seems to be a political season when people who spend much of the year driving religion out of public life abruptly drag it back in as they attempt to justify big government. It’s not necessarily persuasive.

The ancient book has numerous admonitions to perform charity and various condemnations of greed, but it’s not easy to find a passage in which Jesus says that government is the best vehicle to provide aid, or that anyone should force others to donate.

Even casual readers of the Bible may notice that Jesus doesn’t get along all that well with the political authorities of his time and (spoiler alert!) his relationship with government ends rather badly. Back then, tax collectors were not presumed to be the dedicated public servants that we appreciate so much today.

I think the questiion should be what would Jesus say about Donald Trump--LOL

The Pope can give his Vatican to the Muslims and the criminals around the globe but they ain't getting in anywhere else. Too bad oh so sad we ain't buying into the Clinton crime family NWO no matter how much you or anyone else whines about it.

How long do you think this (?) Pope will last?--------what is keeping that "pope"
in office?
Gosh I don't know. Not a question I have even considered asking too many other things occupy my inquiries for need to know info.

Politics picks the pope too.
Let's face it: Jesus was a socialist troublemaker. If he reappeared today we would all have to live in communes, eat salads, and give up material goods. It would totally suck.

Socialists put the State first before any, if at all, Religion. Try again.
Jesus wouldn't say anything about big government. It had no importance to him.
When the pharisees tried to trick him into saying something derogatory about big Roman government, his response was, " Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar" as he held a coin with Caesar's image on it.
Governments come and go, but Christ's words will never fade away.

your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee

Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)

what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
Sweet Jesus. Someone has attempted to impute Jesus' political actions under an absolute monarchy with those of Paul Ryan in a democratic republic. ....Well, I guess I shouldn't be too critical for the notion is at least entertaining.

Oh it's normal, the left doesn't buy into religion....unless they can use religion to further their agenda

And neither does the right. It's not the left side of isle that used Religion to oppose gay marriage and a woman's right to choose, that came from the Reich wing.

Most religious money grabbers prefer Pence. Normal everyday people chose Trump over all the other available goons. Do some homework and you will be able to see that :whip:
Liberals PROVE again they are full of lies fantasy and shit. Jesus was in NO way a socialist. You lack the complete understanding that GOD gave ALL men freedom of choice. JESUS was his FATHERS SON!!!
Let's face it: Jesus was a socialist troublemaker. If he reappeared today we would all have to live in communes, eat salads, and give up material goods. It would totally suck.

Socialists put the State first before any, if at all, Religion. Try again.

You are thinking of STALINIST COMMUNISM. Socialism takes many forms----
Catholic nuns live a SOCIALISTIC LIFE
I don't think he would have said much after they attached him to that cross.
Sweet Jesus. Someone has attempted to impute Jesus' political actions under an absolute monarchy with those of Paul Ryan in a democratic republic. ....Well, I guess I shouldn't be too critical for the notion is at least entertaining.

Oh it's normal, the left doesn't buy into religion....unless they can use religion to further their agenda

And neither does the right. It's not the left side of isle that used Religion to oppose gay marriage and a woman's right to choose, that came from the Reich wing.

Most religious money grabbers prefer Pence. Normal everyday people chose Trump over all the other available goons. Do some homework and you will be able to see that :whip:

"religious money grabbers"??? ----you are discrediting yourself----Rodeesee baby

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