What would Jesus say about Big Government?

Jesus wouldn't say anything about big government. It had no importance to him.
When the pharisees tried to trick him into saying something derogatory about big Roman government, his response was, " Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar" as he held a coin with Caesar's image on it.
Governments come and go, but Christ's words will never fade away.

your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee

Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)

what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
Jesus wouldn't say anything about big government. It had no importance to him.
When the pharisees tried to trick him into saying something derogatory about big Roman government, his response was, " Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar" as he held a coin with Caesar's image on it.
Governments come and go, but Christ's words will never fade away.

your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee

Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)

what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Sweet Jesus. Someone has attempted to impute Jesus' political actions under an absolute monarchy with those of Paul Ryan in a democratic republic. ....Well, I guess I shouldn't be too critical for the notion is at least entertaining.

Oh it's normal, the left doesn't buy into religion....unless they can use religion to further their agenda

And neither does the right. It's not the left side of isle that used Religion to oppose gay marriage and a woman's right to choose, that came from the Reich wing.

Most religious money grabbers prefer Pence. Normal everyday people chose Trump over all the other available goons. Do some homework and you will be able to see that :whip:

"religious money grabbers"??? ----you are discrediting yourself----Rodeesee baby
Why would that be? I searched out the online websites that were smashing Trump that were going to try to influence the election by their being 'Christian and all' and they were religious money changers with magazines online.
Jesus wouldn't say anything about big government. It had no importance to him.
When the pharisees tried to trick him into saying something derogatory about big Roman government, his response was, " Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar" as he held a coin with Caesar's image on it.
Governments come and go, but Christ's words will never fade away.

your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee

Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)

what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Personal issue you'll have to take up with urself.
Let's face it: Jesus was a socialist troublemaker. If he reappeared today we would all have to live in communes, eat salads, and give up material goods. It would totally suck.

Socialists put the State first before any, if at all, Religion. Try again.

You are thinking of STALINIST COMMUNISM. Socialism takes many forms----
Catholic nuns live a SOCIALISTIC LIFE
Yes, I agree. I did speak too broadly.
your statement makes no sense. The Pharisees were FAMOUS for despising the
romans and its government and were never COY about it. "Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was a BIG TIME SPIT in the face of rome. (not your
fault-----you have no way of knowing) It might interest you to know that the PHARISEES still despise roman governance (historically speaking----as in "THEY
another traditionally evil bastard was ANNAS). Jesus (the Pharisee) would never have had to be TRICKED into despising the romans-----and all the other
people that Pharisees despised------like the money changers in the Temple.
Tell me that DA PHARISEES 'tricked' jesus into going after them-----I need another laugh (its not your fault------its your education) Remember Luke and
Paul?------they were greeks-----they could get around in Judea without being HATED. In order to understand the NT----learn these two facts. 1) the Pharisees hated all things ROMAN. 2) Jesus was a Pharisee

Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)

what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Personal issue you'll have to take up with urself.

wrong-----it is your issue------where did you demonstrate "Pharisee carnal"
vs "Jesus non-carnal"?? I am not even sure of your quotations----
I cannot imagine what word in either Aramaic or Hebrew that Jesus could
possibly have used to describe " GOD" as a "spirit"-------theologically
IT MAKES NO SENSE Jesus spoke the Aramaic of Judea of HIS time---
specifically Talmudic Aramaic. "spirit" as in "ghostie" of the caspar
variety?------or "spirit" like the stuff in genesis----------or as in JINNI?
Jesus wasn't a pharisee as he taught about the spirit not the flesh but most everyone misses that part ;)

what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Personal issue you'll have to take up with urself.

wrong-----it is your issue------where did you demonstrate "Pharisee carnal"
vs "Jesus non-carnal"?? I am not even sure of your quotations----
I cannot imagine what word in either Aramaic or Hebrew that Jesus could
possibly have used to describe " GOD" as a "spirit"-------theologically
IT MAKES NO SENSE Jesus spoke the Aramaic of Judea of HIS time---
specifically Talmudic Aramaic. "spirit" as in "ghostie" of the caspar
variety?------or "spirit" like the stuff in genesis----------or as in JINNI?
Sanskrit was also part of the writings during that period of time so you could look into those too if you like. I am not a theologian so if you have an issue with them you will have to take it up with them if you can find them. Many wrote down what they found through the ages. You are free to go on that hunt through those old records/books/scrolls if they haven't already been destroyed by the many crusaders over the years.
He whipped The Money Changers and cleared the temple of them and called them a den of thieves and rebuked the Sadjucees and Pharisees and called them vipers.

This is exactly what he'd do and say about our government today.
what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Personal issue you'll have to take up with urself.

wrong-----it is your issue------where did you demonstrate "Pharisee carnal"
vs "Jesus non-carnal"?? I am not even sure of your quotations----
I cannot imagine what word in either Aramaic or Hebrew that Jesus could
possibly have used to describe " GOD" as a "spirit"-------theologically
IT MAKES NO SENSE Jesus spoke the Aramaic of Judea of HIS time---
specifically Talmudic Aramaic. "spirit" as in "ghostie" of the caspar
variety?------or "spirit" like the stuff in genesis----------or as in JINNI?
Sanskrit was also part of the writings during that period of time so you could look into those too if you like. I am not a theologian so if you have an issue with them you will have to take it up with them if you can find them. Many wrote down what they found through the ages. You are free to go on that hunt through those old records/books/scrolls if they haven't already been destroyed by the many crusaders over the years.

Nama name Rupa body and nabhi BELLY BUTTON.
Lots of writings of Judea are extant-----none in Sanskrit.. -----
Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek----a tiny bit of Latin. Stuff from the time
of Jesus does exist The Pharisees despised the money changers
in the Temple and the FACILITATOR Caiaphas<<< this fact is important
in understanding the NT. Just what terms end up being translated to "soul"
and "spirit" makes a difference
what does that ^^^^^ mean? For the sake of personal interest ---what did
Jesus say about the "spirit" (please cite the word he used for "spirit") as opposed to that which Pharisees putatively said about "flesh" (please cite the "flesh"
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Personal issue you'll have to take up with urself.

wrong-----it is your issue------where did you demonstrate "Pharisee carnal"
vs "Jesus non-carnal"?? I am not even sure of your quotations----
I cannot imagine what word in either Aramaic or Hebrew that Jesus could
possibly have used to describe " GOD" as a "spirit"-------theologically
IT MAKES NO SENSE Jesus spoke the Aramaic of Judea of HIS time---
specifically Talmudic Aramaic. "spirit" as in "ghostie" of the caspar
variety?------or "spirit" like the stuff in genesis----------or as in JINNI?
Sanskrit was also part of the writings during that period of time so you could look into those too if you like. I am not a theologian so if you have an issue with them you will have to take it up with them if you can find them. Many wrote down what they found through the ages. You are free to go on that hunt through those old records/books/scrolls if they haven't already been destroyed by the many crusaders over the years.

Nama name Rupa body and nabhi BELLY BUTTON.
Lots of writings of Judea are extant-----none in Sanskrit.. -----
Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek----a tiny bit of Latin. Stuff from the time
of Jesus does exist The Pharisees despised the money changers
in the Temple and the FACILITATOR Caiaphas<<< this fact is important
in understanding the NT. Just what terms end up being translated to "soul"
and "spirit" makes a difference
I'll try to put some more scriptures in the religion & ethics section they may interest you later after I finish up what I am looking at now.

Carnally minded. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (son of Jonah heard) : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

not at all impressed.
Personal issue you'll have to take up with urself.

wrong-----it is your issue------where did you demonstrate "Pharisee carnal"
vs "Jesus non-carnal"?? I am not even sure of your quotations----
I cannot imagine what word in either Aramaic or Hebrew that Jesus could
possibly have used to describe " GOD" as a "spirit"-------theologically
IT MAKES NO SENSE Jesus spoke the Aramaic of Judea of HIS time---
specifically Talmudic Aramaic. "spirit" as in "ghostie" of the caspar
variety?------or "spirit" like the stuff in genesis----------or as in JINNI?
Sanskrit was also part of the writings during that period of time so you could look into those too if you like. I am not a theologian so if you have an issue with them you will have to take it up with them if you can find them. Many wrote down what they found through the ages. You are free to go on that hunt through those old records/books/scrolls if they haven't already been destroyed by the many crusaders over the years.

Nama name Rupa body and nabhi BELLY BUTTON.
Lots of writings of Judea are extant-----none in Sanskrit.. -----
Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek----a tiny bit of Latin. Stuff from the time
of Jesus does exist The Pharisees despised the money changers
in the Temple and the FACILITATOR Caiaphas<<< this fact is important
in understanding the NT. Just what terms end up being translated to "soul"
and "spirit" makes a difference
Look if you don't want to believe in Jesus don't. It is really that simple. The writings of his day were not done in HEBREW necessarily. If the Jews in or of Israel want to align themselves with the Muzzies or whoever else so be it. I have no desire to 'split hairs' with you or anyone else. Nor will I.
He whipped The Money Changers and cleared the temple of them and called them a den of thieves and rebuked the Sadjucees and Pharisees and called them vipers.

This is exactly what he'd do and say about our government today.

you got that one screwed up too. He attacked the money changers because
they were clients of the ROMAN SHILLS----the SADDUCEEs (according to the
Pharisees) mmmmm
He whipped The Money Changers and cleared the temple of them and called them a den of thieves and rebuked the Sadjucees and Pharisees and called them vipers.

This is exactly what he'd do and say about our government today.

you got that one screwed up too. He attacked the money changers because
they were clients of the ROMAN SHILLS----the SADDUCEEs (according to the
Pharisees) mmmmm

He attacked the money changers because he was disgusted with loan sharks and con men operating inside the sacred precincts of a House of God.

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