What would MLK say to John Lewis?

Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.[/QUOTE

Trump; was talking about what Lewis did 50 years ago, or what he hasn't done since then?

BTW, if the asshole had called me, or my election, illegitimate, I'd have had a lot more words for him.
Lewis isn't trashy because he refuses to accept Trump. He's trashy for telling us to accept and respect obama.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

Trump has tirelessly fought to provide services and buildings that people are willing to pay for (world-wide). Caring for and employing 100s' of thousands of employees. Caring for those employees, giving them a living wage so they could live and send kids to school in hopes to emulate Trump.

Trump is the American dream. A success story.

Trump has gotten up early each day since July 2015 and worked hard to get elected.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.
Had a poster just the other day call John McCain a Chickenhawk.......pretty much along the same ignorant path.
I love how the left has no problem with Democrats going on tv and trashing someone but get there panties in a bunch when the person being trashed fires back. Those who can't take what they dish out need to learn to keep there mouth shut.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.

Lewis and you are attacking Trump because he's white. You're both racists.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
According the left John Lewis committed treason.....a threat to Democracy....goes beyond the pale...irresponsible.

They screamed for weeks that Trump shouldn't question the election results...

...now they are questioning the election results. Democrats Accept Election Results – If They Win

BY: Andrew Kugle
December 1, 2016 1:56 pm

For weeks, Democrats railed against then candidate Donald Trump for refusing to say he would accept the results of the presidential election.

Trump asserted multiple times throughout the campaign that the election could be rigged against him and he could lose because of voter fraud. At a campaign rally in October, Trump said he would accept the election results but reserved his right to challenge the outcome if there was reason to do so.

“I would accept a clear election result, but I would also reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result,” Trump said.

In the third presidential debate, Trump said he would keep people in suspense when asked if he would accept the results of the election. This answer drew an immediate rebuke from his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

“That is not the way our democracy works,” Clinton said. “We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them.”

Clinton repeatedly called Trump on the campaign trail a “threat to democracy.”

Other Democratic leaders agreed with Clinton. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Cal.) called Tump’s claims of a rigged election “irresponsible” and “beyond the pale.” President Obama said that it was “unprecedented” for any presidential candidate to try to discredit the election results.

Lewis is pure scum. Another butthurt racist who can't stand the fact that a white boy is gonna undo the damage his racist messiah has heaped on America.
Trump smashed that dumb fuck...

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results,”

Yeah Lewis, how about you do your fucking job and fix your awful community?
I'm pretty sure Lewis has dealt with far worse than you lot can manage.

yeah? they run out of Champagne in first class on the flight down to ATL?

Get over it. They guy is a lifer politician. 100% useless. His cities are in shambles.

His only hope is the Falcons win today.........and slow the riots.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.
The 60s was a long time ago. Trump fought long and hard against all odds for America. He didn't need the job. Lewis is a gas bag riding on ancient history.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

It looked to me like he fought one hell of a battle to wrestle our country back from the hands of Bolsheviks
He wasn't "trashing" Trump, he was stating a fact. Trump isn't a legitimate president -- period. End of fucking story.

Just wondering. What do you suppose a post like this accomplishes?

Surely you realize you change no one's mind; and that you in fact look quite foolish, considering that Trump will be the Constitutionally mandated President in a few days.

It must be something psychopathological.

You need it. You need to say it to get you through the day. You need to say it to get you through the next 4 years.

Do you have an opinion...on why you have this need to talk nonsense to the world?


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