What would MLK say to John Lewis?

In other words, Drumplethinskin again shows lack of maturity and restraint. Just what the Drumpfsters love.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
In other words, I can only get elected because I have a built in black majority in my District John Lewis is OK for saying Trump isn't his President? Got it.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

What branch of the service did Obama serve?

Trump treated a loud mouthed liar that couldn't get elected dog catcher, much less to Congress, unless his constituency had an automatic set up for him.
He wasn't "trashing" Trump, he was stating a fact. Trump isn't a legitimate president -- period. End of fucking story.

He wasn't "trashing" Trump, he was stating a fact. Trump isn't a legitimate president -- period. End of fucking story.

as legitimate as any of his predecessors

Not when you've colluded with the GOP in swing states to purge tens of thousands of democrats from the voter rolls. Not when a republican shitbag created a program called Interstate Crosscheck which is designed to do precisely that. Not when Trump colluded with a Russian dictator.

He is NOT a legitimate president by any stretch of the imagination.
Wasn't he one of the race pimps who said they were called the n-word by Tea Party protesters?

What a scumbag!

Probably. he was not "the spitting victim". see below.

The lunatic from MO (Emanuel "meat" Cleaver) claims Tea Party spit on him going up Capital stairs.

He the one with the PIG picture he wants to display. Despite huge reward no spitting video or recording would be produced, all cameras were rolling too. No N-word, no spitting. Liar........again. Another Lying Dem. I suspect Lewis is lying mostly.

I'm pretty sure Lewis has dealt with far worse than you lot can manage.

and you'd be completely wrong.

I had to deal with the bigotry of Obama and Holder, who are both likely to be outed soon for what they really did and covered up...
The entire Black Congressional Caucus is without doubt the sleaziest group in government. Jessie Jr's in prison, Maxine Waters and the Dingle should be.

Not an honest one in the lot of them,
He wasn't "trashing" Trump, he was stating a fact. Trump isn't a legitimate president -- period. End of fucking story.

as legitimate as any of his predecessors

Not when you've colluded with the GOP in swing states to purge tens of thousands of democrats from the voter rolls. Not when a republican shitbag created a program called Interstate Crosscheck which is designed to do precisely that. Not when Trump colluded with a Russian dictator.

He is NOT a legitimate president by any stretch of the imagination.
Your opinion, and not a fact.

Find some more talking points for us to laugh at
Too funny.... Trump once again disregards political correctness and attacks another highbrow sacred cow, and the snowflakes are all like... but, but, but... he can't say that!

John Lewis is simply a great American patriot who loves America! He has more than earned the right to speak his mind - and the truth.

I get it you liberal fucking turd; Trump says the vote is not legit and you leftist turds scream and howl - but when a POS racist old fool like Lewis says the same thing, you filth nod your drone-like heads and clap like good useful idiots.
John Lewis is simply a great American patriot who loves America! He has more than earned the right to speak his mind - and the truth.

I get it you liberal fucking turd; Trump says the vote is not legit and you leftist turds scream and howl - but when a POS racist old fool like Lewis says the same thing, you filth nod your drone-like heads and clap like good useful idiots.

Trump is correct that the vote is not legit. Trump, Putin, and Wikileaks rigged the election. What's your point?

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