What would MLK say to John Lewis?

Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
As usual leftist lunatics have it ass backwards. It was the race baiting Hillary ass licker Lewis who attacked Trump for being an illegitimate president. Now they're all upset and whining as to why Trump responded by telling Lewis to be stop being a corrupt politician and do his job.

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In other words, Drumplethinskin again shows lack of maturity and restraint. Just what the Drumpfsters love.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
In other words, I can only get elected because I have a built in black majority in my District John Lewis is OK for saying Trump isn't his President? Got it.
Come to PA when Republicans have gerrymandered the districts to the point they guarantee 70% of the seats even though Republicans are outnumbered by Democrats. So shove that racist talk up your ass.

Are any of those districts gerrymandered to the point that it guarantees a white person will win?

Are you saying that if the demographics of his district (GA - 5th) were of a breakdown of that of society as a whole he'd have a better or worse chance of winning? I know the answer. Let's see if you'll admit it.

Lewis' opposition to Trump is nothing more than because Trump is white. I'd say that makes him racist.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
As usual leftist lunatics have it ass backwards. It was the race baiting Hillary ass licker Lewis who attacked Trump for being an illegitimate president. Now they're all upset and whining as to why Trump responded by telling Lewis to be stop being a corrupt politician and do his job.


Interesting how the left didn't consider something rigged when they thought they had it in the bag. It's only rigged when they lost.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

What branch of the service did Obama serve?

Trump treated a loud mouthed liar that couldn't get elected dog catcher, much less to Congress, unless his constituency had an automatic set up for him.
Obama did not trash POWs. There was no draft when Obama was of age. There was when Trump was of age.

Irrelevant about the draft. Did that keep Obama from serving? Was he not allowed to serve because it didn't at that time? If two people serve, one drafted and the other by choice, does that make the one serving due to the draft more valuable than the one serving by choice? If you can't answer yes, then, as I said, your statement about the draft is irrelevant.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
Totally wrong. Trump merely reacted to the black trash Lewis who insulted Trump first.
Lewis has used up his civil rights cred. It no longer matters that he endured racism way back when because he has perpetrated and perpetuated way more racism since.
Lewis is a jerk.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
As usual leftist lunatics have it ass backwards. It was the race baiting Hillary ass licker Lewis who attacked Trump for being an illegitimate president. Now they're all upset and whining as to why Trump responded by telling Lewis to be stop being a corrupt politician and do his job.


Interesting how the left didn't consider something rigged when they thought they had it in the bag. It's only rigged when they lost.
In fact they attacked Trump viciously for even suggesting it..."How dare he even question our election system and insitutions?!" And look at the assholes now, running around like chicken with their heads cut off, jumping from one bullshit excuse and conspiracy theory to another.

Funny how they had eight years to go on a war path with Russia, yet suddenly, in the last two weeks of his presidency, president Hussein Shithead has decided to play "tough guy" and his party has become the "party of war with Russia." They had nothing to say when Russia invaded two countries and started bombing civilians in Syria about three years ago. What hypocritical whiny scum the Democraps are.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.

John Lewis attacked Trump, claiming he isn't a legitimate President.

All Trump did was hit back, by pointing out what a disgrace his district is. That isn't "trashing" a "civil rights hero", it's standing up against a moron trying to undermine our democracy by claiming the President isn't legitimate.
He wasn't "trashing" Trump, he was stating a fact. Trump isn't a legitimate president -- period. End of fucking story.
Before the election, all we heard from the left was that if you don't accept the election results then you are undermining democracy. But since they lost, suddenly it's OK to not accept the election results.

Here’s What Could Happen If Donald Trump Doesn’t Accept The Election Results | The Huffington Post

According to HuffPuffers, if you don't accept the results, you are promoting violence, and undermining democracy itself.

“If people think elections are unfair or rigged or fraudulent in some important way, this has an important impact on their basic commitment to democracy,” he said.

Dissenters are often people who had economic or political grievances before the election and are looking for a solution. “The election,” Tessler said, “is kind of a sign that nothing is going to change.”
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.
Lewis is a national disgrace. Any good he did in Selma, which only amounted to getting his head bashed in, has been pissed away.
I love how the left has no problem with Democrats going on tv and trashing someone but get there panties in a bunch when the person being trashed fires back. Those who can't take what they dish out need to learn to keep there mouth shut.
This is the source of their frustration. Before they only had to whisper "racist", and the innocent Republican would immediately shut up. Their little game doesn't work on our Alpha Male. He fights back and that's what we like about him. Liberals insulting our President is a direct insult to us.

We won. Get over it, get out of our way as we Make America Great Again or get run over.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.
Lewis is a national disgrace. Any good he did in Selma, which only amounted to getting his head bashed in, has been pissed away.
You & your ilk can keep trying but you are out numbered.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

Trump merely told Lewis that he should pay attention to the problems the people in his Congressional district have rather than insulting the President-elect.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.

John Lewis attacked Trump, claiming he isn't a legitimate President.

All Trump did was hit back, by pointing out what a disgrace his district is. That isn't "trashing" a "civil rights hero", it's standing up against a moron trying to undermine our democracy by claiming the President isn't legitimate.
Fought back? Like a 5 year old kid.

"Your shirt is dirty"
"Your mother is ugly"

This is Trump.

I guess you think Lewis never took action & McCain (and all POWs) aren't heroes.
He wasn't "trashing" Trump, he was stating a fact. Trump isn't a legitimate president -- period. End of fucking story.

You are absolutely wrong. Trump got the most electoral votes, and that is as legitimate as it gets.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

Trump merely told Lewis that he should pay attention to the problems the people in his Congressional district have rather than insulting the President-elect.
Lying fuck. He said all Lewis did was talk. He never took action.

Trump lied about his district. He assumed that because Lewis was black that his district was just a bunch of stupid black criminals.

Another example of your buddy being a liar & just plain uninformed.

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