What would MLK say to John Lewis?

Lewis is trashing the country with his ugly and poisonous politics. He's showed himself to be the self-serving racist he's probably always been.
I can't believe how many of those on the right are defending Trump's attacks on John Lewis.

Trump's response was immature & certainly not worthy of a President.

A real President would have responded something like this: "I appreciate the work John Lewis has done for his race & this country. I can only hope to convince Rep Lewis of my legitimacy in the up coming months and that we can work together to solve the issues that we face together as a country"

That would be Presidential. That would be like an adult.

There is something mentally wrong with Trump when he responds to criticism like he did with John McCain. There is something wrong with his supporters when they defend that behavior.

Because of Trump, we are becoming the laughing stock of the world.

Trump need to grow the fuck up.
You & your ilk can keep trying but you are out numbered.
306 > 232. Looks like you were outnumbered. Sucks to be you, huh?
Thanks for admitting Trump voters are all racists.
Over 60 million people that voted for Trump are all racists, eh?

Proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Follow the posts.

I said those who are not racists outnumber those that are.

Your buddy posted the results of the election as a counter. This is saying that racists outnumber those who are not because Trump won.

I suspect that even a feeble mind Trumpette could follow that to conclude your buddy is saying Trump voters were racists.
Whereas Democrats are the party of race baiters and preach tolerance while being totally intolerant not to mention violent towards other people's opinions. They literally can't talk about anything without calling others who disagree with them racists, or sexists, or homophobes, etc. It isn't going to work anymore. Look at what this divisiveness got you...lost the presidency, senate, house, state legislators, governorships, etc. But keep following Hussein Obama over the cliff, if you wish.
I can't believe how many of those on the right are defending Trump's attacks on John Lewis.

Trump's response was immature & certainly not worthy of a President.

A real President would have responded something like this: "I appreciate the work John Lewis has done for his race & this country. I can only hope to convince Rep Lewis of my legitimacy in the up coming months and that we can work together to solve the issues that we face together as a country"

That would be Presidential. That would be like an adult.

There is something mentally wrong with Trump when he responds to criticism like he did with John McCain. There is something wrong with his supporters when they defend that behavior.

Because of Trump, we are becoming the laughing stock of the world.

Trump need to grow the fuck up.
Trump didn't attack Lewis, asswipe, Lewis attacked Trump as an illegitimate president. Fuck Lewis. Actually Trump's response was mild compared to what Lewis said. i was surprised.
I can't believe how many of those on the right are defending Trump's attacks on John Lewis.

In your inverted and perverted ideology, any defense against poisonous political accusations made by Democrats is an unjustified attack.
You & your ilk can keep trying but you are out numbered.
306 > 232. Looks like you were outnumbered. Sucks to be you, huh?
Thanks for admitting Trump voters are all racists.
Over 60 million people that voted for Trump are all racists, eh?

Proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Follow the posts.

I said those who are not racists outnumber those that are.

Your buddy posted the results of the election as a counter. This is saying that racists outnumber those who are not because Trump won.

I suspect that even a feeble mind Trumpette could follow that to conclude your buddy is saying Trump voters were racists.
Whereas Democrats are the party of race baiters and preach tolerance while being totally intolerant not to mention violent towards other people's opinions. They literally can't talk about anything without calling others who disagree with them racists, or sexists, or homophobes, etc. It isn't going to work anymore. Look at what this divisiveness got you...lost the presidency, senate, house, state legislators, governorships, etc. But keep following Hussein Obama over the cliff, if you wish.
What corruption was exposed by the e-mail hacks?

I call people racist when they make racist posts. Why don't you?
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

Trump merely told Lewis that he should pay attention to the problems the people in his Congressional district have rather than insulting the President-elect.

Two of those problems that Lewis has done nothing to help in 30 years include a current 17% poverty rate and more than 1 in 5 living on food stamps.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.

Quit your whining. Lewis is an idiot.

McCain is a traitor who can't accept the results of the election and will do anything to hold on to power. Good Allah, he's in his EIGHTIES. He's got to go!
"Way to bring us together, asshole....what the hell did I live and die for? GFY!"

John Lewis: Donald Trump is not a 'legitimate' president - CNNPolitics.com

He would say Kudos.

“If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, 'brethren!' Be careful, teachers!”

—“Martin Luther King, Jr. - The Purpose of Education” from Morehouse College student newspaper, The Maroon Tiger, 1947

I look at people like you, and realize he was correct.
You idiots think that he was some kind of dumbed down hand-holding peacenik. But he wasn't.

“We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed.”

—Martin Luther King, jr. from ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail,’ April 16, 1963

It's probably because you are ignorant.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

John Lewis, his district back home...is a paradise? Really? He is a liar, who now uses accusations of racism to attack his enemies...like jesse jackson, they used the civil rights movement to gain political power and turned into the very racists they say they fought against.......they didn't fight against racism...they fought to be the ones engaging in it....
I bothered to read up the News on the guy

saying that he does not see the president-elect as “legitimate” because of apparent Russian interference in the 2016 election.

So in his mind the democrats run state department by Hillary can fuck with Russia elections

But god forbid Russia tells us the truth about Hillary and the democrats?

"Is this helpful in any way?"
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” host Anderson Cooper reacted to Representative John Lewis’ (D-GA) declaration that he doesn’t view President-Elect Donald Trump as “legitimate” by saying “if a Republican had said this about a President-Elect Hillary Clinton, Democrats would be up in arms.”

no link needed lol
I still can't believe how upset the democrats are still with the Russians for just telling the truth about Hillary and the democrats..

It's like they are all girls who don't want to know there man is cheating on them

306 > 232. Looks like you were outnumbered. Sucks to be you, huh?
Thanks for admitting Trump voters are all racists.
Over 60 million people that voted for Trump are all racists, eh?

Proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Follow the posts.

I said those who are not racists outnumber those that are.

Your buddy posted the results of the election as a counter. This is saying that racists outnumber those who are not because Trump won.

I suspect that even a feeble mind Trumpette could follow that to conclude your buddy is saying Trump voters were racists.
Whereas Democrats are the party of race baiters and preach tolerance while being totally intolerant not to mention violent towards other people's opinions. They literally can't talk about anything without calling others who disagree with them racists, or sexists, or homophobes, etc. It isn't going to work anymore. Look at what this divisiveness got you...lost the presidency, senate, house, state legislators, governorships, etc. But keep following Hussein Obama over the cliff, if you wish.
What corruption was exposed by the e-mail hacks?

I call people racist when they make racist posts. Why don't you?
What corruption?! Ha ha ha. Dona Brazil of CNN handing the questions to Hillary who then used them, media coordinating attacks on Trump and giving the Hillary campaign "veto power" over any articles portraying her in a negative light, Wasserman Shultz's getting fired as a result of being exposed in the emails, donations to Clinton foundation which resulted in govt. appointments, the list is long.

The Democratic race bating Party has become home to modern antisemites and anti white racism., why don't you say anything about that?
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