What would MLK say to John Lewis?

I still can't believe how upset the democrats are still with the Russians for just telling the truth about Hillary and the democrats..

It's like they are all girls who don't want to know there man is cheating on them

Let's not forget they kept displaying this faux outrage when Trump mentioned the word "rigging" and the corrupt media's collaboration with the Hillary campaign.
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

John Lewis, his district back home...is a paradise? Really? He is a liar, who now uses accusations of racism to attack his enemies...like jesse jackson, they used the civil rights movement to gain political power and turned into the very racists they say they fought against.......they didn't fight against racism...they fought to be the ones engaging in it....
So John Lewis is a race bating whore. What a suprise!
Trump told a man who marched & fought for civil rights that he is all talk & no action.

Just how stupid is Donald Trump? What has he ever fought for? Calling John McCain not a hero. What has Trump ever fought for? Certainly not his country. Certainly not for anything or anyone other than himself.

John Lewis, his district back home...is a paradise? Really? He is a liar, who now uses accusations of racism to attack his enemies...like jesse jackson, they used the civil rights movement to gain political power and turned into the very racists they say they fought against.......they didn't fight against racism...they fought to be the ones engaging in it....

Lewis' district has a poverty rate 2% higher than the national average and more than 1 in 5 use food stamps. To those living off the taxpayers thinking it's owed them, it is a paradise.
I still can't believe how upset the democrats are still with the Russians for just telling the truth about Hillary and the democrats..

It's like they are all girls who don't want to know there man is cheating on them


Yes....As Rush points out...Russia didn't hack the election, he hacked the democrats.....not one vote count was changed, not one machine was tampered with...but the democrats are experts at lying to create story...and you see it here...
So, it is legitimate to enlist the aid of another country?
Tell you what unrealDave. Either stop this illegitimate nonsense or be ignored by those of us who are tired of your lies and whining. You offer no proof of Russian hacking changed voters from wanting to vote for Hillary to voting for Trump. Obama knew about foreign hacking months and years ago and did nothing about it. Now that Hildabeast lost, you guys clamed Trump was in cahoots with Vladimir. Total unproven bullshit. You just want to cause havoc during Trump's administration.

Winners are moving on as we make America great again while losers like you are left in the trashheap of the failed ObamaNation.

Dumbshit liberals think after losing Congress, state legislatures over the past 3 or 4 elections to republicans that all of a sudden, America wanted Hillary for president. Facts are the democrats are quickly losing popularity among the American people.

Obama fucked you guys over. He's staying in DC to protect HIS legacy, not the fucking Democrats!
Lewis' district has a poverty rate 2% higher than the national average and more than 1 in 5 use food stamps. To those living off the taxpayers thinking it's owed them, it is a paradise.
Seems like No-Action Lewis needs to fix the problems in his congressional district. With the successes President Trump will be making, this will be a good time for a Trump Republican to run against Lewis.
Lewis' district has a poverty rate 2% higher than the national average and more than 1 in 5 use food stamps. To those living off the taxpayers thinking it's owed them, it is a paradise.
Seems like No-Action Lewis needs to fix the problems in his congressional district. With the successes President Trump will be making, this will be a good time for a Trump Republican to run against Lewis.

He's too busy trying to play the martyr claiming to have been spat upon and called names.
In other words, Drumplethinskin again shows lack of maturity and restraint. Just what the Drumpfsters love.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
In other words, I can only get elected because I have a built in black majority in my District John Lewis is OK for saying Trump isn't his President? Got it.
Come to PA when Republicans have gerrymandered the districts to the point they guarantee 70% of the seats even though Republicans are outnumbered by Democrats. So shove that racist talk up your ass.

Are any of those districts gerrymandered to the point that it guarantees a white person will win?

Are you saying that if the demographics of his district (GA - 5th) were of a breakdown of that of society as a whole he'd have a better or worse chance of winning? I know the answer. Let's see if you'll admit it.

Lewis' opposition to Trump is nothing more than because Trump is white. I'd say that makes him racist.
At this rate of democrat loss, looks like the Republicans will be in control of most of the State legislatures when the next census is taken 3 years from now. We should be able to gerrymander Lewis out of his congressional seat and even a few more racist blacks too.
In other words, Drumplethinskin again shows lack of maturity and restraint. Just what the Drumpfsters love.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
In other words, I can only get elected because I have a built in black majority in my District John Lewis is OK for saying Trump isn't his President? Got it.
Come to PA when Republicans have gerrymandered the districts to the point they guarantee 70% of the seats even though Republicans are outnumbered by Democrats. So shove that racist talk up your ass.

Are any of those districts gerrymandered to the point that it guarantees a white person will win?

Are you saying that if the demographics of his district (GA - 5th) were of a breakdown of that of society as a whole he'd have a better or worse chance of winning? I know the answer. Let's see if you'll admit it.

Lewis' opposition to Trump is nothing more than because Trump is white. I'd say that makes him racist.
Looks like the Republicans will be in control of most of the State legislatures when the next census is taken 3 years from now. We should be able to gerrymander Lewis out of his congressional seat and even a few more racist blacks too.

We had a similar situation in my State many years ago. When the whiners complained about he situation, the result was a DOJ approved, 60% majority black district that guarantees a Democrat, more than likely black, will get elected.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.

Trump can't trash Lewis. Lewis was already trash.
It's refreshing to see a sharp response to the stupid comments made by the race baiting congressman from Georgia...

The internet has changed the game on the left wing race haters......they can't just level a charge/lie against people, then let the democrats in the media repeat the charge/lie and expect it to do the same damage it used to do....we can now respond immediately, and we don't have to go to the library and come through texts and micro fiche to prove them wrong.....we have instantaneous response to lies by the left...and they really, really hate it.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
Settle down. He didnt cure cancer or anything. The truth is, Lewis walked down the street with a bunch of dudes in the 60s. I heard he even got beat up once by a cop. You want to portray this as some great accomplishment? Get the fuck outa here. Trump made himself a billionaire, became a household name and then became the president of the US. Lewis isnt half the man Trump is. No one even knew who Lewis was until he talked shit about Trump.
It's refreshing to see a sharp response to the stupid comments made by the race baiting congressman from Georgia...
That's why Trump was elected. We wanted somebody to stand up and call these asshole cocksuckers for a change.

They woke up a sleeping giant and millions of democrats and minorities sided with us.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
Settle down. He didnt cure cancer or anything. The truth is, Lewis walked down the street with a bunch of dudes in the 60s. I heard he even got beat up once by a cop. You want to portray this as some great accomplishment? Get the fuck outa here. Trump made himself a billionaire, became a household name and then became the president of the US. Lewis isnt half the man Trump is. No one even knew who Lewis was until he talked shit about Trump.

If Lewis was an honorable person, he'd doing something about the 17% poverty rate and 1 in 5 food stamp use in his district. Instead of trying to solve problems, he wants to talk shit about someone actually doing it.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

False, Lewis spit on the future POTUS and in a clear defined manor Trump told the race baiting Lewis to worry about his constituents that he has failed to help over his 20 years in congress. In most jobs when you continue to fail you get fired, in the US Congress and US Senate for some unknown reason they keep getting a pass...
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
Settle down. He didnt cure cancer or anything. The truth is, Lewis walked down the street with a bunch of dudes in the 60s. I heard he even got beat up once by a cop. You want to portray this as some great accomplishment? Get the fuck outa here. Trump made himself a billionaire, became a household name and then became the president of the US. Lewis isnt half the man Trump is. No one even knew who Lewis was until he talked shit about Trump.
The civil rights movement died with Martin King. Since then the race pimps took over and turned it into Black Lives Matter controlled by a rich, white, fascist Jew.

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