What would the situation look like in Texas if we had a libertarian government?


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
I know this might sound cruel, but the individuals who had to be rescued were so low IQ, so ungrateful, so fucking ugly, they really should have not been rescued. Sorry for telling the truth! Every normal human got out of there, no problem. And folks, a cop should not be a cop if does not know how to swim. Fucking douchebag police chief crying in public like a fag.
I know this might sound cruel, but the individuals who had to be rescued were so low IQ, so ungrateful, so fucking ugly, they really should have not been rescued. Sorry for telling the truth!

:cranky: How would you know?
I know this might sound cruel, but the individuals who had to be rescued were so low IQ, so ungrateful, so fucking ugly, they really should have not been rescued. Sorry for telling the truth!

:cranky: How would you know?

It's because they're black. Snouter doesn't have a whole lot of love for our black brothers and sisters.
It's because they're black. Snouter doesn't have a whole lot of love for our black brothers and sisters.

I like Blacks and Browns who are intelligent and good looking and have a good work ethic.

I know this might sound cruel, but the individuals who had to be rescued were so low IQ, so ungrateful, so fucking ugly, they really should have not been rescued. Sorry for telling the truth! Every normal human got out of there, no problem. And folks, a cop should not be a cop if does not know how to swim. Fucking douchebag police chief crying in public like a fag.

It's time to add you to my "ignore" list so that I won't accidentally read any more of your mindless drivel.
I know this might sound cruel, but the individuals who had to be rescued were so low IQ, so ungrateful, so fucking ugly, they really should have not been rescued. Sorry for telling the truth!

:cranky: How would you know?

It's because they're black. Snouter doesn't have a whole lot of love for our black brothers and sisters.


Did you see the videos Kat? :p

I have seen a lot. I don't really want to see more.
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
Most of the help in Houston is coming from private citizens, so your theory seems to be full of shit.
If Texas was a real Libertarian state you wouldn't have all the welfare queens living off the filthy ass government so there would be a lot less people needing help and you would have people taking responsibility for their own emergency preparedness. Because it would be low taxes the people would have a lot more money to be able to afford to protect their families if they chose to.

Anybody deciding to live in a low area that is hurricane prone would be accepting the consequences of their choice and would not be demanding that somebody in Idaho pay to bail them out.
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
Most of the help in Houston is coming from private citizens, so your theory seems to be full of shit.

Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
This is bad of me, but the first thing I pictured was a guy sitting on top of a fire hydrant, smoking a joint, saying pretty much what you said.
If Texas was a real Libertarian state you wouldn't have all the welfare queens living off the filthy ass government so there would be a lot less people needing help and you would have people taking responsibility for their own emergency preparedness. Because it would be low taxes the people would have a lot more money to be able to afford to protect their families if they chose to.

Anybody deciding to live in a low area that is hurricane prone would be accepting the consequences of their choice and would not be demanding that somebody in Idaho pay to bail them out.
You realize that's pretty much the entire city of Houston? A lot of the southeastern coast of Texas, where our biggest oil refineries and many of our chemical plants are?
Can't live there because it might flood?
Anybody deciding to live in a low area that is hurricane prone would be accepting the consequences of their choice and would not be demanding that somebody in Idaho pay to bail them out.
Which is what the OP said.
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
Wouldn't be any different than it is now. The majority of the good stories are regular citizens doing it.
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
Wouldn't be any different than it is now. The majority of the good stories are regular citizens doing it.

Bullshit. The government is keeping law and order. The government is rebuilding the washed out roads and bridges. The government is cleaning up the toxic waste. The government is providing housing, food, and clothing.

In Libertopia, private citizens would have to do every bit of that. Good luck!
This is why we'll never, EVER have a libertoonian president. And every single one of you dumbshits who voted for Johnson should be smacked upside the head.
If Texas was a real Libertarian state you wouldn't have all the welfare queens living off the filthy ass government so there would be a lot less people needing help and you would have people taking responsibility for their own emergency preparedness. Because it would be low taxes the people would have a lot more money to be able to afford to protect their families if they chose to.

Anybody deciding to live in a low area that is hurricane prone would be accepting the consequences of their choice and would not be demanding that somebody in Idaho pay to bail them out.
You realize that's pretty much the entire city of Houston? A lot of the southeastern coast of Texas, where our biggest oil refineries and many of our chemical plants are?
Can't live there because it might flood?

What the hell does that have to do with a Libertarian's outlook on the role of government?

The government should not subside the location of industry if the industry chose to locate in a flood zone.

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