What would we do without today's Democrats?


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

Have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps. Or if today's Democrats were not bent on turning the USA into a 3rd world dirt bag basket case (they may yet pull that off) and if we had a real two party system (which most of today's dems and many of their minions on this board DO NOT WANT) not run by a bunch useless faceless inside DC bureaucrats we would be far better off. But that is not likely to happen anytime soon.

Have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps. Or if today's Democrats were not bent on turning the USA into a 3rd world dirt bag basket case (they may yet pull that off) and if we had a real two party system (which most of today's dems and many of their minions on this board DO NOT WANT) not run by a bunch useless faceless inside DC bureaucrats we would be far better off. But that is not likely to happen anytime soon.
Kass? The anti-semite that got shit
canned by the Tribune?
Don't know about his past but this op/ed piece is very much on target whether you and your ilk like it or not.
"The bottom line is that Democrats — with foolish Republicans occasionally joining in this project — have worked for decades to slowly expand the power and reach of presidents and, more critically, the unelected bureaucrats of the administrative state"

What do you think Trump wants? Talk about hypocrisy.

Have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps. Or if today's Democrats were not bent on turning the USA into a 3rd world dirt bag basket case (they may yet pull that off) and if we had a real two party system (which most of today's dems and many of their minions on this board DO NOT WANT) not run by a bunch useless faceless inside DC bureaucrats we would be far better off. But that is not likely to happen anytime soon.
Someone has to usher in the apocalypse.
Democrats don't realize that immigration will ruin America.

I disagree. I think Democrats do EXACTLY realize that their immigration path ruins America.

That is why they are treating the southern border as they have, since 2011, in trying to create a permanent voting bloc for winning all future elections. Once Dems started trying to give colossal rights to illegal imms, like voting and citizenry-policing, is when it became plain proof/plain evidence that Dems EXACTLY realize how they are ruining America.
The Orange perv will not be allowed to turned the US into the Amerikan Fascist State.

Mr. Trump will not be allowed to turn the US into the Amerikan Fascist State BECAUSE WE MUST ENSURE THAT Biden TURN US ALL INTO COMMUNISM's neo-Socialists! Thaaat's right, boys and girls! lol
A society where Obama Biden & Company currently use a formula called:
Prog-Libs + big tech + big corp's + Hollywood = pretending to help out the...

Ordinary, non-White, USA residents by correcting that mean ol' racist called Mr. Free Market, for them.
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Mr. Trump will not be allowed to turn the US into the Amerikan Fascist State BECAUSE WE MUST ESNURE THAT Biden TURN US ALL INTO COMMUNISM's neo-Socialists! Thaaat's right, boys and girls! lol
A society where Obama Biden & Company currently use a formula called:
Prog-Libs + big tech + big corp's + Hollywood = pretending to help out the...

Ordinary, non-White, USA residents by correcting that mean ol' racist called Mr. Free Market, for them.
What a boob.

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