What would you ask the President today?

I would ask him what it's like to be a muslim, communist, nazi, marxist and socialist all at the same time.
Apparently, The President will be giving an abbreviated press conference today....likely with few questions asked.

If I had a chance to ask a question, I would ask:

Mr. President. Last night you said the following....

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at any agency, but especially at the IRS given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives."

That being said, the emails released yesterday support the theory that the State Department drastically altered the original report offered by the CIA as to the root cause of the Benghazi attacks. The emails make it clear that this was done in an attmept to protect the image of the state department.

What kind of action will you take as it pertains to the State Department who, in a self serving action, allowed you and your staff to mis-inform the American people, the world...and at the same time, contradict the explanation of the President of Libya who was offering the same explanation that the CIA asserted to be fact?

What would you ask?

Obama's answer : I do not take action on Republican hyperbolic theory, you have no proof, come back when you have proof and have graduated Jr High.
I'd ask him why waterboarding a known terrorist is worse than killing one along with a bunch of innocent people in a drone strike.
I would ask "what it's like to off your own Grandmother for political gain?"
Apparently, The President will be giving an abbreviated press conference today....likely with few questions asked.

If I had a chance to ask a question, I would ask:

Mr. President. Last night you said the following....

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at any agency, but especially at the IRS given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives."

That being said, the emails released yesterday support the theory that the State Department drastically altered the original report offered by the CIA as to the root cause of the Benghazi attacks. The emails make it clear that this was done in an attmept to protect the image of the state department.

What kind of action will you take as it pertains to the State Department who, in a self serving action, allowed you and your staff to mis-inform the American people, the world...and at the same time, contradict the explanation of the President of Libya who was offering the same explanation that the CIA asserted to be fact?

What would you ask?

You'd ask why politicians acted as politicians....and you'd ask that to a politician?

Here is what I'd ask.

Why are the banks that were too big to fail in 2007 and 2008 still too big to fail? And if you were to face the same circumstances that President Bush faced, would you, again, have to bail them out?

This is the largest disappointment of his Presidency in my view. All of the bailout dollars wasted...spent giving bonuses to people who headed the failed organizations.
Apparently, The President will be giving an abbreviated press conference today....likely with few questions asked.

If I had a chance to ask a question, I would ask:

Mr. President. Last night you said the following....

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at any agency, but especially at the IRS given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives."

That being said, the emails released yesterday support the theory that the State Department drastically altered the original report offered by the CIA as to the root cause of the Benghazi attacks. The emails make it clear that this was done in an attmept to protect the image of the state department.

What kind of action will you take as it pertains to the State Department who, in a self serving action, allowed you and your staff to mis-inform the American people, the world...and at the same time, contradict the explanation of the President of Libya who was offering the same explanation that the CIA asserted to be fact?

What would you ask?

You'd ask why politicians acted as politicians....and you'd ask that to a politician?

Here is what I'd ask.

Why are the banks that were too big to fail in 2007 and 2008 still too big to fail? And if you were to face the same circumstances that President Bush faced, would you, again, have to bail them out?

This is the largest disappointment of his Presidency in my view. All of the bailout dollars wasted...spent giving bonuses to people who headed the failed organizations.

what??? government programs didnt fix the problem? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell ya.....

Government programs never fix anything, because if they did, liberals would be out of jobs.
Mr. President, why did you take such personal pride in firing the interim head of the IRS, when he was going to step down in June anyways?
I'd ask him why he had a Marine hold an umbrella for him at a White House press conference, but he couldn't send in the Marines to rescue the victims at Benghazi.
i would ask a question that i have asked to quite a few Democrat/Liberals on this site ....many have ignored the question or dance around it..... one poster here called me a racist just for asking it and that began a whole bunch of shit with him.....it must be a tough question for them to answer i guess .....the question....."Mr President....can one be against what you are for?....are we allowed to question what you say or do.....without that person being called a racist??".......
I'd ask him

How much do you wish you could say how you really feel about the rightwing lunatics from abnormal America,

the way I can?


Sounds like a good one.

I'd ask him how he can stand to have himself and his family dragged thru the mud and lied about so often. Is it worth it?

which is the reason quality people will not run for office anymore.....
I would ask no (DEMAND) him to Resign and give us American people a break from his cold, stupid thuggish self..AND take that Buffoon Biden and that jerk Holder with you

The Majority of us are SICK OF YOU and your RUDE ugly comrades in arms administration
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I would ask no (DEMAND) him to Resign and give us American people a break from his cold, stupid thuggish self..

The Majority of us are SICK OF YOU and your RUDE ugly comrades in arms administration

The scary truth is, the majority are not sick of him; tho' that can turn on a dime.
Hmm...My question would be:

Hey Barry!! You started looking for homes for sale in the Chicago area yet!?
I'd ask Obama if the students at Ohio should still follow his advice of blocking the voices out that warn of a corrupted Government abusing it's "powers."

Then I'd ask if Obama considers himself to have the most transparent administration in US history.

Then I'd ask what policies of the Bush era did he have a part in repealing, if any.

Then I'd ask, is your favorite word "uhh, uh uh uh u u."
I'd ask him how his waffle tasted.

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