What would you ask the President today?

I would explain to him that I would hire him to run a paper route. Then, I'd ask him if he, now, sees the danger in hiring a person with no executive experience, or work experience at all, for that matter.

I'd say, "If you owned a football team, with all the most talented players in the league, but still won only 3-4 games each year, what would do?"

Follow up : " Well sir, in America, YOU are the head coach! Why do you know what any member your coaching staff is doing?"
It's been a while since I have seen the approval numbers for this President.
Could it be they are down a tad?
Apparently, The President will be giving an abbreviated press conference today....likely with few questions asked.

If I had a chance to ask a question, I would ask:

Mr. President. Last night you said the following....

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at any agency, but especially at the IRS given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives."

That being said, the emails released yesterday support the theory that the State Department drastically altered the original report offered by the CIA as to the root cause of the Benghazi attacks. The emails make it clear that this was done in an attmept to protect the image of the state department.

What kind of action will you take as it pertains to the State Department who, in a self serving action, allowed you and your staff to mis-inform the American people, the world...and at the same time, contradict the explanation of the President of Libya who was offering the same explanation that the CIA asserted to be fact?

What would you ask?

You'd ask why politicians acted as politicians....and you'd ask that to a politician?

Here is what I'd ask.

Why are the banks that were too big to fail in 2007 and 2008 still too big to fail? And if you were to face the same circumstances that President Bush faced, would you, again, have to bail them out?

This is the largest disappointment of his Presidency in my view. All of the bailout dollars wasted...spent giving bonuses to people who headed the failed organizations.

what??? government programs didnt fix the problem? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell ya.....

Government programs never fix anything, because if they did, liberals would be out of jobs.

Yet the states that get the most welfare are almost all red states. You never let facts get in the way of your arguments.
Mr. President, thanks for undoing the GOP mistake of the Iraq War by getting us the f___ out of that place. Never should have been there. Can you please tell us why the lessons learned from the GOP mistake of the Iraq War are the main reason you have correctly kept us out of the Syrian Civil War, and also from the stupid idea of bombing Iran over nukes that Iran doesn't have?
I would ask no (DEMAND) him to Resign and give us American people a break from his cold, stupid thuggish self..AND take that Buffoon Biden and that jerk Holder with you

The Majority of us are SICK OF YOU and your RUDE ugly comrades in arms administration

Would you put on a clean housecoat and new slippers for the occasion?
How do you put up with these right wing morons?

Thatz an E-Z answer.

Obie doesn't....he just sics the IRS on 'em...........

Evidence? Oh wait - you don't need evidence, something happened you didn't like - it must be Obama's fault!

It's not about what I like or don't like. Its really very simple. The FBI is involved. If the FBI has been co-opted like the IRS, then we get the Gov't we deserve and that you support.
Thatz an E-Z answer.

Obie doesn't....he just sics the IRS on 'em...........

Evidence? Oh wait - you don't need evidence, something happened you didn't like - it must be Obama's fault!

It's not about what I like or don't like. Its really very simple. The FBI is involved. If the FBI has been co-opted like the IRS, then we get the Gov't we deserve and that you support.

Like I said.
It's not about what I like or don't like. Its really very simple. The FBI is involved. If the FBI has been co-opted like the IRS, then we get the Gov't we deserve and that you support.

Like I said.

Obvious you weren't even born when Watergate occurred.

I am less than 42 years old, correct. Heck, Obama himself was only 11 at the time. Speaking of Obama, when you're ready to present evidence of Obama's involvement in directing the IRS to attack his enemies, instead of Nixon's - I'm all ears.
Let's see. It's me and Bill Clinton. We've been out on the town all night in D.C. drinking and whoring around and just returned to the White House where Barry has graciously allowed us to sleep for the night. So, stumbling down a dark hallway together in the wee hours of the morning, Obama suddenly appears before us in his bathrobe with a Marlboro Lite aglow between two fingers of his left hand. I immediately looked at Bill and then at Barry and said, "Boy, hustle us up a couple of coffees, pronto like. Thanks."

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