What would YOU do?

Well, one day I was out walking the grounds, and out jumps a big black scary man!!! LOL!

Oh my, that was a funny story!
I saw a black man putting something in my mailbox today and when he saw me he yelled HEY IVE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!!! Should have I shot him?

Did you have your "Matilda" with you? LOL! Are you in Florida?

OMG, I don't think I've ever read a thread before, that's this damn dumb. Who knew being a slumlord was such a risky business?
Just curious with this scenario which is also a true story.

I was managing an apartment complex (one of many over the years when I was much younger) and as I walked the car parking spaces, I always checked the overhead storage bins that hung out a bit over the hood of vehicles parked there by the tenants. Some had them padlocked..some didn't bother.

Well, one day, I was walking the grounds and just checking to make sure tenants were parked in their allotted spaces and noticed one bin that was a tad ajar with stuffing like a sleeping bag was poking out of it. No car was there. When I got up to it and pulled it open a tad to push back the stuffing inside, I heard "you BITCH. I'm gonna kill you!" and this huge black dude comes rolling out of it. I freaked and ran elbows to assholes and I could hear him hollering behind me but he stopped before he got to the center of the complex where the office was. Mr. Gracie and a few tenants went to go look and he was gone but his stuff was still in the bin. When the tenant got home that had that space, he said he did not use his storage there and never looked inside it cuz he put nothing in there. So we had a bum living in it and nobody knew until I stumbled upon it.

Called the cops and they removed his shit and from then on I walked the grounds WITH someone besides being alone back there.

Anyway...it was close to xmas and Mr. Gracie asked me what I wanted for xmas and I said a 357 magnum. And that is exactly what he got me..which came in handy when I had to patrol the alley of another complex we managed a few years later that was gang infested. They all knew the managers were packing so they didn't fuck with us, thank God.

So here is the question. IF I had had matilda (I always name my stuff..even a gun, lol), I woulda shot that huge black guy with no second thoughts. IF he had caught me, he WOULD have killed me. Sure as shit.

So if you were me, and had a gun, what would YOU had done in the same scenario? Just run and hope like hell you didn't trip and fall? Or shoot his sorry ass?

Now, before answering, how is that ANY different than what that cop with Brown experienced?

I would like to take the opportunity to express the idea that a person who doesn't have proper threat assessment training has no business carrying a firearm.

There are thousands of possible scenarios that may have occurred ... And evaluating what didn't happen is irrelevant. When carrying a firearm, the ability to properly assess the threat level is paramount in ensuring reasonable safety for everyone.

The abilities to draw your firearm and engage the target are no more important than understanding the need to do so. Standing your ground is not always a necessity ... It can be a choice as well under many circumstances. Fear is a terrible motivator in regards to decision making ... And often offers nothing more than unnecessary risk to yourself and others.

If your are not highly trained ... Then your only responsibility is to your immediate safety ... And escaping the threat is often far more productive and responsible than engaging the target. I could explain with detailed scenarios ... But it would be far more productive if you attended the appropriate classes.

Classes allow you to experience the realities of confrontation in firearm volatile situations. Role-playing exercises help you become aware of how quickly you can go from defender to dead at the end of your own firearm. Anyone who carries regularly should spend a substantial amount of time at the range and in training ... Regularly, and with the intent of continuous improvement concerning all your skills including threat assessment and alternative protective postures.

Remember ... Unless you are highly training and specifically charged with protecting individuals ... Your primary concern is your own safety and responsibility to come home to your family and friends. Never engage a target you don't have to kill as the result of fear.

Just curious with this scenario which is also a true story.

I was managing an apartment complex (one of many over the years when I was much younger) and as I walked the car parking spaces, I always checked the overhead storage bins that hung out a bit over the hood of vehicles parked there by the tenants. Some had them padlocked..some didn't bother.

Well, one day, I was walking the grounds and just checking to make sure tenants were parked in their allotted spaces and noticed one bin that was a tad ajar with stuffing like a sleeping bag was poking out of it. No car was there. When I got up to it and pulled it open a tad to push back the stuffing inside, I heard "you BITCH. I'm gonna kill you!" and this huge black dude comes rolling out of it. I freaked and ran elbows to assholes and I could hear him hollering behind me but he stopped before he got to the center of the complex where the office was. Mr. Gracie and a few tenants went to go look and he was gone but his stuff was still in the bin. When the tenant got home that had that space, he said he did not use his storage there and never looked inside it cuz he put nothing in there. So we had a bum living in it and nobody knew until I stumbled upon it.

Called the cops and they removed his shit and from then on I walked the grounds WITH someone besides being alone back there.

Anyway...it was close to xmas and Mr. Gracie asked me what I wanted for xmas and I said a 357 magnum. And that is exactly what he got me..which came in handy when I had to patrol the alley of another complex we managed a few years later that was gang infested. They all knew the managers were packing so they didn't fuck with us, thank God.

So here is the question. IF I had had matilda (I always name my stuff..even a gun, lol), I woulda shot that huge black guy with no second thoughts. IF he had caught me, he WOULD have killed me. Sure as shit.

So if you were me, and had a gun, what would YOU had done in the same scenario? Just run and hope like hell you didn't trip and fall? Or shoot his sorry ass?

Now, before answering, how is that ANY different than what that cop with Brown experienced?

You have every right to defend yourself in that situation no matter what color that guy is.
I probably would have ran even with the gun, lol. But that was then. Now? Probably not.
I wouldn't shoot anyone for yelling at me, and as he jumped out I am not sure whether he would even try to chase me if I had a gun pointed at him.

Truth be told, I am cautious and it would take a lot before I would shoot someone.

I would have to have tried reasoning first and feel like my life was immediately in danger of being taken.
I guess you had to be there. Dude was crazy. He woulda ate my face or pounded my head. Back alley. Away from the quad. Everyone at work mostly. I ran. If I had Matilda, I might have ran or yelled back "Gun. Shoot. Stop. Cops. GO!"....or I woulda shot his ass. I dunno. I just made damn sure I was never in that situation again without protection.

Point is...maybe Wilson felt the same way I did. But he DID have protection. And used it.
I would have grabbed my gun----fumbled----dropped it-----
he would grab the gun-----and shoot me in the head
I have been in scary situations when I lived in las vegas, lots of creepers there.

I stand by what I said I would have to really feel there was no hope and that my life is in danger.

That means he would have to try to attack me, even after I warned him I would shoot and had my gun pointed at him.

Simply, yelling at me would not be enough of a reason to kill him.

Would he have even chased you if you had a gun pointed at him ?

Nobody knows because that is not what happened.
I had guns before. Just didn't have any at that time. So no fumbling for me. New gun owners should always take lessons and go to the range to familiarize yourself to your gun and it to you.
You can't train for every scenario. Cops are usually well trained but make mistakes, miss and have guns taken from them. Not to down play training, it can't hurt but it might not help it a given situation.

In this case I would have backed off or run far enough to get the weapon ready. Then the ball is in his court.
You can't train for every scenario. Cops are usually well trained but make mistakes, miss and have guns taken from them. Not to down play training, it can't hurt but it might not help it a given situation.

In this case I would have backed off or run far enough to get the weapon ready. Then the ball is in his court.

Yeah that is what I meant about threat assessment training. A lot of times the best defense is to remove yourself from the threat.

It should never come down to people waving firearms around and shooting folks they don't have to. Even as a gun owner, you don't have the responsibility to engage a target that leaves you any other option.

Sure you should protect yourself if you cannot escape ... And if you draw your weapon make sure the target takes 3 center mass as quickly as possible. I won't draw my firearm unless I am drawing blood in less than 2.5 seconds from the time it becomes evident I need to pull it.

Like I said..ya had to be there. I can't describe it any better than I already did.
Amen! Yelling is one thing, but if something like "I'm going to kill you!" is what's being yelled out, what is a person supposed to do when they are the one who is being threatened. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

If the man is in front of you, yelling that he's going to kill you, but not moving towards you, what do you think should be done?
You aim and do your best Clint Eastwood......

IF he leaves, he leaves.. If he moves toward you, you put three center mass.
Just curious with this scenario which is also a true story.

I was managing an apartment complex (one of many over the years when I was much younger) and as I walked the car parking spaces, I always checked the overhead storage bins that hung out a bit over the hood of vehicles parked there by the tenants. Some had them padlocked..some didn't bother.

Well, one day, I was walking the grounds and just checking to make sure tenants were parked in their allotted spaces and noticed one bin that was a tad ajar with stuffing like a sleeping bag was poking out of it. No car was there. When I got up to it and pulled it open a tad to push back the stuffing inside, I heard "you BITCH. I'm gonna kill you!" and this huge black dude comes rolling out of it. I freaked and ran elbows to assholes and I could hear him hollering behind me but he stopped before he got to the center of the complex where the office was. Mr. Gracie and a few tenants went to go look and he was gone but his stuff was still in the bin. When the tenant got home that had that space, he said he did not use his storage there and never looked inside it cuz he put nothing in there. So we had a bum living in it and nobody knew until I stumbled upon it.

Called the cops and they removed his shit and from then on I walked the grounds WITH someone besides being alone back there.

Anyway...it was close to xmas and Mr. Gracie asked me what I wanted for xmas and I said a 357 magnum. And that is exactly what he got me..which came in handy when I had to patrol the alley of another complex we managed a few years later that was gang infested. They all knew the managers were packing so they didn't fuck with us, thank God.

So here is the question. IF I had had matilda (I always name my stuff..even a gun, lol), I woulda shot that huge black guy with no second thoughts. IF he had caught me, he WOULD have killed me. Sure as shit.

So if you were me, and had a gun, what would YOU had done in the same scenario? Just run and hope like hell you didn't trip and fall? Or shoot his sorry ass?

Now, before answering, how is that ANY different than what that cop with Brown experienced?
I wouldn't have a gun. I doubt I would do that, patrol the car park, by myself at night anyway, unless I had a big dog with me. I don't understand why you keep repeating he is a big black guy. It wouldn't matter to me what color he was, I would have been scared and run. I would not have obtained a gun after that but a big dog. You'd be amazed how effective they are.
Um. Read again. He CHASED me. I just ran faster.
You bet he scared me. Dude was HUGE when he came sliding/rolling out of that nest he made. HUGE. No way was I gonna hope he was just trying to scare me away from his hole. That dude was PISSED. Nope. I woulda shot him. Good thing my legs were in better shape and he was still unfolding by the time he hit the ground at a run at me.
He wouldn't have chased you if you had a big dog, like a Rottweiler.
I wouldn't have a gun. I doubt I would do that, patrol the car park, by myself at night anyway, unless I had a big dog with me. I don't understand why you keep repeating he is a big black guy. It wouldn't matter to me what color he was, I would have been scared and run. I would not have obtained a gun after that but a big dog. You'd be amazed how effective they are.
You would put an innocent animal in harm's way so that you won't have to accept responsibility for your own safety? He could easily stab a dog. That's just cruel!
I guess you had to be there. Dude was crazy. He woulda ate my face or pounded my head. Back alley. Away from the quad. Everyone at work mostly. I ran. If I had Matilda, I might have ran or yelled back "Gun. Shoot. Stop. Cops. GO!"....or I woulda shot his ass. I dunno. I just made damn sure I was never in that situation again without protection.

Point is...maybe Wilson felt the same way I did. But he DID have protection. And used it.
Don't flatter yourself. He thought you were stealing his stuff. No self respecting male would have attacked you.

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