What would YOU do?

The man was justified in his anger (if this even happened, how would a huge man fit into the storage bin and how would he get up there?) as the OP could have appeared to him as pawing through his stuff (which she did) or trying to stick a knife in him.

But what really interests me about this thread is the OP felt the need to tell us his skin color, even though it is immaterial to the story.

Now why do you suppose that is?

The man had no justification being there.

If you think it's racist that Gracie relayed the story as she experienced it, instead of editing out the bits you don't seem to want mentioned, then that is honestly not her problem, but yours.
So, your deflection aside, why was skin color mentioned?
"With great power comes great responsibility." We are privileged to have the right to bear arms so that we have the option to protect ourselves. That scenario would be frightening, and I agree that just the sight of the weapon may have been enough to halt the would be attacker in his tracks...but since a woman cannot be certain, back up that you're in control of is a good thing in my opinion. Some homeless people have mental health issues, and a gun may not have been a deterrent...it also would probably mean that he wouldn't hesitate to do bodily injury that could result in death.
You agree then that if anyone feels rape is imminent killing the would be perp is acceptable.
It wasn't needed. IMO she did it to make the story more menacing.

Why was skin color pertinent to her story?

You thinking it wasn't needed doesn't mean anything.

Who are you to say what is and isn't needed?

Your opinion doesn't mean anything, either. You seem to think adding black skin color makes her story more menacing. Guess you think black skin color makes a story more menacing eh, race-baiter? :p

Why should she feel she shouldn't include skin color in the retelling of a story in as clear detail as possible?

Hey, wait a minute, where were you denouncing the media when they continuously mentioned a white officer killing an unarmed black teen?
A bunch of mexicans tried to jump Mr Gracie and I. Matilda stopped that from happening, too. Oops. I said mexican.

Oh, and some white trash bitches thought they could gang up on me when I was in high school, too. Oops. I said white trash.
first, I hope you got enough training...that can help your judgement in an attack...also, you should make sure you know the self defense laws in your state.......read up, if you haven't on Massad Ayoob's work in that area....he knows about defensive shootings and their legal justifications and how to handle things if you have to shoot...as to wether you should have shot him.....

I can't say....was't there....I would like to here more about it...he could have had a blade of some sort, so depending on the law shooting may have been justified..probably...but learn the law....it will be a big help...especially afterward....
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some of the things that would justify shooting...disparity of force....you're a woman, he was male...check

He was charging you with the capacity to do great physical harm...check...

I think you would be justified in shooting....had he not been charging and simply yelling, there would be less reason to consider shooting him....but the factors combined...

learn what you need to do after a shooting...it is real important how you interact with the officers on the scene...it will mean a big difference...
So, your deflection aside, why was skin color mentioned?

A deflection? Oh boy. I don't think so.

What's wrong with her mentioning skin color?
It wasn't needed. IMO she did it to make the story more menacing.

Why was skin color pertinent to her story?
Because a completely unknown black man is more likely to forcibly rape a white woman than an unknown white man is.

When white women are raped by white men, they usually know them.
some of the things that would justify shooting...disparity of force....you're a woman, he was male...check

He was charging you with the capacity to do great physical harm...check...

I think you would be justified in shooting....had he not been charging and simply yelling, there would be less reason to consider shooting him....but the factors combined...

learn what you need to do after a shooting...it is real important how you interact with the officers on the scene...it will mean a big difference...
It is really important that once you pull the trigger, you kill the fucker.
"With great power comes great responsibility." We are privileged to have the right to bear arms so that we have the option to protect ourselves. That scenario would be frightening, and I agree that just the sight of the weapon may have been enough to halt the would be attacker in his tracks...but since a woman cannot be certain, back up that you're in control of is a good thing in my opinion. Some homeless people have mental health issues, and a gun may not have been a deterrent...it also would probably mean that he wouldn't hesitate to do bodily injury that could result in death.
You agree then that if anyone feels rape is imminent killing the would be perp is acceptable.

I'm not sure where that assumptive type of statement is attempting to head on your part, but when did rape come into the discussion??:dunno:
So, your deflection aside, why was skin color mentioned?

A deflection? Oh boy. I don't think so.

What's wrong with her mentioning skin color?
It wasn't needed. IMO she did it to make the story more menacing.

Why was skin color pertinent to her story?
Because a completely unknown black man is more likely to forcibly rape a white woman than an unknown white man is.

When white women are raped by white men, they usually know them.
So, your deflection aside, why was skin color mentioned?

A deflection? Oh boy. I don't think so.

What's wrong with her mentioning skin color?
It wasnt needed. If it was a white person, asian, or mexican would she have had the same reaction?
Then why does the government ask what race you are... often?

If there were no different races on the planet, it wouldn't matter, but since there are, it does, and ya know something else, we're all DIFFERENT, and do different things, and some races are even known to be more VIOLENT than others, like BLACKS, and that's no stretch, it's a proven FACT.

So yes, it DOES matter to the story. Get over it.
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Just curious with this scenario which is also a true story.

I was managing an apartment complex (one of many over the years when I was much younger) and as I walked the car parking spaces, I always checked the overhead storage bins that hung out a bit over the hood of vehicles parked there by the tenants. Some had them padlocked..some didn't bother.

Well, one day, I was walking the grounds and just checking to make sure tenants were parked in their allotted spaces and noticed one bin that was a tad ajar with stuffing like a sleeping bag was poking out of it. No car was there. When I got up to it and pulled it open a tad to push back the stuffing inside, I heard "you BITCH. I'm gonna kill you!" and this huge black dude comes rolling out of it. I freaked and ran elbows to assholes and I could hear him hollering behind me but he stopped before he got to the center of the complex where the office was. Mr. Gracie and a few tenants went to go look and he was gone but his stuff was still in the bin. When the tenant got home that had that space, he said he did not use his storage there and never looked inside it cuz he put nothing in there. So we had a bum living in it and nobody knew until I stumbled upon it.

Called the cops and they removed his shit and from then on I walked the grounds WITH someone besides being alone back there.

Anyway...it was close to xmas and Mr. Gracie asked me what I wanted for xmas and I said a 357 magnum. And that is exactly what he got me..which came in handy when I had to patrol the alley of another complex we managed a few years later that was gang infested. They all knew the managers were packing so they didn't fuck with us, thank God.

So here is the question. IF I had had matilda (I always name my stuff..even a gun, lol), I woulda shot that huge black guy with no second thoughts. IF he had caught me, he WOULD have killed me. Sure as shit.

So if you were me, and had a gun, what would YOU had done in the same scenario? Just run and hope like hell you didn't trip and fall? Or shoot his sorry ass?

Now, before answering, how is that ANY different than what that cop with Brown experienced?

After reading this I can't say I'll ever open things that aren't mine and are closed. :)
Well, one day I was out walking the grounds, and out jumps a big black scary man!!! LOL!

Oh my, that was a funny story!
I saw a black man putting something in my mailbox today and when he saw me he yelled HEY IVE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!!! Should have I shot him?

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