What would YOU do?

Just curious with this scenario which is also a true story.

I was managing an apartment complex (one of many over the years when I was much younger) and as I walked the car parking spaces, I always checked the overhead storage bins that hung out a bit over the hood of vehicles parked there by the tenants. Some had them padlocked..some didn't bother.

Well, one day, I was walking the grounds and just checking to make sure tenants were parked in their allotted spaces and noticed one bin that was a tad ajar with stuffing like a sleeping bag was poking out of it. No car was there. When I got up to it and pulled it open a tad to push back the stuffing inside, I heard "you BITCH. I'm gonna kill you!" and this huge black dude comes rolling out of it. I freaked and ran elbows to assholes and I could hear him hollering behind me but he stopped before he got to the center of the complex where the office was. Mr. Gracie and a few tenants went to go look and he was gone but his stuff was still in the bin. When the tenant got home that had that space, he said he did not use his storage there and never looked inside it cuz he put nothing in there. So we had a bum living in it and nobody knew until I stumbled upon it.

Called the cops and they removed his shit and from then on I walked the grounds WITH someone besides being alone back there.

Anyway...it was close to xmas and Mr. Gracie asked me what I wanted for xmas and I said a 357 magnum. And that is exactly what he got me..which came in handy when I had to patrol the alley of another complex we managed a few years later that was gang infested. They all knew the managers were packing so they didn't fuck with us, thank God.

So here is the question. IF I had had matilda (I always name my stuff..even a gun, lol), I woulda shot that huge black guy with no second thoughts. IF he had caught me, he WOULD have killed me. Sure as shit.

So if you were me, and had a gun, what would YOU had done in the same scenario? Just run and hope like hell you didn't trip and fall? Or shoot his sorry ass?

Now, before answering, how is that ANY different than what that cop with Brown experienced?

Aim at center mass and keep firing until the dude face-plants.
Jackson...if someone breaks into your home, you need protection in this day and age. Get a dog. A big one, if you are afraid of guns. I am not afraid of Matilda and Bessie (Bessie is the 38 special).
PROTECT yourself, hon.

Might want to get something with more steam than that mouse gun...something like a 12-bore shotgun.
A .357 is a little light on the punch in my opinion. I have a Taurus .44 Mag Raging Bull.

I'd have popped him.
More needed to make a comparison.

A .44 Mag JFN that goes through the body and exits with three fourths of its energy remaining is much less effective than a .357 JHP that dumps all its energy in the body.

And I don't care what all the macho men think or say, I am a macho man too, and a .44 Mag with full loads is very hard to control.

Bullshit. My wife's friend--all 4'5" and 85lbs of her--has no trouble with my Model 29. (Never mind factory loads, we shoot max-pressure handloads.) My wife has no trouble with my uncle's big Ruger in .454 Casull.
So, the "christian" thing to do to someone whose words you don't like is to "take them out".

You make it sound as if he was just yelling at her.
Amen! Yelling is one thing, but if something like "I'm going to kill you!" is what's being yelled out, what is a person supposed to do when they are the one who is being threatened? The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Amen! Yelling is one thing, but if something like "I'm going to kill you!" is what's being yelled out, what is a person supposed to do when they are the one who is being threatened. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

If the man is in front of you, yelling that he's going to kill you, but not moving towards you, what do you think should be done?
A .357 is a little light on the punch in my opinion. I have a Taurus .44 Mag Raging Bull.

I'd have popped him.
More needed to make a comparison.

A .44 Mag JFN that goes through the body and exits with three fourths of its energy remaining is much less effective than a .357 JHP that dumps all its energy in the body.

And I don't care what all the macho men think or say, I am a macho man too, and a .44 Mag with full loads is very hard to control.

Bullshit. My wife's friend--all 4'5" and 85lbs of her--has no trouble with my Model 29. (Never mind factory loads, we shoot max-pressure handloads.) My wife has no trouble with my uncle's big Ruger in .454 Casull.
Yeah, yeah, we all know about our wife's friend and your wife.

Any of them been in a firefight with the adrenaline flowing lately?

Pack a .500S&W for all I care; it's overkill.
Amen! Yelling is one thing, but if something like "I'm going to kill you!" is what's being yelled out, what is a person supposed to do when they are the one who is being threatened. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

If the man is in front of you, yelling that he's going to kill you, but not moving towards you, what do you think should be done?
Take a few step closer and waste him?

; - )
Amen! Yelling is one thing, but if something like "I'm going to kill you!" is what's being yelled out, what is a person supposed to do when they are the one who is being threatened. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.
If the man is in front of you, yelling that he's going to kill you, but not moving towards you, what do you think should be done?
I would look the person right in the face with a smile and simply say to them, "Well what do you think I'll be doing while you are trying to kill me?" :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I have an aunt who said that to a person who had the nerve to call her on the phone one night while she was alone and say that they were going to kill her. They hung up on her as soon as they heard what she had to say to them in return. :D :D :D
The man was justified in his anger (if this even happened, how would a huge man fit into the storage bin and how would he get up there?) as the OP could have appeared to him as pawing through his stuff (which she did) or trying to stick a knife in him.

But what really interests me about this thread is the OP felt the need to tell us his skin color, even though it is immaterial to the story.

Now why do you suppose that is?

I'm sure it was to give us a heads-up.....in case we see him. :clap2:
A .357 is a little light on the punch in my opinion. I have a Taurus .44 Mag Raging Bull.

I'd have popped him.
More needed to make a comparison.

A .44 Mag JFN that goes through the body and exits with three fourths of its energy remaining is much less effective than a .357 JHP that dumps all its energy in the body.

And I don't care what all the macho men think or say, I am a macho man too, and a .44 Mag with full loads is very hard to control.

Bullshit. My wife's friend--all 4'5" and 85lbs of her--has no trouble with my Model 29. (Never mind factory loads, we shoot max-pressure handloads.) My wife has no trouble with my uncle's big Ruger in .454 Casull.
Yeah, yeah, we all know about our wife's friend and your wife.

Any of them been in a firefight with the adrenaline flowing lately?

Pack a .500S&W for all I care; it's overkill.

How did you suffer hand.wrist injuries that impair your ability to use a handgun?

Or are you just generally limp-wristed?
A .357 is a little light on the punch in my opinion. I have a Taurus .44 Mag Raging Bull.

I'd have popped him.
More needed to make a comparison.

A .44 Mag JFN that goes through the body and exits with three fourths of its energy remaining is much less effective than a .357 JHP that dumps all its energy in the body.

And I don't care what all the macho men think or say, I am a macho man too, and a .44 Mag with full loads is very hard to control.

Bullshit. My wife's friend--all 4'5" and 85lbs of her--has no trouble with my Model 29. (Never mind factory loads, we shoot max-pressure handloads.) My wife has no trouble with my uncle's big Ruger in .454 Casull.
Yeah, yeah, we all know about our wife's friend and your wife.

Any of them been in a firefight with the adrenaline flowing lately?

Pack a .500S&W for all I care; it's overkill.

How did you suffer hand.wrist injuries that impair your ability to use a handgun?

Or are you just generally limp-wristed?

Go away little boy, you are being silly.

I have a 629 for hogs, handle it quite well, and I have a 1911 for self defense.

I don't need to make macho posts on a board about how big my "gun" is.
From the title of the thread I thought it was about Klondike Bars.

I would have drawn my weapon and if I was in imminent danger I would have shot him without a second thought.
If someone were to say such a thing to me, I would take them out and then simply say with a smile, "Not if you die first!" :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing and if anyone thinks that good isn't worth the self defense, well may God take care of their kind. :) :) :)

So, the "christian" thing to do to someone whose words you don't like is to "take them out".

WTH is wrong with you people?
Deal with it, you little city slicker, pajama boy, progtard PUSSY... so just remember if you ever find yourself outside your filthy concrete cage, think twice before you talk shit to a country boy, or expect to get your attitude adjusted...

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A .357 is a little light on the punch in my opinion. I have a Taurus .44 Mag Raging Bull.

I'd have popped him.
More needed to make a comparison.

A .44 Mag JFN that goes through the body and exits with three fourths of its energy remaining is much less effective than a .357 JHP that dumps all its energy in the body.

And I don't care what all the macho men think or say, I am a macho man too, and a .44 Mag with full loads is very hard to control.
Well Rr, that's just a whole bunch of BULL CRAP. In fact, what you said basically makes no sense at all, and is really pretty much outside of actual science and reality. You make is sound like it would be better to go moose hunting with a .22 rimfire than a .460 Weatherby Magnum. Better watch this video, maybe you'll learn something...

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"With great power comes great responsibility." We are privileged to have the right to bear arms so that we have the option to protect ourselves. That scenario would be frightening, and I agree that just the sight of the weapon may have been enough to halt the would be attacker in his tracks...but since a woman cannot be certain, back up that you're in control of is a good thing in my opinion. Some homeless people have mental health issues, and a gun may not have been a deterrent...it also would probably mean that he wouldn't hesitate to do bodily injury that could result in death.

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