What would you have done with Afghanistan?

Time machines don’t exist but you do you.
Lol, what would you have done is the question your dumb fucking asked . The word done is past tense learn English dumb fuck! If you would like to rephrase the question to "What would you do in Afghanistan." Feel free to do it in another thread. Until then expect people who understand English to answer your question as asked. Go fuck your self dumb fuck.
No civil war fewer people killed than in the United States with covid. Afghanistan for the afghanistanis. Stupidest war ever except for possibly iraq. Thanks Fox noise GOP greedy idiots. Military intelligence is still a paradox.
I think you mean Afghanistan is for the Afghans.

But, I agree that it was a stupid war. all of these foreign wars in Asia are set up and done to feed the military/industrial complex beast.


Once you start a war, you can't just walk away because it's the easy thing to do.

this is probably the worst military exit I have ever witnessed. A retarded monkey could've come up with a better exit strategy than that. The plan appears to be nothing more than they were leaving. Take all these millions of dollars worth of expensive equipment in these Americas for hostages/slaves. Peace out.

This colossal fuck up will go down in history as the worst ever.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


No one wanted to take part in combat mission in Afghanistan, especially to bear burden of an organising and leading force. There were reports, that the Brits wanted to persuade the Nato allies to carry on with the military mission in Afghanistan, despite the US withdrawal. This idea ended when Germany and France refused to do so.

Pulling it through the UN would have taken months, with no obvious results. It might well be that the role of the US would remain the same, with only difference in the flag they were carrying there.

The dust should settle and only after a couple of months it will be possible to draw some conclusions. The irony here is that Biden would be criticised in any case.

If he wanted to prop up the Afgan government and halt the Taliban advance to make withdrawal and evacuation more organised and enable the transit of power, he would need more troops on the ground which would cause direct clashes against Taliban, with casualties among American soldiers and civilians. He would be blamed in activization of the war and drawing the US deeper into the Afgan conflict. Now he is blamed of causing chaos here. The two sides of the same coin.
You would have built a time machine? Please allow adults to converse.
Your boys made the decision to let bin Laden and the Taliban live.
Once you made that cowardly decision the die for whenever the withdrawal occurred was cast.

The choices have not changed.
Slaughter the Taliban. Every man woman and child.
or Withdraw

That you do not understand the choices is not surprising.
You have the Taliban confused with someone else.
The Taliban were the least corrupt of the CIA's Mujahedeen.
They hated al Qaeda and all Arabs, and only tolerated them because the CIA insisted.
The Taliban arrested bin Laden several times.
The Taliban were NEVER the bad guys.
And now you're on their side!

Your boys made the decision to let bin Laden and the Taliban live.
Once you made that cowardly decision the die for whenever the withdrawal occurred was cast.

The choices have not changed.
Slaughter the Taliban. Every man woman and child.
or Withdraw

That you do not understand the choices is not surprising.
My boys? How is your time machine?
please show me the thread you objected to this done by trump or shut your mouth
Your boys made the decision to let bin Laden and the Taliban live.
Once you made that cowardly decision the die for whenever the withdrawal occurred was cast.

The choices have not changed.
Slaughter the Taliban. Every man woman and child.
or Withdraw

That you do not understand the choices is not surprising.

Your first part was correct, that if we went into Afghanistan at all, it should have been Tora Bora to get bin Laden.
Instead we attacked Kabul, where all the civilian refugees made it easy for bin Laden to escape.

But you are wrong to suggest we did not attack the Taliban or that we should slaughter the Taliban.
They are the vast majority of the population, and the legal government.
And they were not at Tora Bora with bin Laden.
They were in Kabul, so we did attack the Taliban.
We should not have attacked the Taliban, but bin Laden instead.
Your first part was correct, that if we went into Afghanistan at all, it should have been Tora Bora to get bin Laden.
Instead we attacked Kabul, where all the civilian refugees made it easy for bin Laden to escape.

But you are wrong to suggest we did not attack the Taliban or that we should slaughter the Taliban.
They are the vast majority of the population, and the legal government.
And they were not at Tora Bora with bin Laden.
They were in Kabul, so we did attack the Taliban.
We should not have attacked the Taliban, but bin Laden instead.
Yeah, because when we bombed Hiroshima we made a difference between the good and bad Japanese.

You go to war
You destroy your enemy
You destroy his economy, his ability to fight, his will to fight
The you go home.
Don't go to war.
Always was.
The Soviets were wrong to invade, just as we were wrong to invade.
The decision to invade was correct. Afghanistan had multiple enemies inside and posed a real threat.
The method and manner were as messed up as a HS senior at Mardi Gras.
If you are not willing to destroy your enemy,
This "limited War" crap is, well, CRAP.

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