What would you have done with Afghanistan?

You have got to be kidding, lol. Our people are on the line, and you like it? Biden has screwed the pooch; and it was HIM, not the planners, or haven't you been paying attention. This is a disaster.

This is the Bay of Pigs all over again, times 2!

Tell us all how you recall 2500 soldiers, then you have to insert 7000 to peacefully extract. Tell us how you lose control of the airbase you need for extraction. Is that planning? Nope, that is Joe Biden!

What did Trump do after his agreement with the Taliban when he left out discussions with the Afghan government? How many troops were left in Afghanistan?
I am, speaking of ARAMCO.. They were very successful in Saudi Arabia because they kept the US government out of their business and they never tried to change the Saudis.. not their religion or traditions or government.

The British model was very different so you got Iran and Iraq.

I have known that you don't jam people up since 1950.

That's the essence of the Ugly American.

Yes, we in the US are the Ugly Americans.
We assume we do everything right and every one should be like us, when in reality we are the most corrupt and incompetent.
I would have kept a small detachment to train the Afghan Army, and handle intel operations. Along with supplying the afghan army with weapons, vehicles, artillery, and other equipment.

I would have added a provision to the agreement with the Taliban that they were not allowed to move within a certain distance from major cities and regions controlled by the government, and that any such movements would break the ceasefire. Then I would deploy airforce personsel to run airstrikes on Taliban forces if they did move to takeover.
What did Trump do after his agreement with the Taliban when he left out discussions with the Afghan government? How many troops were left in Afghanistan?
There were still 2500 US troops left following the 5/1/21 deadline for withdrawl.

The fact that Trump made the ceasefire without requiring talks between the Taliban and Afghan government was the real mistake. He was stupid to think that the Taliban would want peace with their government. They do not support any government which does not enforce their version of Islam as law.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


Yea, I thought you guys hated the UN because it's run by a bunch of commies.
Day 11 buddy. You righties shit the bed easily. Like asking you wear a mask to not kill granny. (Cue the fascist comments).
Last US death in Afghanistan was 18 mos ago well until the Biden Blunder. You said Trump is responsible for 600k of US deaths from COVID19 by that logic Biden is responsible for every young girl who will become a sex slave in Afghanistan. The horror.
I am, speaking of ARAMCO.. They were very successful in Saudi Arabia because they kept the US government out of their business and they never tried to change the Saudis.. not their religion or traditions or government.

The British model was very different so you got Iran and Iraq.

I have known that you don't jam people up since 1950.

That's the essence of the Ugly American.
You still haven’t answered the question. Typical deflection.
You asked an open ended question with no time limits, dipshit.
Learn to write.
I asked what you would have done instead of what Biden did, which we all agree was stupid. You responded with building a time machine zzzzzzz
That was from capitulating to the Taliban, not from training and equipping the army.
Trump told the Taliban if one US life is harmed he would do to them worse than what he did to ISIS. That’s a promise not capitulation. This is on record.
Last US death in Afghanistan was 18 mos ago well until the Biden Blunder. You said Trump is responsible for 600k of US deaths from COVID19 by that logic Biden is responsible for every young girl who will become a sex slave in Afghanistan. The horror.
That’s moronic. If Biden tells people to jump out of the plane at 30,000 feet that’ll compare to what Trump did with covid.

There is no option where we stay in Afghanistan to protect women. What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?
That’s moronic. If Biden tells people to jump out of the plane at 30,000 feet that’ll compare to what Trump did with covid.

There is no option where we stay in Afghanistan to protect women. What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?
By your logic (which is stupid) Biden is responsible for every sexual assault on young women in Afghanistan. The horror. Today a woman was shot for going to work and another woman had her eyes gouged out for being a police officer. Blood on Bidens hands. Tsk tsk tsk.
Oh come on, the Taliban were known for being incorruptible to the point of being sanctimonious.
They tolerated no rapes at all, and were know for executing rapists.
It was the warlords they were fighting who were known for rapes.
Today they shot a woman in the head for going to work and gauged the eyes out of a female
Police officer.
These are just two that we know about. Real friendly they are…
1. Don't ignore your military experts' advice

2. Don't ignore the CIA's Intel

3. Have the logistics and transportation planned and ready to go to begin evacuating American citizens

4. Tell the Taliban if they take 1 city that has Americans not out yet you will use military / air power to begin bombing the crap out of them again & targeting their leaders

5. Get the State Department off their asses months ago to start organizing and running the evacuation plan that should have been created by then

6. Do NOT pull the military out before US citizens have been evacuated, leaving the civilians unprotected & at the mercy of terrorist Taliban.

7. Warn the Taliban that if you see 1 armed Taliban member in the city before all Americans are out you will bomb the shit out of them with the heavy air cover that would / shoukd be flying overhead.

8. Dictate the terms and conditions of the drawdown / exit instead of allowing the Taliban to do so / instead of allowing the Taliban to dictate everything & make it look like the Taliban ran the US out of the country, so quickly that the US abandoned / left behind 40,000 Americans .... which they did.
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